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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Maybe Pettine's desire is to replace REX in NY ? --- we'd love to keep MP here another year, but, boy would we hate that afterward
  2. I think the Browns want Gase --- and would "settle" for some of the other candidates still in the running, most likely Munchak ---- I also agree that the Browns situation is dysfunctional and a hornet's nest to walk into it -- and agree there is probably a better situation awaiting Pettine if he stays and continues to do well --- i.e. he becomes the sought after coordinator --- the issue, for Pettine (assuming he's offered position), how much does he want to roll the dice ? ---- McDaniels and Bowles decided to roll dice and wait until next off-season ---- possible open HC jobs next year, assuming no changes to HC with less than 3 years --- could be: Miami, NY Jets, Cincinnati, Oakland, Dallas and NY Giants ---
  3. Is there a website that does a post-mortem on the draft analysis done by Kiper, Mayock and McShay ? --- I know their are post-mortems 1-2-3-4 years after drafts on how the teams really did --- but has anyone graded the so-called draft experts ?
  4. On EJ's draft value -- you have to consider the entire 2013 QB draft class -- all guys had big question marks -- no consensus 1st rounders and no consensus #1 QB --- it was an off year for QB's --- what the Bills did, made a lot of sense -- they wanted their pick of the QB group -- they rolled the dice and traded down ONCE and still got their choice --- we can debate whether they could have traded down again and added another 2nd or 3rd, I think they could have --- as for where EJ was rated --- most of what I saw said late 1st through late 3rd ---- same for all the other QB's --- it was a WEAK QB draft going in ---- unless EJ turns out to be "the guy"; Nix's biggest blunder was waiting until 2013 to draft a QB and not taking one in 2011 or 2012 ----
  5. Interesting . . . . most people would tell guys to JUMP if they have a shot at one of only 32 HC jobs in NFL --- however, this one has turned off almost every person that has interviewed for it ---- one would think Pettine would be able to land a better situation if he waited a year, but, a bird in hand . . . . my bet is he gets offer and takes it ---- will be devastating to Bills as he was the best Marrone hire
  6. 60-1 is too low for Bills; but then again, all of these are pretty low odds -- must be biased to the house --- more interesting would be to watch how these odds move throughout off-season as well as look at the over/under on number of wins ---
  7. I don't think teams have a choice --- if no team volunteers, the NFL picks one based on a criteria -- only 8 teams qualify currently against that criteria -- Buff, Jax, Pitt, Chic, NYG, Oak, Ariz ---
  8. As much as I'd like to see it -- I don't think it would be good for the team and two, I doubt it will happen. The 8 teams that qualify include NY Giants, Chicago and Pittsburgh -- 10X the number of fans (and VIEWERS) -- it's all about ratings ---
  9. I suspect that if they do fire Crossman it would come with some explanation along the lines of "ST performance was not acceptable and it was both coach and players" -- without explanation, I think most "rational" posters would understand that. However, to your point, there would be a vocal minority that dumps on Marrone for reacting to fans or showing inconsistency in his thought process -- personally, I'd welcome it as nothing more than a careful and deliberate evaluation that led to a dismissal of an under-performing coach.
  10. Maybe ST is next in line --- first, they evaluated the offensive coaching staff and fired WR coach --- then, they evaluated defense and fired ILB coach -- next, they evaluate ST and fire Crossman ?? ---- maybe ? --- on ST discussion --- I think they cost us 2 games --- but more importantly, I can't recall one game changing return --- on a team with McKelvin, Spiller, Goodwin, Graham, Easley --- not one game changing return ??? ---- that's an indictment --- I'm not saying CJ should be returning kicks --- but watch some of his college highlights -- in fact, he was just named to the all ACC BCS era team as return specialist --- watch some film on Graham and Goodwin in college --- that's what's puzzling -- on top of the inconsistent kick/punt coverage
  11. The Moorman resigning is as benign as they come --- veteran minimum to a guy at least 2 years past his prime --- they'll bring in competition and more than likely cut him before season, as I believe he is currently in the bottom 1/4th of the leagues punters ---- if you are looking for signs of improvement or a change in philosophy toward winning --- pay attention to (1) Toronto series (let's see if Brandon puts winning first) -- (2) waivers (there was talk late in year about "significant changes" to roster) --- (3) who gets hired for WR and LB and what are their histories --- as well as if DM does fire Crossman ---- ----- in the end, the judgment is ultimately on the field --- but that won't be known until at least September --- so, for January --- those are all we got
  12. Agree -- I don't mean that fans should criticize, if they are comfortable with the decisions / direction and chose to agree, that's cool --- if they want to take a wait and see approach, that's also cool --- but, if they want to criticize, critique or complain, that is cool as well --- my main point was that this franchise has performed so poorly for so long, it's easier to understand if most fall in the last category --- Marrone mentions it often that he understands and feels the level of frustration --- that's good that he does ---
