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Everything posted by MAGIC MAN

  1. +1, foster-father is good way to put it, we all should remind ourselves how precarious the situation was with the Sabres when Golisano stepped in. Hopefully, the Bills won't get to that point, but if it does, I'm sure TG would do what he could.
  2. I like the OP's argument about the player and versatility, but, I wouldn't do it at 9. If we can trade down and add a mid-2nd round pick and use that mid-1st on him, I'm on board. That would allow us to add TE, DE and LB in rounds 2 and 3.
  3. PTR - Have you been to Niagara Falls ? You've posted this map a couple times, the stark reality is without MAJOR upgrades to the highway system, traffic in/out of games would be a nightmare. I'm not saying it can't work, but it would require a significant investment in infrastructure. The map you are posting is misleading, I'll explain below: To get to Buffalo (and places south or east), there is ONE two-lane highway that leads from downtown NF east toward Wheatfield/Tonawanda -- that two lane highway splits and goes over Grand Island bridges, which, by the way, back up when there is little or no traffic. The highway continues toward Tonawanda for another 5 miles and STOPS. At that point, you have a one lane road that follows the Niagara River. All the other options you highlight are CITY streets with many intersections and traffic lights. The only other viable exit towards Buffalo on your map is the Niagara Falls Boulevard, which has at least 20 lights before you would get through he Tonawandas and the first highway option at the 290. So, in summary, NF has the land, needs the investment, but does NOT currently have the infrastructure to support a stadium.
  4. It would make a difference, but I keep reading and hearing that top of 3rd round will yield legit starters, so I would still hesitate, personally, I wouldn't make trade because I'm not in love with any of those guys, but wouldn't bash Bills if they made that trade, if that makes any sense. In order, I think the Bills biggest needs are: 1- RT 2- TE 3- DE 4- S 5- LB If we can fill 3 of those with first 3 picks, we might get lucky on the other two with someone stepping up on roster. Hairston at RT or Duke Willams at S or Moecki/Gragg at TE etc.
  5. I'm amazed so many on this board feel there is enough differentiation at the Top of this draft to warrant the Bills moving up. Besides Clowney, the separation is not that great and the cost to get to 1 for Clowney would be absurd. The rest of the so-called Elite 6 (or 7) doesn't justify giving up a 1st, 2nd and SJ. In deep drafts you want more picks, not less, unless you are a team with 1 or 2 holes. We are still a team with MANY holes or positions we need upgrades and/or depth. PLEASE no trade up.
  6. So, if you knew there would be a run on non-QB's, you would do the OP trade -- Our 1st, 2nd and Stevie to move up to 4 ? I'm for what I would call a modified-BPA; in other words, if the separation between a TE-RT and DT is minimal, I take the positional need amongst the 3 players --- I think that's what most teams do --- in Bills case, I would take Mosley or Ebron over Donald ---
  7. Sticking to the BPA in spite of quality and decent depth at DT on the roster AND in spite of needs at RT, TE and LB, is that the rationale ?
  8. Let's try a hypothetical, let's assume you know the Top 8 would go like this:1-Clowney 2-Robinson 3-Mack 4-Watkins 5-Matthews 6-Lewan 7-Evans 8-Bortles In that case, would you do the trade in the OP ? I wouldn't, I'd rather sit at 9 and take Mosley and keep my 2nd to add TE
  9. I don't believe there is as much separation amongst the Top 6-8 players this year, as in year's past and besides Clowney, no slam dunk separation amongst that group, at least in the eyes of the so-called draft experts. Look no further than the gazillion mock drafts -- remove the QB's from discussion and you can practically pick a name out of a hat with the Top 6 or even 8 in this draft and where they get selected. What does that mean ? I think it means that the infamous trade value chart plays out a bit differently, I don't think picks 2-4 are worth as much and I think picks 5-8 are worth a bit more (again, depending on the QB's). In addition, in a deep draft, like this one 2nd and 3rd round picks are worth more. So, back to original OP, I think a trade up from 9 to 4 wouldn't cost as much. I'd say Bills would send 9th pick and 41st pick and get back from Cleveland the 4th pick and the 83rd pick -- according to TVC, Bills would give up 1,840 and get back 1,975 -- essentially devaluing 4th pick and overvaluing the Bills 2nd For what it's worth, I'm against ANY trade up in this draft unless it's very lopsided toward Bills. Sit and wait, as I've posted before, Mosley or Ebron will be there at 9 under worst case. Best case, we can grab one of the 3 OT's.
