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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. 50 is really 49, since Bills will more than likely IR Legursky -- so, they need to add QB, OG, ILB and CB
  2. Agree he's better than Heath, but neither belong on team -- was reacting to that point, not Heath staying -- Heath should be cut, too
  3. Must be sarcasm . . . . Kaufman is a nice project, but is at least a year away . . . . Dickerson was a tweener (like Scott), a man without a position . . . . as for Butler, just watch the tapes of the preseason games --- Bills can find better on the cut wire
  4. $9.8M were carried over into 2013 and remain unspent
  5. Great info ! . . . . I believe there are limits to what can be carried over year to year -- this would be great question to ask Brandon by the media --- 1) Can you carryover the $23.3M and if yes, will you and will you spend it -- if they can't carry it over, we default back to original post concerns
  6. If post is so stupid, why can't you simply answer the question I posed "why are the Bills not spending to the cap THIS year ?" --- or at a minimum (as one of the other posters said) "move Fitz's dead money into 2013 to provide more cap space next year ?? --- Brandon stood up a talked about how he wanted to reinvigorate this franchise --- I liked their off-season moves with Whaley and Marrone and getting young brains in house --- I thought they had a good draft and I think Manuel has a lot of potential --- but, as fans we have to challenge them on this and ask for a legitimate explanation --- I, like the other posters was assuming (making an a$$ out of u and me in the process) that there was a bigger plan -- when they took Fitz cap hit over two years, I thought, they will go after some of the coveted CB's or resign Levitre or Byrd or extend Spiller/Wood ---- for those of you who keep saying "I don't know what their plans are" --- of course not, but if history is any lesson and results to date any indication -- they will end this year with money that they could spend and didn't ---- this is disheartening and I place the blame squarely on Brandon --- he's been with this team for most of the entire playoff drought, spending a good portion as one of the key folks in charge --- let's, as fans HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE to his words --- what's stupid is wearing rose colored glasses and drinking the Kool-Aid and crap that Brandon is shoveling ---- I love the Bills as much as anyone and I am sick and tired of this guy playing us all for fools !!
  7. I don't know what they plan to do (nobody does), but to date, they've done nothing --- but let's assume they do sign them to extensions ---- you still have over $23M in cap space THIS YEAR, why not take the full hit of Fitz's DEAD money now ? --- that still leaves the team over $16M in cap space this year (if a miracle happens and they extend Wood/Spiller) and it also gives you $7M more for next year when you want to troll for some FA's ---- if you want to win consistently in this league you need to manage the cap to enable your team to keep key players and go after select FA's, you don't manage the cap to pad the bottom line --- Another way to look at this -- any unspent money DOES NOT carryover to the next year -- so, if the Bills under spend by $20M THIS year, that money is GONE and cannot be used NEXT year --- not using the full cap every year is ridiculous
  8. Who did I want them to spend the money on ???? -- a couple options (1) pay Levitre; (2) pay Byrd; (3) extend Wood; (4) extend Spiller --- if you don't think they or any other player is worth spending on --- take the full $10M dead money hit from Fitz in 2013 --- why are you spreading it into 2014 ?? --- there is still not ONE legitimate answer to this question except that the Bills are managing the team to the bottom line financially at the expense of fielding a winning team !!! --
  9. This is actually MUCH WORSE than you think --- The Bills are $23.3M UNDER the cap as of today --- that figure includes $3M from Fitz (referred to as DEAD MONEY) --- Next year, they will incur an additional $7M in Fitz dead money --- so, I ask AGAIN, why ?? -- why are they amortizing $7M from Fitz into 2014 and lowering the cap hit in 2013 and then NOT SPENDING that money ?? --- So, next year, when Whaley and Brandon say they are spending to the cap and can't sign any FA's or can't extend Wood or Spiller --- revisit this post --- these guys (Brandon) is managing this team for a profit -- NOT to WIN !! -- there is no other rational explanation --- unless someone on this board can come up with one
  10. Again, I ask, why are the Bills $20M under the cap this year and pushing Fitz's dead money into next year -- it's completely illogical --- sign / retain some players with the cap space they have this year -- if you create the space this year USE IT ---- I don't want to hear next year that they don't have cap space to sign FA's or retain Wood and Spiller ---
  11. How do you explain the Bills be over $20M UNDER the cap this year ? --- why did they push Fitz cap hit into next year ? ---
  12. Did ya'll see this -- Astros make more money losing than teams do winning -- a LOT MORE -- is this the Bills plan ? . . . is this why they are spending over $20M LESS than the cap ?? --- I'm starting to wonderhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2013/08/26/2013-houston-astros-baseballs-worst-team-is-most-profitable-in-history/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2013/08/26/2013-houston-astros-baseballs-worst-team-is-most-profitable-in-history/
  13. Sky is not falling --- Manuel will start week 1, mark my words -- all Marrone said today was that he's penciling Tuel in as starter -- what else is he going to say ? ---- Manuel isn't ready to practice this week, but the game isn't for 2 weeks --- if he says Tuel is starting next Monday, then react -- as for Kolb -- nobody saw him as anything but a potential speed bump to Manuel's development and a clipboard holding mentor --- so, on the QB stand down --- as for Gilmore -- there is reason to react --- BIG LOSS --- Whaley needs to add a CB from waiver wire and hope Pettine can pivot/change his D philosophy
