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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. The standard is set based on league wide averages, not the Bills ---- the tackles on Buffalo (Glenn in this case) will use Levitre's deal whether he signed with Buffalo or Tennessee
  2. First, we are not a good team, haven't been one for more than a decade. Second, the ONLY way this team will get better is to keep the good players we have, not signing Levitre made no sense, afterall, what did we spend the money we saved on ?? . . . . Answer: NOTHING, it remains unspent. Criminal. Certainly not the way to "restore the brand"
  3. They had and still have more than enough money to pay Levitre, Byrd and keep others who might hit FA in the next few years --- cap only becomes issue if they field a team of stars, after 13 years of futility, I think this FO should make assumption that if they get a guy in his prime who is very good, like Byrd and Levitre, PAY HIM ---- if down the line others develop into those type players, i.e. Glenn, Carrington, Dareus --- let's worry about that when and if it happens
  4. Agree, but I'm not sure the difference ? --- let Levitre walk and sign a replacement of his equal and I would be fine --- let Levitre walk (and Rinehart) and saddle the line with Colin Brown is what boggles the mind
  5. I agree, after 13 years, RE implies something was previously built. I, like most fans was willing to give Brandon a chance when he announced that he was given the "keys" to the franchise. I was hoping he was "under Ralph's thumb" during the previous years and was going to "change the culture" and focus on winning, NOT !! Let's face facts, you need go no further than the $20M in unspent cap space as we watch Colin Brown get "blown up" every week, have ZERO depth on O-line because we let Rinehart walk, have a pouting pro bowl safety and no depth at corner --- I know I've been beating the unused cap space drum for weeks now, but that is the #1 reason for the failure of this franchise -- it lacks a commitment to win --- sure Brandon wants to win, but he is not committed to winning !! ---- it sickens me that a guy who has failed for 12 years is promoted to run this team completely with "no restrictions" --- so much for a "performance based culture"
  6. I would overpay in heart beat -- especially when you are sitting on over $20M in cap space AND you have a rookie QB -- the logic is sound, give your young QB a decent line and good running game to help him develop --- I think logic and Russ Brandon are a contradiction
  7. That chant was huge at the Big House with the Michigan crowd v. Notre Dame -- I like -- I do miss the stampeding Buffalo, however
  8. Don't kid yourself -- Whaley/Brandon hired the coaching staff and Whaley ran the draft --- Nix was an observer --- no different than Nix first draft with Modrak, when Modrak was an observer --- Nix does deserve some credit --- he did put together some pieces that are still with current team and key parts --- Glenn, Spiller, Carrington, Gilmore, Pears to name several --- but 3 years of drafting and FA will go down as a failure based on performance on the field --- which is judged by his year #3 --- 6-10 record --- so far, Whaley is off to a good start -- strong draft (still too early) -- a good trade Sheppard-Hughes --- but he needs his boss Ru$$ to give him some money $$ to get a couple key FA's
  9. Sully bores me --- the article was dancing in the wind, like every week --- he always tries to "tweak" the players by bringing up comments from the coaches, trying to play gotcha --- I would love to go back and read the crap he wrote in the early 90's while watching the greatest run ever by a Bills team --- I heard players use to call him Mr Negative in the locker room
  10. I'm betting Gilmore will be back for Cincy (game #6); possible the Clev game --- BTyrd, who knows ?? --- I gotta be 100% BS is crazy talk --- A Williams played strong game and McKelvin has been v good -- if we can get Gilmore back, we probably will be fine without BTyrd
  11. I think Sanchez is done in NY, question is, where will he land next year ? --- 2014 QB draft class is DEEP --- Sanchez might struggle to find work as a backup
  12. Yes sarcasm, but I do believe he would be playing had he signed a 5-year $45M contract in the off-season, for what it's worth --
  13. Here's a prediction --- BTyrd returns for game #4 ! --- why, you ask ? --- because at that point his $6.9M salary will equate to $530K/game over last 13 games --- amortize that over 16 games and you get . . . . . drumroll . . . . $8.5M --- exactly what he and his agent were asking for --- FAKER ! ---