  10. No way I see this, please I'm hoping beyond hope, this is a DEEP draft, let's sit back and let it come to us at 9. If we don't like what are choices are there, let's trade down, if we can't trade down, take Ebron or Mosley (one of those two will definitely be there).
  11. NO WAY !! 34 year old who has had 2 back surgeries. Maybe would have done it 4 years ago.
  12. Like teams themselves, I think the leagues understands that more colorful owners contribute to selling the league, NOT a Donald Sterling type, but like Mark Cuban, the Maloofs (for awhile), Jerry Jones and a few others have done, they keep the leagues in the headlines and can be a productive source of good PR, not always, mind you, but usually. I'm really not sure how the owners would view Trump, he would certainly add some spice and controversy.
  13. That's the correct interpretation of the conversation. Poloncarcz did say that the County / State pushed for the language to be included against the Bills wishes, not sure if he was "tooting his own horn", but it would imply that the county and state would be the ones to thank, not Ralph, Littman or Brandon, although those three all got on board and sold it to the NFL. I'm a bit skeptical of those comments since they seem a bit too self-serving for Poloncarcz
  14. I'll post in the Sterling thread, too. But if you read the article written by Kareem, he is basically saying the same thing Trump said, expressing moral outrage for what Sterling said, but also for the gf for illegally taping the conversation. For what it's worth http://time.com/79590/donald-sterling-kareem-abdul-jabbar-racism/
  15. Poloncarcz was on GR this am with Simon/White and was asked this specific question -- he basically said, "while the NFL struggled with the language and terms in the agreement, we would not have signed it without their approval" (not sure the word he used, whether it was approval or support or buy in). He went on "Brandon / Littman convinced NFL it was in best interest of Bills and Buffalo. The NFL is not, however, a party to the contract. The Bills, Eric Co and NY State are the three parties".
  16. Depending on your personality type it can also be therapeutic, knowing you did something -- I for one, hate the perceived feeling of helplessness in this process, so for me, it has been helpful to know I took some action, no matter how inconsequential to the process, hell, I spent less time writing emails and letters to those guys than I do posting on this board !! I'm cool, if others aren't the types that get involved or want to get involved, that's why I said, it's hard to mobilize fans.
  17. That's a tricky one. A cynic would say very little an optimist would say a lot, I tend to think somewhere in the middle. We are all voters in NY state, so you can put pressure on politicians like Poloncarcz and Cuomo to roll up their sleeves and get a deal done on a new stadium with a prospective owner and importantly support an investment by the state and Erie country to do that. We are all paying fans of the NFL, you can put pressure on the NFL, I'd start with Goodell, some will say he doesn't have a vote, which is true, but he has a lot of influence on the owners, you can mobilize fans from other cities to do the same, we all know people in other cities and postmarks and statements supporting a team from Buffalo to Dan Snyder from a Redskins season ticket holder might mean something. I think the fan alliance is an interesting venture and one that is mobilizing to monetize the passion of fans into interest free loan. I think the hard part is getting a few hundred thousand fans to speak in one voice to each of the relevant parties. Fans are fragmented and disorganized and it takes effort to make this happen. Many would say it won't help and opt out, others won't take the time, so it's hard. However, if every NFL owner got a few thousand letters/emails etc. from their own season ticket holders imploring them to keep Bills in Buffalo, and if Cuomo/Polancarcz got thousands of emails/letters from fans supporting their efforts to financially motivate a new owner to keep team in WNY and if Goodell got several thousand emails/letters from fans across the country asking to keep the Bills in Buffalo, I think it would make a difference in terms of how the process moves forward. Not to mention influence on media, NFL sponsors etc. I know a lot of posters will poo poo this approach, and that's fine, we can sit back and hope the process takes care of our concerns, I choose to take action and I've already done all of the above and have gotten several friends/family to do same. Again, I'm a realist and know it won't be a deciding factor, but it certainly can't hurt to do this.
