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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Buffalo weather has NOTHING to do with whether a free agent wants to play here, NOTHING. It's about WINNING, MONEY and OPPORTUNITY. What's the next issue, they don't like wearing Royal Blue ?
  2. That works for the first 5 years until they get to their 2nd deal -- so, yes, in that sense, it works, but is not sustainable because it's not like you can not resign them and draft another one, they are too hard to find. Case in point, the Bills.
  3. That's a good point -- it's either $15M+ or you are a backup -- no such thing as a QB middle-class --
  4. It's the name of the game nowadays, pay the QB and pay him BIG ! It certainly creates more limited roster flexibility. In the end, good QB's are worth every penny. Get that position right and the rest is relatively easy to build. Not sure Kaepernick is worth all of that, but, I'd take him in a nano-second. Wilson will get paid, the interesting one to watch is Dalton in Cincy -- that is a conundrum
  5. I never said it wasn't stupid -- it was stupid, it was reckless and it was dangerous. What I'm saying is, JS and a few posters are acting like they never did anything stupid, reckless or dangerous themselves, I'm reacting to the "holier than thou" attitude in JS's article as though what Dareus did is so reprehensible that he should get cut --
  6. Two great sayings, "He who is without sin should cast the first stone" and "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". I can think of many things I did when I was between 16-24 that would not stand up to the test of media scrutiny as an NFL player, and I think I turned out okay. Not saying what they did is right, but, let's put it on a spectrum and in perspective.
  7. Not sure walking is as viable an option as you make it sound like, it's approximately 2 miles from Milstein's property across to the other side of Rainbow bridge -- that's like parking at Dick's Sporting Goods for the Ralph --- add to that, some distance to actually find parking in Canada and you could easily be at 2 1/2 miles or more --- possible, but not practical. I've made it clear in previous posts that solving the other infrastructure issues in the Falls will be extremely expensive and as far as return on investment, the state and private groups would be much better off putting the stadium in downtown Buffalo and investing in other projects in the Falls.
  8. Another question, why does Marrone feel the burden falls on himself to help Dareus ? Where is Whaley/Brandon in all of this and what part do they or should they play ? To me, this should be an issue that the GM and CEO concern themselves with and FIX ! Not the HC.
  9. I'm thinking number of reps you give Dareus' backup; exploring adjustments to scheme during OTA's or mandatory camp; taling to other teams about trade possibilities for Dareus or a better backup; etc etc --- nothing too elaborate, but having a plan and doing your homework
  10. I think all of us are reaffirming that it doesn't make sense to CUT HIM, but, it does make sense to prepare this team for the potential likelihood that this guy will get suspended for this or another transgression. What I don't want to hear, in 3 months is that Marcel did something worse and the Bills are sitting with their thumbs up their a$$es unprepared. These transgressions do not warrant dismissal or being cut, but they are WARNING SIGNS that this kid is in trouble. I'd love to hear more about what the Bills are doing NOW to protect the team from another Dareus issue.
  11. I'm in the same place with him as HC, neutral, giving him another year to see if it turns favorable (or unfavorable). He's been given advice or made a conscious decision to try and be likable to/with the media. If you recall one of his first pressers at SJF last summer, when he was getting bombarded with Mario foot injury questions by the media, he snapped back and essentially told one of the media guys to "back off" or something to that affect, anyway, the next day, he profusely apologized and since that time has gone out of his way to be nice. I don't buy that as his real personality, only because it comes across very forced in interviews and press conferences. Again, I'm no media expert, but to me he comes across like he's trying too hard and it plays unnatural.
  12. No way at this point do you cut him. BUT, you do start to look around to protect your interests (i.e. sign another DT, maybe explore trade options etc) AND you invest in helping keep him on the straight and narrow, similar to what Cowboys did with Dez Bryant, i.e. HIRE A BABYSITTER !