  14. Let's hope 2nd half of Pats game is what we see for rest of year !!
  15. We need roster spots --- amazing that we have 6 players essentially OUT(injured) on active roster -- Gilmore, Brooks, Legursky, Byrd, Goodwin and Hopkins --- makes "who" to dress on Sunday --- pretty easy
  16. This might end up being one longer term --- would be fun -- right now, I'd rather have Manuel --- don't care much for Geno's body language -- he always looks like he's half interested --- Manuel, so far has great body language, attitude and off and on-field presence -- let's hope rest of skills develop and follow
  17. Geno was very inconsistent last night --- had a few nice throws and a couple good plays, but overall, I would grade him C-
  18. I believe NFL network had a what if scenario that played out if Favre didn't go to Jets and instead they traded Rodgers to Jets --- in that scenario, Bills land Sanchez --- glad we didn't see that -- not only having both Rodgers / Brady in same division, but wasting years with Sanchez ! ----- nothing worse than a QB that provides "false hope" --- I see that in a few QB's around the league (Romo, Dalton, Alex Smith) -- I thought Flacco was one, but he proved me worng last year --- maybe Ravens got lucky with him getting on hot streak
  19. It's early, and we might be seeing a Pats team that wins more with D than O --- those passes to Edelman last night were really runs -- it's funny, Bills fans crucify the dinking and dunking -- but, if you win using it --- keep doing it -- Brady took shots down field, but only hit on one -- granted his WR's sucked, but, in the end, they won that game with their D (and the inept Jet's O) ---- not sure I'd say gift wrapped --- even Bills game was pretty even on TO's -- Bills did have tons of penalties -- let's see where Pats are at mid-year ---
  20. Agree on crowd --- at least on TV it sounded as loud as ever --- but, nothing will rock the Ralph more than a team that wins consistently !
  21. I agree with PTR on this one. I remain highly critical of Brandon and his lack of aggressiveness on spending to cap and managing team (at all costs) to win. But, Gleason's analysis is premature if not misplaced --- one game does not make or break any trend or culture -- there was more to like than dislike in game 1 from this coaching staff and these players --- any "analysis" should wait to we see what takes place this weekend (Panthers) and next week (Jets) --- my criticism remains at FO for now and the roster limitations they've left for Marrone-Pettine and Hackett due to cap mismanagement
  22. Come on, you don't really mean that, do you ? --- the Pats have won 12 straight AFC East games --- last night they flashed the AFC records over the past decade and Pats beat next best team by over 50 games ! --- if any team deserves the "benefit of the doubt" it's that team --- I hate them as much as any Bills fan -- but until they breakup the Brady/Bellichick combo -- they are the team to beat ---
  23. Pats might have pushed the limit too far on investing everywhere but offensive skill players --- letting a durable stud like Welker walk for a china doll replica in Amendola --- even Edelman, who caught 13 passes isn't close to Welker's level --- those 13 passes only netted 78 yards -- Welker would have easily caught 20 in that game for 150 --- in the end, Brady finds a way to win and if this plan of going young at WR pans out -- LOOK OUT -- they are lucky to be 2-0, but if their WR's develop and progress -- they will be unstoppable --- it's high risk, from what I saw, they might be in for long season --- it's amazing how successful Brady is with the skill players he's had -- vs., Peyton -- who threw to Wayne, Harrison and Clark only to go to Denver and get Decker, Thomas and now Welker --- in my book, Brady is the best QB of all-time -- and I hate him on so many levels, but that hate (deep down) is out of respect for the QB he is ----
  24. I caught this comment, too -- but, as many have said, you want to shut that fat F up, WIN and beat him silly in the process --- as Joe B pointed out on his all-22 film watch -- Colin Brown was "handled" by Wilfork and Brown was graded as LVP for game --- clearly, Wilfork felt the "love" --- maybe Levitre would have fared better, water under the bridge -- we make due with what we have
  25. Memories --- I remember exactly the way you do --- painful --- there is hope, albeit, small -- striking gold with one of these retread coaches or young ones --- I like Marrone, maybe Hackett turns out to be a budding offensive genius, Pettine has a DC attitude --- if you get the right coaches and players play up to and above their potential --- it's just a shame that Brandon isn't making it any easier on the team --- imagine going into next off-season with $40M+ to spend on FA's ? --- another decent draft, retaining the guys on this team --- anything is possible --- albeit a long(er) shot than most of the NFL teams
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