  18. Focus on the LONG TERM (2023 and beyond). That is the real issue. The lease / non-relocation agreement prevents a move before that time. We need to be vigilant on ensuring the new owner has DEEP roots and wants to keep team in Buffalo for 40+ years. I'm focused on understanding the SALE PROCESS and who gets to decide who buys the team. That to me, if the real issue.
  19. First, great article. I wasn't aware of that particular clause. My take, it's another (large) speed bump that further solidifies the difficulty to move this team over the course of the lease. That's great ! I still want to keep focus on the long term (9+ years) and need for team to be sold to a local buyer and the need for state/erie co.to work out a stadium solution that will keep team in WNY for next 40+ years. But, this is good news, another deterrent to relocation.
  20. +1. I think Whaley was smart giving his personnel folks a week off in April and right when he said study long, study wrong, if we are going nuts, the pros that do this for a living must be going bonkers . . . by the time the draft gets here, I think we'll have heard literally every possible scenario for every team --- please don't push the draft back another week next year !!
  21. Here's the link of one reference on Buffalo Rumblings article, I know he's said it other times, I believe Marrone has as well. If your coach and GM are saying it, I think it's easy for us fans to get confused. I'm with the majority on the board, I think the Bills played 4-3 and 3-4 depending on down and distance in 2013 and I suspect we'll see that in 2014, maybe not as much 3-4 --- http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2014/4/28/5659708/buffalo-bills-draft-needs-2014-de-breakdown-mario-williams
  22. For what it's worth, Whaley has been quoted as saying that the team "SWITCHED" to a 4-3. As for Schwartz, I think my concerns vs. Pettine is continuing to see an aggressive defensive philosophy and an attack and disguise mindset. That doesn't mean blitzing as much as it means to me, ball hawking, penetrating and taking some chances to get sacks and turnovers. I think Schwartz will focus more on stopping the run, and team will be helped tremendously by addition of Spikes in the middle. My big personnel concern is the loss of Byrd, I think too many are drinking the Kool Aid thinking we can replace him short term with Graham or Duke Williams. We created a hole that hasn't been filled.
  23. That's who he is. But why does being a "media whore" as you say, disqualify him to be an NFL owner ? Before I get into a pissing match on advocating Trump as owner, I'll go on record as saying he is not my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice. But, all of us should take his candidacy seriously, because he has the money, the connections and the moxie to make it happen, and, as far as I know, he's the only official candidate that has said he wants to buy the team and keep it in Buffalo. We know that, I think the point is, why didn't Stern do anything that past decade+, when he WAS the commissioner.
  24. I don't think I said exposing a racist is a bad thing, did I ? All I said is that Trump pointed out that his girlfriend betrayed him. Agree 100%. Sterling is a POS and you won't draw me into an attempt to defend his actions. I have read about the man,and the appropriate question should be, why didn't the NBA or someone else take this guy down years ago. There's enough in his past to bury him without this last transgression.
  25. I think the point Trump is making is that his girlfriend recorded a private conversation and made it public. She took the trust he had for her and betrayed it. I think we can all agree that isn't a nice thing to do. I think that's all Trump was implying. BTW, so this thread doesn't get completely off point and my post aren't misconstrued, I replied to C Biscuit's post where he said "dumb, crazy and not fit to be an owner" because he said the girlfriend did a bad thing, IN ADDITION to the despicable thing Sterling did.
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