  13. Given it's been 15 years and counting since the Bills made the playoffs, fans are entitled to be skeptical of this franchise, in fact, it's shocking to every NFL fan outside Buffalo that Bills fans aren't more skeptical --- with Marrone/Whaley both being new (Whaley not so much, but let's give him that benefit of the doubt), fans are looking for signs and clues that this tandem will produce a winning team --- the team went 6-10, so it's even more important to try and peel back the onion to understand whether Marrone is or will be a top notch HC, able to compete with the likes of Belicheat and others of his ilk --- we are trying to evaluate EVERY move Whaley makes to see if he has an eye for talent, takes calculated risks and can match the skills of guys like Ozzie Newsome ---- SO, to make a long post a bit longer, when the Bills fire an assistant coach (LB & WR) and don't fire another assistant (ST), it matters --- EVERY move matters these first 12-18 months until we know based on what happens on-the-field whether this tandem will be successful --- it's not only RIGHT to criticize and critique these moves, it's the LEAST we can do as fans to try and understand what we have --- after all, this franchise is on HC #6 since the last playoffs --- unfortunately, we've earned the right
  14. Like most others on this board who are advocating for Crossman's dismissal --- I would feel differently about him if his prior 10+ years were more accomplished OR ifhe was a rookie ST coach --- what's been mentioned on several posts is Hackett --- I think Hackett had an up and down 1st year --- but, he's in his first job as an OC and I'm willing to give him another year to improve, and I think he will ---- the Crossman hire didn't go over well because folks looked at the performance of his other ST units and they were subpar --- so, after one year, when the results are the same with the Bills, the pitchforks come out --- his proverbial leash is a lot shorter --- I don't think that's being unfair ----
  15. Keep selling the logic, but I'm not buying --- a 10-year ST coach should know how to step in, take charge, game plan, coach and get his players to execute and perform at a reasonably high level --- versus a rookie QB, that had 3 separate knee injuries that cost him at least 1/3rd of the season --- come on, you know the expectations for a rookie QB are not in the same league as a 10-year coach ---- and, BTW, I'm not defending the season EJ had, but I'm certainly more willing to cut him some slack than Crossman ---
  16. Your logic doesn't make sense -- you can't compare a rookie 1st round QB to a veteran ST coach who has a poor coaching track record ---
  17. We all want him to succeed if he stays the coach --- we are, after all still Bills fans !! . . . . the issue is, we don't think he has the capability to succeed ---
  18. I'm with Gugny on this as well ---- Crossman's track record is suspect ---- the lack of production and step back in the punt return with the same guy (McKelvin) and KO return (with an upgrade, Goodwin) was stark --- add to that several game costing lapses and I can't buy the argument JW is making --- sorry --- if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck -- it's a duck -- in this case the duck is Crossman being a BAD coach -- he must go ---
  19. I don't have a second favorite, but tend to root for teams that have passionate fans, great organization from similar blue collar areas --- for example, I respect Packers, Steelers, Bears and Giants fans and tend to root for those teams when it doesn't interfere with the Bills interests (or fantasy football) ---- I think some fans are just obnoxious --- Pats, Jets, Eagles --- some disinterested, Falcons, Dolphins, Jags & Chargers ---- I also will gravitate to certain players that are class acts and hope they win --- the Mannings for example ---- I almost always root for the teams playing the Pats, Jets and Dolphins, too ---- it's funny, I can pretty much eliminate every team at one point or another, since the Bills do play every team at least once every four years ---- I guess push come to shove, I'd pick Packers or Giants ---
  20. Florida State has a significantly better supporting cast around Winston than they had around Manuel. Winston has played better, but it is by no means an apples to apples comparison.
  21. Bandit -- 22 pages and counting -- I re-read many of your posts and I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong, you are saying "I don't necessarily agree with keeping Crossman on staff, but I understand why Marrone made that decision and I am willing to defend Marrone's decision to other posters. In addition, ST is unpredictable year to year and not the most important thing for this coach to focus on" --- do I got it right ?
  22. Agree, good post, so let's say ST is about 20% of game --- BUT, let's keep in mind, the Bills lost 4 games by a collective 15 points (2, 7, 3 and 3) and won 4 gams by a collective 13 points (1,3,2 and 7) ---- so, ST can swing some wins/loses with one score that goes against you or for you ---- this year, I posted that I thought the Bills ST cost them 2 games and didn't win them any ---
  23. Only reason I can think of is the PR implications --- for 2012 to 2013 there were implications on spending to the floor, since floor is a 4-year average 2013-2017, but after 2013, I can't think of a CBA or financial reason
  24. Bandit --- in my simple mind, I'd replace the coach and see where I am with a different person leading that unit --- I agree there are many other resources at Marrone and the Bills disposal to improve ST --- but, in this case, we are only suggesting utilizing one -- the COACH --- it's that simple ---- in my experience in college and studying the NFL game, ST play, is usually about attitude and energy as much as X's and O's --- attitude reflects leadership and ST took a huge step backward from 2012 ---- I believe that was due to coaching --- so, in your opinion, should the Bills fire their ST coach ?
  25. Agree that I wouldn't expect them to mention specific names or numbers --- but, it's no secret to the other NFL teams or agents, if we can google the cap and contracts they certainly can ---so, we all know Dareus, A Williams, Spiller and Highes expire after 2014 --- and those guys all had good years ---- my biggest issue is that the words / statements Brandon has made do not match the actions ---- maybe 2014 will be different and we'll have a year when the Bills are aggressive at resigning and signing and spend close to the cap ---- I just don't see it happening based on past actions ---
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