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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. This is definitely the draft that trading down makes sense, it is very deep into 3rd round. The problem is that every team knows that. I do think SF (with multiple picks, and being 1 or 2 players away) and Dallas (they always like to move up) are two options as partners
  2. If Matthews or Robinson are there it would be tough not to take an OT. If they did that and signed a decent FA LG, they could have an Oline in the Top 1/3rd of the league and it would be hard to not go in that direction. My preference is Ebron, a can't miss TE or Mosley to pair with Alonzo, but the two OT's are blue chip players. WR is too deep to go 1st round, they can get starter in 3rd round.
  3. I agree with a lot of what you said. I think Sam will be fine if he plays football and doesn't try and make his being gay some sort of platform. The media will get in the way, but there is a way to handle it. The report mentioned Sam in the context of ensuring the NFL locker room was a suitable environment. Ok, I misunderstood your post than. When you said in your post that I had "no idea if that was true", you were replying to my post that said JM wouldn't create a toxic environment, so I assumed you thought he would create one.
  4. I don't agree. I guy like JM would fit in, he might not ever be a team leader, but no way would he create a toxic locker room, no way. As for RI, I'm sure there are a lot of RI's in the NFL, just like there are a lot of idiots in the real world.
  5. I also thought it was interesting the report makes specific mention of Michael Sam's announcement and the environment he will step into when he goes to the NFL. The need for the NFL to ensure that they have a healthy work environment for all players. With one BIG distinction. While RI has the capability of creating a hostile workplace that someone like JM can't survive in. JM would never create such a workplace and could survive and potentially flourish in many other locker rooms. So, I would argue, there is no place for someone like RI, while there are several places for someone like JM.
  6. I get that it happens and I also get that a lot of times PC runs amok. My big issue with what RI, JJ and MP did, beyond the obvious bullying aspect, is that what they did HURT THEIR TEAM. I can't see on any level where their actions would create a better team. The best teams that I've been on and the most successful ones that I've see, the team chemistry and the strength of the bounds between players is almost always the strongest. There are always exceptions, but listen to Jim Kelly, Thurman, Andre and Bruce talk about each other and their other teammates, the environment on that Bills team would never tolerate a Incognito or Pouncey, it just wouldn't happen. I know there are exceptions, where teams don't need to get along to win, but they are exceptions.
  7. While we'll never know, I would bet that Martin might have had a completely different NFL career had he been drafted into a situation that was more "normal" and a lot more supportive. From the report, it sounds like Martin stomached the hazy for a year in the hopes it would end and he could basically "play football". At this point, JM is damaged goods and would take a major investment by a team to try and make the NFL work for him. He would need to be in the right situation, maybe SF, Indy or another team with "JM friends" on it and a group of O-lineman that want him. While I'm not naïve to think that the NFL should be like normal offices, I do think what happened in Miami was on the extreme edge of the NFL locker rooms. I also think that most NFL locker rooms are more like families that poke fun at one another, but deep down have a strong bound and sense of protection for one another. I never played football after high school, but did play other team sports in college and always thought of my team as a second family.
  8. I took the time to read the entire report. In a nutshell, my opinion is that RI, JJ and MP bullied several players and at least one coach (trainer) who were weaker then they were mentally. This entire episode is a straight forward case of bullying. I think the big question isn't whether or not JM was bullied (and the others), it's whether bullying is acceptable in the NFL even though it is not outside the NFL. It comes down to that. A lot of people will argue a 300+ pound man that plays in the NFL should be tougher mentally or he should get out of the league. While I think it's worthy of a debate and while I can respect that some would side with the RI, JJ and MP crowd, I'm not one of them.
