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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Sorry, meant to say, run him until he pukes !
  2. Correct, CJ is signed through 2015. $6M cap hit in 2014 and $4M in 2015. He might not see a 2nd contract with Bills. If I were Bills, I'd run him into the ground over next 2 years and draft replacement in 3rd/4th round in 2015 draft. I don't like using 1st/2nd round picks or large $$ on RB's, unless it's something special, ala Adrian Peterson.
  3. Good question. I think Bills can afford to do all four if they want. They have a very favorable salary structure for at least 2 more seasons since they don't need to pay a $15M-$20M/season QB. They could structure the contracts accordingly to make years 3 and 4 team friendly. They'll have a decision to make on Mario after 2015 season, as cutting him or restructuring him at that point is good option. At this point in the rebuild, Bills need to secure assets and be smart about contract structure to provide flexibility over next few years. Spiller will be an interesting situation. He didn't play well enough to earn big contract extension, should Bills extend now, while the price is low or wait until he proves he deserves extension and price is higher ?
  4. $4M cap hit in 2014, his last year of rookie contract. Legit pass rushers are not easy to find, Bills should be looking to extend Hughes, not trade him. They have $30M in cap space, at some point, they need to start spending it and keep their best players
  5. +1 I think this demonstrates the passion the fans have for team and keeping it in Buffalo, but it's not practical in any type of open bidding situation. I suspect, however, given comment Goodell has made that there is indeed a plan in place that will allow team to stay in Buffalo if a buyer can be found (which according to Kelly, there is at least a couple). I don't think the NFL would ever put the team up for auction (to highest bidder). I do believe the NFL and the other owners want to keep the team in Buffalo, while that seems at odds with the "money hungry" label those guys get. I think they appreciate the diversity it brings to the sport, both in terms of demographics as well as geography. Again, if I hang my hat on any one comment, it was when Goodell was here a couple years back and said "there is a plan, that is consistent with Mr Wilson's wishes and it is best for WNY". -- or something to that affect.
  6. Read through most of the texts that were released. It's starting to look like the RI texts were taken out of context and that both players engaged in similar banter back and forth over long period. I don't put much in RI's texts that were sent after JM left. Will be interesting to see what NFL investigation says on Thursday.
  7. Great in concept, however, this year's draft is deep -- there will be legit starters into round 3. SF is in a great position to add to roster and trim higher salaried guys to keep their core intact. I don't see them wanting to unload that many picks. Dream scenario for Buffalo would be for a team picking between 15-20 to fall in love with player that's on board when Bills select at 9. Teams that like to trade on draft day, Dallas or St Louis. If St Louis trades out of #2, they might accumulate extra picks that they could use to trade up from 13 to 9 in 1st round and give Bills their 3rd round pick. Dallas could do same, trade up from 17 to 9 and give Bills their 2nd. So much depends on which players are available at 9 in those cases.
  8. He would definitely be in the conversation, Montana remains in conversation because he won 4. After the SuperBowl loss, I would rank the top 5 as follows: (1) Brady (2) Montana (3) Manning (4) Marino (5) tie Elway / Bradshaw / Aikman
  9. I wouldn't put it past the Browns to now fire Pettine, that organization is truly the pits.
  10. Advantage Marrone. DC and assistants that Marrone has hired to replace Pettine and his departed staff is a lot more impressive than what Pettine's done. In addition, after the butt whopping Seattle put on the Broncos offense, Cleveland might be kicking themselves for not waiting another week for Quinn.
  11. With Pettine, I was positive Mosley would be better fit, now, I'm not as sure.
  12. I assumed as much. When he was interviewed while he was at the NFLPA college event, he was asked whether he had surgery on knee at end of year and how was it. He replied "knee is doing great, I'll leave it at that". Not sure why the Bills or EJ would hide it, except that they don't want the barrage of injury-prone questions peppering them all off-season. Bottom line, 1-year does not make a trend, but if EJ misses similar time this year, that is a real issue and will doom him faster than his inaccuracies. He's gotta stay on field if he ever hopes to be a true #1 QB.