  14. Your way off base --- this is NOT a win-NOW team -- we all should realize that --- the blame goes to NIX, not Whaley for the state of the roster pre-draft --- so, let's evaluate Whaley from that starting point --- that's only fair --- The draft (at this stage) looks very good --- promising QB, ILB and 2 WR's in the first 4 picks --- jury is out on the S's, TE --- Kicker wins job --- FA signings --- Lawson looks as good and is better fit in D than Barnett (who will struggle to make a 53-man roster) --- Hughes-Sheppard trade looks like BIG WIN for Bills ---- over-paying to keep Levitre was an option, but RG's are generally "easy to find" -- I suspect that will be our 2nd round pick in next draft --- switching A Williams to safety will salvage that kid's career and he is upgrade to a fast aging Wilson ---- CB is biggest issue on roster (will be our 1st round pick in 2014) -- I'll cede that point and Whaley (I suspect) will scour the waiver wire next week for a legitimate #3 to use as our #2 -- (ugh) ----
  15. I agree on the offense being out of sync --- there were two sure TD's or at minimum long completions to Graham that went back due to PI/poorly thrown balls --- and the SJ13 turnover -- As for the Defense --- that's 50% of the team ? --- my concern is limited to the 1st team getting out physicaled by Skins O-line and run/passed all overed by White/Grossman --- if I didn't know it, I would have thought this was the 2012 D -- and that's not good --- over-reaction is being limited because it is pre-season -- let's hope Pettine rallies this group --- or Brady will put another 52 spot on us and no offense will be able to overcome that !!
  16. Whoever takes the first snap in the Skins game is the game 1 starter barring injury --- that person (which will be EJ) will play 1st half and the 1st series of the 2nd half --- 2 preseason games and 3+ weeks of practice is enough time to do a proper (and fair) evaluation --- EVERY TEAM (except 2 or 3) names their starters in game 3 of preseason to GET THEM READY --- game 4 (which is only 5 days after game 3), will be 2nd, 3rd and 4th teamers vying for roster spots -- starters will only play 1 or 2 series --- BTW, EJ's stat line after 2 games 26-33, 199 yards, 2 TD's and no INT's --- Marrone is no fool . . . EJ is ready --- not saying he'll "light it up" in regular season --- in fact, I fully expect a very up and down year --- but Marrone knows, QB's KILL HC's --- he needs a franchise guy and Kolb is NOT one --- EJ might be --- better to place his bets on something possible in EJ vs. something Impossible with Kolb --- if you don't buy that, call Chan and ask him how he liked tying his wagon to the Fitz-train
  17. No way Kolb starts game 1. No way. The key to sustained success in the NFL is finding a franchise QB. We've been down the road (the Fitz road) at trying to rehabilitate an average QB into something he is NOT. Kolb had his shot at Phil and Ariz and proved he is an average starting QB at best -- Marrone gave him another chance to see if he could hold the job until EJ was comfortable or show something in practice and games that he didn't show in Ariz/Phil -- he hasn't shown that. In addition, EJ has shown that he is indeed comfortable and has the right mettle to sustain the ups and downs that await him as a rookie starter --- barring an injury, there is a 99% chance Manuel is named starter. I suspect that will happen on Wednesday this week.
  18. --- I think you guys did reveal that Marrone has a quicker "boiling point"; not sure what that has to do with football -- but might make for some interesting "side stories" in November if the team is out of it (again)--- after 13 years with no playoffs and 7 months without a real game -- I'm looking for football news on the Bills --- Dareus' critical 3rd season; will Gilmore be a lockdown corner; how is Kyle William's health; the rookie WR's; the QB etc. etc. ----
  19. --- BTW -- so, I'm clear, I didn't like the way Marrone handled the 5th Mario question that you asked -- he could have simply said "I don't have any additional information etc" -- and I don't like the fact that he didn't have more information on the situation --- or had it and wasn't willing to share it --- my issue, is that it was clear from the 1st question, what he was going to say (NOTHING) -- so, move on --- ask some other stuff that is more interesting than hearing Marrone say he doesn't know or repeat the same vague crap over and over ----
  20. -- I think you made my point --- after his first answer, I could have predicted the others that followed --- so, 5 questions on Mario and 17 non-Mario (that's almost a quarter of the questions) --- Again, it was legitimate to question and to probe -- I think you guys took it too far --- I listened to the press conference and after the first set of Mario questions --- I thought that was enough --- asked/answered (or not answered depending on your perspective) ----
  21. --- My only issue with the question was asking the same one a different way so many times --- it was clear after the 3rd time that Marrone didn't know or wasn't going to say --- move on . . . . it's like when political commentators ask a potential presidential candidate if they are running for president over and over --- again --- okay to ask once, twice maybe 3 times -- but enough
  22. Agree --- The question had to be asked ONCE, and probably deserved a follow-up -- but a 4th and then 5th question on why Mario isn't at practice --- UGH --- at least it wasn't more inane questions about Byrd missing ---
  23. --- OK, so the $9M in carryover doesn't count, they should be above the 89% threshold --- I think the question remains, why not spend to the cap ? --- whether that's $20M+ or $11M+ --- they have room to spend and players to extend ---
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