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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. I'm hoping for the T-Day game as well -- the Bills missed out last time they went up against the Dolphins in 2011 for the Thanksgiving game in Dallas -- I think they have much better shot this year with Detroit -- agree on Schwartz angle --- it might help that Bills haven't been on Thanksgiving in forever and they are a young team --- not sure if the Incognito issue helps or hurts --- might matter how each team does this off-season, I'm not sure when schedule comes out
  2. I'm not suggesting that SHOULD be the way, but it appears the consensus on these boards is that Wilson still has oversight or Littman doesn't really report to Brandon --- if that's the case and there was a difference of opinion between Brandon (CEO) and Littman (CFO) it would have to be resolved or arbitrated by Wilson. My original understanding of Brandon's comments from last January was that he had final decision rights and ultimate power to run team and it was absolute -- if that truly is the case than Wilson would have NO INVOLVEMENT on any decision and Brandon word would be final on all matters related to the team, like he was the owner -- and BTW, that was how Brandon described his new power in the news conference --- again, in that case, Littman would bring a budget recommendation to Brandon for his approval and Wilson would play no role. I think that's a great question for the WGR boys to ask Brandon. Bring up his words and ask questions like "Do you have the authority to hire/fire anyone in organization without Wilson's approval ?" . . . "Do you set and approve budget or do you need to get approval from Wilson" etc. etc. ---
  3. To me, it's simple. Brandon and Littman need to huddle and set a budget. It all starts from that point and Brandon has the final say but needs "sign off" from his CFO and they disagree it would get raised to Ralph. Once that is done, the CFO's job is rather pedestrian when it comes to spending, stay at or below budget. As for Dorf, his role is to work with Whaley to help execute the personnel vision within the budget and be the expert at how to optimize contracts. He is execution of player strategy, NOT player strategy. Player strategy is between Whaley and Marrone, with Whaley having final say. This is not that complicated. If either Littman or Dorf is doing more than what I list, it create DYSFUNCTION.
  4. You raise a good point on the limited powers of a CEO and the relationship to a traditional Board (in this case, Ralph). The CFO is somewhat independent in a traditional corporation and does wield additional powers / decision rights that are separate from the CEO, in an audit, legal, GAAP, SEC etc type of way. So, I can understand that Brandon couldn't up and fire Littman without cause and consent of Board (Ralph), however, Overdorf is an entirely different animal and should be under direct control/management of Brandon (or Whaley). It is troubling that there remains the possibility that our 94-year old owner is still f***ing with the operational aspects of this team.
  5. Probably too difficult to extract their heads from Russ's back side long enough to engage in a discussion that requires so many brain cells.
  6. That's what I asked for a few pages back -- an understanding of roles and responsibilities and most importantly decision rights for members of the FO ---
  7. You are describing a functional corporate structure which is what successful teams have. At this point I'm not sure Brandon has the authority he claimed to have at his press conference. I always suspected he was unqualified for the position, but maybe he also oversold his promotion as more than it really was. As some have said, the proof will be in the actions, not the words, including those of Graham.
  8. Russ is either President and CEO of the Bills or not, sounding more and more like not.
  9. If nothing else the actions taken on multiple issues will explain if this is a new way of doing business or not --- (1) Byrd contract, (2) Toronto series, (3) Training staff to name a few. I knew Overdorf was bad news, but if he should not be making decisions on player contracts, he should be executing a strategy against a budget that is set by Brandon (assuming Brandon has full power) and he would work in concert with Whaley to agree on what is and isn't possible in retaining talent and going after new FA's
  10. Very troubling. Even more reason to get an explanation from Brandon. Is he in charge or not ?
  11. I think it's a fair question for fans to expect Brandon to explain the FO roles and responsibilities and decision rights. That's management 101 and pretty basic for any CEO to establish in their organizations.
  12. Something else that hasn't changed, the 6-10 record ! (sorry, couldn't resist )
  13. Brandon is supposed to be President and CEO and in HIS words from HIS press conference, Ralph told him "He told me he was passing the torch to me to run the franchise in totality. He has granted me full authority to run the franchise with zero restrictions and zero limitations." --- If this is the case, Brandon, like a good CEO would set the strategy and responsibilities for Littman, Whaley, Overdorf etc -- so, he is either complicit or incompetent, take your choice.
  14. If Brandon can't tell Littman and Overdorf what to do, he shouldn't have the title of President / CEO next to his name. I agree on moving on from Fitz, but who made the decision in first place to give him that extension ? Littman, Nix, Brandon, Overdorf ? What's the saying, "success has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan" ---
  15. I liked the hires of Marrone and Whaley at the time, and still do. I liked the extension of Wood. I do not like the fact that Levitre and Byrd were not signed to extensions. I didn't like the way they dealt with Fitz contract and the dead money being spread into 2014. I don't like the fact that he re-upped the Toronto series and is continuing it (as far as we all know). So, on balance, over the past year, there are more negatives than positives. That isn't counting the issues that pre-date his declaration that he was "in complete charge"
  16. I also like the fact that Brandon is from the area, however, the new owner will determine if Bills stay or go and unless Brandon turns this team's fortunes around on-the-field,, before there is an ownership change, he will be one of the first that is either fired or his power is stripped and he's back to being a marketing guy for the team.
  17. TE is supposed to be very top heavy in this draft, so, if Bills want an impact TE, it's probably Ebron at 9 or one of the next tier in round 2. Matthews / Robinson at 9 would be too good to pass on, however, I think both will be gone. It will be interesting if at 9, Watkins and Ebron are both there, what directions Bills go
  18. I am the farthest thing from a Brandon fan and have posted many times my reasons why. I will say this, this is an opportunity for Brandon to shut me and others up. He can put his actions where his mouth has been and usher in a new way of doing things at OBD and create a culture of winning. Fire Littman and Overdorf (or strip them of their football decisions and let them be what they should be, execution of the strategy not creation). Give Marrone the power to hire new training staff if he wants it. I doubt he does either of these, because, as I said at outset, I don't have much faith in the man. As for his defenders, I'll ask again, what 3 three things has he done in his 10+ years with the Bills to improve the results on the field ??
  19. I read all 9 pages but didn't see any link to a media report, just posters changing the conversation from training staff to FO, did I miss something ? Can you name 3 things Brandon has done in his 10+ years with the Bills that resulted in on-field success ?
  20. Agree 100%. Very deep WR class and starters can be found into round 3 or even 4. If Bills believe Watkins is a game changing Top 5 talent and he slips I could be swayed, but I like one of the Top 3 LB's or Top 2 OT's at 9 more.
  21. This thread is like the ebola virus, it spread from monkeys to humans at some point but where ? My question, Graham's article is about the Bills wanting to change their training staff, when was there a media report that this was about Littman and Overdorf (the two buffoons) ? Ed: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2014/02/23/sources-disconnect-youngsters-lifers-bills-organization/
  22. It's mostly Fitz ($7M) and Anderson ($3M), and largely a moot point. The Bills have enough cap space to sign their FA's and draft picks and also be a player in the mid-tier FA market.
  23. Good point on the texts. It might have been JM's way of trying to tell RI to back off. In other words, you are pushing me too hard. It would be interesting to read the texts JM sent to other people besides his parents or RI to see if they were more normal I'd also love to hear what Sherman, Luck and other teammates at Stanford have to say. The Dolphins also knew that he was having issues at one point in process when he missed voluntary off-season workouts. Seems like they dismissed them as not important.
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