  13. True -- I guess by not signing the tag, Byrd was technically not under contract even though he had no real choice but to sign -- but it is a point of difference vs the other guys I mentioned ---
  14. I'm trying not to wade too far into this fight -- my only point was that by not participating in off-season and training camp activities Byrd was hurting the team -- AND --- a decent percentage of players have similar issues / concerns and show up to those activities as did Byrd a year earlier ---- as for front office --- my opinion has been and remains that I have yet to see a change in financial philosophy since Brandon was elevated to Pres/CEO in January 2012.
  15. I REALLY don't want to get in the middle of this entertaining discussion --- I have one simple question to John, you state that Byrd had nothing to gain by showing up to OTA's, mini camps and training camp except to risk injury -- I get that that's probably true -- but, more than half the players on the team are in the same or similar situations --- they are either playing with one year left on their contact, playing for future salary with little or no additional guaranteed money --- why do all of them show up ? -- why did Byrd show up in 2012 when he was headed into the last year of his contract ?? -- I think what troubles fans about the Byrd situation last year, was that he chose to exercise his right under the CBA and skip OTA's, mini-camps and training camp and hurt the team -- if you don't think he hurt the team, what would happen if the other 30 or 40 players in similar situations had done the same thing ? --- if he wasn't hurting the team, why does the team find those activities necessary in the first place ? ---- let's face it, Byrd was pissed he got tagged, he wanted a long term contract with $20M+ guaranteed with the Bills or via FA -- when he didn't get it -- he exercised his right to stay away --- I get and accept all of that -- what I don't accept was that his action didn't hurt his team, it did.
  16. Almost positive it's year 3 because they were talking about Kaepernick getting his reworked and he just finished year 3
  17. A point of clarification. I made it clear in an earlier post that if JM engaged in the same behavior he is equally at fault -- I wasn't aware that he might have done that until Bandit27 posted a link several posts after mine --- so, I didn't ever "leave it out" it wasn't a part of the original post that was being argued I understand you weren't arguing with my original post, however, you jumped in and attempted to use a radio station censoring the word "hell" as an example of censorship gone amuck and I wanted to challenge you that "hell" and the "n-word" are vastly different and carry vastly different impacts in our culture --- I know you don't agree, but we can leave it at that --- I also understand the point you are trying to make regarding the offended culture, I'll just say that if there was true racial malice by RI toward JM, RI should be chastised and it should be eliminated and there is no place for that in the locker room or our society -- at the same time, anyone who uses race simply as a card or a crutch to get ahead or profits or get something they don't deserve should also be chastised -- the problem is it's often a he said, she said situation and you don't know --- as for Tony Dungy, I think you are so far off base with your comments, Tony is as good as they come on and off the field, the NFL is lucky to have him as an ambassador and the people who have been fortunate enough to know him are better for it ---
  18. IF, again, I say IF, what Jonathon Martin alleges is accurate, I believe there is a serious issue. For some reason, you chose to argue the point as if what he says isn't true. My post was based on an assumption that what Martin said was accurate and I made that clear. If what he says isn't true he is the one at fault. Nobody is encouraging the "I'm offended" culture, I'm not even sure what that is intended to mean ? As for my question to you on those two words, I believe you've made your position on them clear in your response.
  19. (EDIT) Can you clarify that you didn't mean to suggest Hell and the N-word are equivalent ? I think there is a big difference between the two.
  20. Good move. I think it's a combination of adding talent to coaching staff and helping Hackett's development as an OC accelerate and to certain extent a safety net if he doesn't.
  21. I would never have raised this as an issue if Jonathon Martin himself didn't find it offensive, if Jonathon Martin said he and RI were just horsing around and giving each other crap, it wouldn't be an issue. I also get that for some people it's part of their normal everyday lives and it goes both ways and friends give each other crap and use terms that others could take out of context or that may be part of those individuals accepted norms and not ours. But, that is NOT what Jonathon Martin said happened. Again, more facts will come out, like the posting Bandit made on RI's lawyer. But, if an African American man is being slandered with racial epithets by a co-worker in this country against his will or wishes, that is a serious problem. I can't think of any workplace that would allow that. Again, I'm basing my post on the proverbial "IF" what Jonathon Martin said is true.
  22. Seattle is going to have a tough time keeping that team together and under the cap. They have several guys significantly outplaying their contracts. Thomas, Wilson, Sherman, to name a few.
  23. Sorry, 'Epithet". Geez, I feel like I'm back in my college English class.
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