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  1. A big swing and a big miss
  2. With cap, it all comes down to which teams get the most value per dollar with all their players. Arizona was in a tough situation (I think Ravens are, too), in that they had a QB that hasn't proven he can "rise to the occasion" when it matters most. What someone should do is rank the QB contracts based on value per dollar. Ultimately that is the way to construct a roster. Bad contracts can kill. I was originally concerned (end of Josh's year 2), that they'd be forced to overpay, clearly not the case. I think Dallas overpaid Prescott.
  3. The Charles Haley club ? You are shooting to low, how about the Tom Brady club 🤩
  4. Ridiculous post. I won't tear apart your complete misunderstanding of the NFL salary cap and how it works and how it will look. I want to focus on ONE statement in your post . . . "Is spending our way back to drought-land worth winning a SB" ?? YES. YES. YES. YES.
  5. Hate turned to respect GOAT I can't imagine anyone ever replicating his 7 Super Bowl wins, 10 appearances
  6. The NFL doesn't begin working on dates for 2022 schedule until after Super Bowl
  7. The NFL is not a non-profit organization.
  8. If you can sell your PSL to someone else, why would you ever not use it and let team resell
  9. It is important to understand the two key factors in the economic viability of an NFL team in Buffalo 1- The salary cap, which, for most teams to be competitive, they need to spend close to it, is set based on approximately 50% of the NFL Revenues 2- The revenues that are shared do not include ALL the Revenues that are used to set the salary cap. So, as the total revenues increase, the cap goes up for all teams. Simple example, let's say Cowboys get $640M for local sponsorship for AT&T stadium. Cowboys get $640M. Players get $320M of that in the form of a higher cap, so, each team's cap goes up by $10M (32 x $10). So, Buffalo needs to spend $10M more to stay close to cap and be competitive. Meanwhile, Jerry spends $10 more but gets to pocket $630M ($640M - $10M) Ralph warned of the impact of non-shared revenue on small market teams and there are some formula offsets that redirect additional money to smaller teams like Buffalo, but, nowhere close to make the economics equal. To stay competitive and economically viable, Buffalo has to continue to increase local revenues via higher ticket prices, PSL's, suite sales and sponsorships
  10. In my first post I said I didn't think another team in Texas would happen, but, Jerry is only one owner. But, let's set aside that potential threat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._metropolitan_areas_by_GDP Metro areas by GDP Orlando, Portland, St Louis and San Diego are all in the Top 30. Buffalo isn't in the Top 50 ! Buffalo doesn't have the money to compete, we need the state and local politicians to understand and appreciate this fact and provide partial funding for a new stadium so the team does not move. Public funding and tax breaks for NY area stadium / arenas: Yankee stadium, $1.2B Mets stadium, $600M Barclays, $500M etc, Don't let politicians fool you, they have the money, it's time for Buffalo to get their share !!
  11. Most of the market's on So Cal Deek's list all have additional population centers from which they would draw, similar to Buffalo. For instance, San Antonio metro is 2.5M, but, Austin is about hour and 20 minute drive (similar to Rochester to Buffalo) and Austin metro is about 2.5M. Population is one measure, but, economic health is the truer measure to support PSL's and suites. That is where the real issue resides with Buffalo. Attendance has never been an issue in Buffalo (which has the lowest seat prices), but, suite sales have always lagged. Buffalo is at a significant disadvantage when we start talking about the heart of the issue, MONEY !! Like I said, ALL of us should support and encourage NY state and local politicians to invest in the Bills and help fund and support a new stadium.
  12. Relocation is not an empty threat, in the past decade . . . . Chargers moved to LA Rams moved to LA Raiders moved to Vegas There are larger and more economically viable markets for an NFL team than Buffalo. What I am urging is for all of us to support NY State to provide partial funding similar to what they did for NY metro teams for a new stadium. This is an investment in the Western NY community for an asset that has tangible value.
  13. If the NFL was starting from scratch there would be 0% chance Buffalo would be awarded a franchise. I think we can all agree on that. Our only hope is that the state/local/NFL/Pegulas agree on a new stadium deal that keeps team here for next 30+ years. Absent a new stadium, the team will not stay in Buffalo. The NFL will put immense pressure on the Pegulas to relocate the team and/or sell it. That is the reality of the NFL today. Even with a new stadium and enhanced revenue, Buffalo will pale in comparison to larger cities and their communities deeper wallets, but, they will be competitive enough to survive. I'm not suggesting this is right, I actually think it isn't, but, the NFL and other sports leagues are driving revenue / profits and franchise values.
  14. Austin was never an option, Jerry Jones would not let that happen. He believes Cowboys own Texas (exc Houston area) as their "home" turf. Buffalo (the community) deserves to get state funding, consistent with what the state provided NYC area for new stadiums/arenas for Mets, Nets, Yankees, Knicks/Rangers and Islanders. The issue is local funding, which is going to be significantly less given the economic health of the region. The other cities that could try and "poach" the Bills, I'd keep my eye on San Diego and St. Louis, maybe San Antonio (before Austin) and Portland. This is a real possibility if there is not a stadium deal. The NFL does not care about fan loyalty (nor do other sports leagues). Decisions are based on economics, not emotion.
  15. Definitely an embarrassment, but, to each his own, as long as they are only hurting themselves and the tables. I don't like how the media has run with the table narrative and is using it to mock instead of focusing on the simple passion ALL Bills fans have. Let's face it the table crashers represent <1% of Bills fans.
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