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Everything posted by MAGIC MAN

  1. Technically I agree, however, I'd like to see this year play out to make that statement definitive. In addition, all defenses need guys that can rush passer, the issue will be at what price. More than likely, if Hughes has a 10+ sack year, he'll be worth more to another team in a different scheme than he would be to the Bills in this scheme (at least as we think we know it today).
  2. No worries, I agree, I think you captured our differences accurately. I think the Toronto series is a good example of that point. Like I said in the other thread, I like several things Brandon did, not the least of which is making sure Whaley became GM. I think he is one of the best talent evaluators this franchise has seen in the past 15 years.
  3. Spending to the cap and winning is one of the many discussions this board has had without closure and alignment. In my opinion, there is often a lag between cap spending and win/loss record because a lot of teams get good before their key players become FA eligible. Hughes heading into FA after the 2014 will be a good test for Whaley/Brandon as executives and how they manage the cap. To me, cap management is so strategically important for a franchise that is in the process of developing young talent that is on the verge of being FA eligible, i.e. Glenn, Gilmore, Hughes, Dareus and Spiller. Consistently good / great teams make investments in players and positions to create the ability for their team to keep as many of these guys as possible. They also structure contracts to provide the greatest flexibility and exercise all the leverage they have with players in the process. I was hoping Buffalo would spend to the cap now to create as much room later when these players became FA's. It's still possible with $8M left to spend in 2014 to get Glenn and Gilmore extended, let's hope they do it.
  4. Kirby -- my issue with Brandon started back at the outset of the Toronto series, which I thought at the time was a disaster in the making. Thankfully, in the end, it became a debacle for Toronto and a profit maker for the Bills. I just feel that Brandon has never been held accountable for anything and that at some point he should. I know we can go around in a circle on whether he has responsibility for player personnel or not, in my mind, a CEO has responsibility for everything under him. In the end, I've come to a compromised "happy place" with respect to Brandon. Keep him organizationally away from football personnel, which I think Pegs will do, i.e. head of non-football operations with the Pres of Football reporting separately to Pegula -- let Brandon run the business side, and I'll be okay and stand down, after all, I only care that this team becomes a consistent winner instead of a perpetual loser. I tried in the other thread to nuance my position a bit and provide more context to the historical beginnings, but that thread was interrupted
  5. Maybe they'll get Bon Jovi, I heard he'll have a lot of time on his hands !
  6. I think it's odd he's sitting in, however, he probably is limited to speaking about the financial facts of the franchise and no more. As for retaining him, I'm pretty sure Pegula will split the organization into two components; football and non-football --- Brandon would be lead candidate for the non-football role, similar to Ted Black's role with Sabres; however, I've been told by two separate friends that Brandon ultimately wants to be in the NFL offices and this might be best opportunity for him to make the jump after a transition period.
  7. Am I losing my mind or did a bunch of posts disappear from this thread ?
  8. My final take on Jaws' comments, while I don't believe he mentioned JBJ's partners in his statement, it's irrelevant. The fact is that JBJ was not trying to buy the team by himself, he only had a shot at buying the team if he went in with his Toronto partners. So, for Jaws to say JBJ wouldn't move team, he is in essence speaking about JBJ's group, not just JBJ. To suggest otherwise, is ridiculous.
  9. Jaws tried to convince Bills fans that JBJ and his backers had no interest in ever moving the team to Toronto, he used the word "never". Jaws pimped himself out to be his friend's mouthpiece. He's still a good analyst and I'll watch him, but he's lost most of my respect.
  10. Called today, I was polite and said I wanted to cancel and was directed to retention. I asked is they could give me better price on service. Ended with $15 off per month for 12 mos. and $100 off Sunday ticket with a free upgrade to RZ+mobile version. I've been a customer of DTV for 12 years, so, I think that had a lot to do with it. I try and get this type of deal each year and usually come pretty close.
  11. Jaws took a position against the family (Buffalo) and will long be remembered for doing that. Doesn't make him a bad analyst, just makes him a bad friend of the city and community.
  12. To many owners, it's not an investment in the purest sense where an individual is looking at rate of return and appreciation -- it's a purchase of an asset that one covets, like a rare painting or beachfront property. Those who buy, buy because they want to be part of the NFL. I think Buffalo needs an owner with that mindset. A traditional investor that manages the team for profit or appreciation, will more likely raise ticket prices, pressure local governments for exorbitant tax breaks or subsidies or ultimately want to move team out of this area. A benevolent billionaire is the perfect owner for Buffalo.
  13. I think it does. Not to get anyone to 100% certainty, but certainly to keep you away from 100% that the team will move.
  14. Except the percentages have shifted between these categories quite dramatically. I think you would be hard pressed to find many in the last 2 categories given the consistency of the rumors and leaks favoring Buffalo
  15. That sound you hear is the final nail being pounded into the JBJ/MLSE Bid coffin ---
  16. The NFL is sure coming across as a bunch of greedy pigs these days, maybe Cuban was right. As for stadium, I'll say again, I think the process waits for the new owner and anything done prior to that is largely irrelevant. If Pegula is new owner (fingers crossed), he should decide what he wants and then negotiate with relevant parties. Goodell, Poloncarcz, Cuomo and others should stay out of it now, except saying that they are "ready to support and negotiate in good faith with the new owner to ensure there is a long term stadium solution to go along with the long term commitment to keep team in WNY"
  17. I'm surprised Rich or Wegman is not on that list -- maybe Rich is below a billion and Wegman is listed in Rochester ?
  18. It would be nice to find another benevolent owner like Pegula to buy team and watch him invest in the city the way TP has, however, as we all know from past owners in Buffalo and elsewhere, what Pegula is doing is certainly in the minority of sports owners -- so, as they say, I'll take a bird in hand over the risk we'll get an owner that will be more in it for themselves then the community and not willing to invest even more of their cash in Buffalo
  19. So, is there another mystery bidder with mega billions bidding or was the Pritzker family rumor false and we are truly left with the Final 4 we all thought at the outset ? If so, I don't see anything standing in Pegula's way to own this team.
  20. While, I believe there is another owner's meeting in December, I thought I recall that the one in December would not be one where they could vote, I thought I read there are only two full meetings per year -- so, if we miss October, I think the next one is the one in March.
  21. I think the role of a good owner is quite simple: 1- Hire good people 2- Empower them to do their jobs 3- Set priorities for the organization and departments within it 4- Provide them adequate resources 5- Hold them accountable All I can say is that new sports owners learn a lot and multi-billionaires are smart people.
  22. Playing Bon Jovi at the first home game when Pegs is announced as new owner would actually go over nicely - a fitting go F yourself type of tribute
  23. It's impossible as a Buffalo Bills fan not to follow this story, it's too important. I think most of us have accepted, gleefully I might add, that the team is staying. I think now, it's about finding the best of the owners that are left in the bidding process for this team, the organization and the city of Buffalo. To me that's Pegula, hands down.
  24. FWIW, my sources are willing to talk about structure of organization if the people they know become owners, but will not say squat about the sale process. I asked specifically on a couple occasions and they are being extremely tight lipped, so I've stopped asking.
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