  13. I get the impression when Marrone has his PC's and radio appearances that he is very concerned about his image and I think at times he talks too much (might take a lesson from Pop and Belichik in this regard)and tends to say things to get media/fans to like him. I think in this case he rambled on too much and in the end put his foot in his mouth. If he spends more time with Dareus it is because Dareus is an integral part of the defense and the Bills made a huge investment in him, I don't see him doing the same thing with a 3rd line player, that in and of itself shows his motivations are not completely altruistic.
  14. I stopped listening Schopp about 2 years ago --- unless there is real breaking news (not the fake kind on CNN), I never turn him on or listen to his podcasts
  15. or Josh Brent, let's hope his teammates stay clear of him
  16. Here's a thought, why not trade Dareus to Detroit for Suh ? -- seems both players might need change of scenery
  17. This^ (the Mary's on the voting trust) and the lease are the two biggest things going for us to keep team in WNY --- biggest thing against it is some FOOL like Balmer acting the part and bidding $3B, why ? because he can. Right now, I'm 80% confident team will stay in WNY
  18. A few things to add to the discussion: 1- I think we all wished Ralph did more than it appears he has done to keep the team here, while the lease and having the Mary's on the voting trust are good, pre-arranging a sale to a local buyer would have cemented this team here for decades and made Ralph's legacy that much stronger. We all hope there is more in the trust than we collectively know, but where this team ends up in 7yearrs will definitely influence my feelings toward Wilson. 2- A successful NFL franchise in LA is worth more than a successful franchise in Buffalo, Economics 101. The two BIG IF'S are (a) can an NFL franchise be successful in LA (i.e.Rams / Raiders were not) and (b) How much more would it be worth if it was successful ? I'd suggest using the comparison of the value Forbes puts on Cowboys or Patriots or Giants vs. the value of the Bills 3- Economics will play a role in the bid of a person that wants to move the team, but it might not be the ONLY valuation used. If Ballmer's $2B bid for the Clippers teaches us anything, it's that emotion an ego play a significant role with billionaires and regardless of potential TV money for the Clippers TV, Ballmer over paid by at least $1B 4- The lease is as iron-clad as a lease can be (I did take time to read it); but we all know a buyer that wants to relocate team will fight the lease and we'll need politicians to stand firm against the temptation to take a $400M (or more) settlement I personally find it hard to sit by and do nothing and wait for others to determine our team's fate. I would encourage others who feel like me to act by writing letters to other owners, fans in other cities, all politicians, Goodell, media (local and national) for them to do what they can do to support a team in Buffalo.
  19. Agree on roster, it's much better -- but that one if is a BIG IF !! . . . QB is the most important position by far and this season sits on EJ's shoulders --- he plays like last year, we'll be 6-10 again -- he progresses to be an average NFL QB we could get to 8 or 9 wins -- he'll need to take 2 steps to get to 10+ wins and make playoffs ---
  20. Jets will be better, especially if they start Vick ---with additions of Decker and Ch Johnson and a solid defense --- they have decent team and will contend for WC
  21. You and me both ! The ONLY thing I fear at this point in the sale process is some crazy stupid bid that is so far above the local buyers that the 4-member trust has to consider it. If Toronto group bids $1.4B and Buffalo guys bid $1.1 or $1.2, there is no issue, I see that group of 4 voting for local ownership. If Guggenheim or now Balmer (ugh); comes in and bids $2.5B and says it will honor lease and not move team, what can the 4-member trust do, $2.5B v. $1.2B ? -- I think at that point the team is sold to that group
  22. These guys are dropping like flies ! Ford, Adams, Glazer and Wilson all in less than a year ? --- 4 owners out of 32 ---
  23. I think is fairly common for all teams -- they are maintenance surgeries in most cases -- things that can be put off until offseason -- if it's significant stuff, they are on IR in season --
  24. Got it. I wanted to be sure there wasn't something else besides the style, personality, ego that you were referring to. I respect your opinion of the man, I don't agree with it, but it's one I'm sure a lot of people share. Personally, I don't think any of that would deter the other owners voting for him, however.
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