  9. Not crazy about a WR that high. I would rather Ebron, a can't miss TE. WR is very deep this draft, let's grab one in 3rd. In 2nd, I'd pick ILB or OL, depending on our FA signings
  10. This is getting ridiculous. Why hasn't the NFL report been released ? It was suppose to be released last week on Thursday. Maybe the NFL is doing some creative editing. At this point, I wouldn't touch either one of these guys.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrYkeXNYOG8 . . . . as I read your post, couldn't help but agree and think of this famous line from Stripes
  12. +1, I've been very critical of the Bills FO and by association the owner --- but this groups takes the cake ! It's easy to joke about our owner being asleep at the wheel (literally for a 94 year old), but Browns fans have to be ready to jump. Maybe in the end, it will all work out -- I think Pettine will be a good HC and Farmer can't be any worse than Lombardi/Banner --- but, what a path to get there
  13. Could be more administrative, providing input and advice -- Farmer would make final decisions, just like Whaley did in 2013 Bills draft
  14. That would SHOCK me. When I first read the announcement, I thought it was a Nix/Whaley deal, not that Lombardi/Banner knew they'd get canned, but that Farmer was involved and endorsed the hire. If Farmer didn't agree with Pettine hire, Pettine might have a very short tenure as Browns HC and already be on the proverbial hot seat and Browns might already be eyeing Quinn after the Hawk remarkable SB effort
  15. Having lived outside WNY for past 15+ years, I'm not as intimately familiar with the political landscape as most posters, however, I suspect based on what I do read nad here from family and friends, it hasn't changed much in that time. I will say this, I think it's a positive step, I wouldn't get your hopes up that it develops into a concrete plan, but it's positive that the politicians are acknowledging that a process needs to start. Ultimately, a new stadium will involve a NEW owner who has to be committed to WNY and have a chunk of money left after he buys team. It was also involve a NEW FO (which will happen the day a new owner is awarded the team), I think that is one reason why Brandon steers clear of this discussion, he won't be in charge after Ralph passes. Until that time, we live with a refurbished "Ralph" and an uncertain long term (>7 years) future for the team in WNY.
  16. I get that he might not be a 3-down player, but in the NFL last year there were only 19 players to get 10 or more sacks, 19 ! Getting to the QB or putting pressure on him is paramount to playing effective defense in today's NFL. Just look at how Manning performed in SuperBowl or how Brady performs when under pressure, they are completely different passers. I think trading Hughes makes no sense this off-season. You can debate whether he deserves a long term extension or not, but trading away a guy that can get to the QB, is crazy when we could be on the verge of being a Top 5 defense. Add a very good LB and another cover CB for depth, resign Byrd and we are close. This is crazy talk (trading Hughes) and will only lead to another losing season.
  17. You could look at college and how he was used in Indy and conclude the Colts didn't use him effectively. BTW, I wouldn't say the Bills used him heavily, I'd say they used him effectively, since he didn't play every snap.
  18. I'm certain how well he played last year. That's enough for me to KEEP HIM (i.e. don't trade him). If you were planning on extending him you would do more due diligence on attitude and film study (last year vs. two previous at Indy). The guy was a 1st round pick (by Polian) so, we know he has raw talent. Based on what I saw of him while he was in college at TCU, he dominated as pass rusher, much in same way he did with Bills last season. So, you could factor in his college years and call the Indy time the exception. I'm really puzzled at the thought process that would lead to a trade except if the Bills hear he wants $10M+ per year and they want to get value ahead of free agency, otherwise, I want to keep guys that can play.
  19. Still scratching my head on the number of posters that want to get rid of a guy who had over 10 sacks ?? On a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 15 years and is stuck on 5 or 6 wins for the past decade. We need playmakers and Hughes is an explosive pass rushing end who is in his young 20's. DO NOT TRADE HIM. EXTEND HIM. He is not a one-hit wonder.
  20. Is this true ? I thought the Bills tried to resign Carrington before the season. I hadn't heard they tried after he was injured and failed ?
  21. Aren't they always guesses and opinions, that's what makes it so much fun.
  22. Weird. The difference could be the assumption on the rollover from 2013 into 2014.
  23. This site says Bills will have $28M in cap space. Agree, they'll cut Kolb and Pears. That raises it to $34M. They would need to structure any new contracts or extensions accordingly to fit under. I don't see them extending Spiller until 2015 and even then I think it's at best is 50/50. I think they can resign all 3 Dareus, Byrd and Hughes and be okay for next couple of years until Mario can be cut/restructured. Even if Byrd gets $8M, Hughes and Dareus $6M each, that's $20M/year, leaves $14M in space in 2014 and more in 2015. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24379050/agents-take-raiders-atop-list-of-10-teams-with-best-2014-salary-cap-situation
  24. Both. Bills are in a situation where they don't have to pick one or the other. They have enough cap room to sign ALL their pending FA's and extend all of their players that have one year left on their contracts. If EJ blossoms into a true franchise QB, they cut Mario after 2015 season and use that money to resign QB. I'm not suggesting stupid spending because at some point if Bills continue to accumulate talented players, we will have a cap issue, but that is at least 2 years down the road and a problem all of us would love to have.
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