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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. In many ways, Kryk's article is validating the Massare tweets --- maybe trust is indeed requiring bidders to have long term Buffalo plan -- that would explain Rogers opting out of going it alone and would also explain JBJ's change of heart with respect to moving team --- in end, I still don't trust JBJ --- but, this could seal deal for local guy !
  2. I'm following and agree with 100% of what you wrote. My posts in this thread are a reaction to the Massare tweets, that said he was told by someone close to the trust that the bidders were instructed as part of their bids to have a long term plan to keep team in Buffalo. So, Massare is saying that the trust is telling bidders to have a long term plan to keep team in Buffalo. What I'm saying, is, if that is true, they can tell the public, because it would cause no harm.
  3. What I'm saying is this --- if you've told the bidders you have to keep team in Buffalo (which is what Massare claims in his tweets) how do you lower potential bids by saying the exact thing to the public ? --- in other words, I secretly tell all bidders they have to have plan for team in Buffalo in their bids, and if I say that to the public, the bidders will lower the bids ?? -- it doesn't jive. What does jive, is this, it's secret because there is no provision as indicated by Massare.
  4. If there was indeed a provision in the trust or a requirement like Massare tweeted and I was Mary Wilson, I would absolutely come out publicly and say it -- if your telling the bidders they need plans to keep team in Buffalo, why not say same to the community --- I'll put it this way, based on my logic, I do not believe there is any provision as mentioned by Massare, because if there was such a thing, it would have been made public by the trustees because there is absolutely no reason to not make it public.
  5. Whether Jaws is right about JBJ or not, JBJ is stained with the relationship he chose to create with the Toronto guys and will NEVER be viewed by WNY fans or the trust as a serious Buffalo guy --- so, if trust has any obligation to favor WNY bidders, JBJ will not be in that group. As for revealing the process, I remain at a loss as to why not. I get the Code Monkey question, why should they ? But, these folks must realize the incredible consternation amongst Bills fans and to ease our collective pain would be enough reason, ESPECIALLY if there is NO BENEFIT to them to keep it secret -- again, I raise this in response to the Massare tweets saying that the trust has informed bidders to have Buffalo plan in place.
  6. My question is this, if the bidders all know these rules, why wouldn't the trustees make them public ? There clearly wouldn't be any damage to the bidding process. That's what doesn't make any sense.
  7. While I agree that is the direction, it's going to take some time given there are still quite a few families running teams -- I also think the NFL values diversity of ownership -- hopefully they will have enough self awareness to never get to full of themselves as well -- which could be an issue
  8. Yes/No. As pointed out by others, there is a fairly standard model that has been worked out for a lot of the new stadiums that have been built over past several years -- state/local pay X%, PSL/suites X%, NFL X% and owner X% --- I suspect, Buffalo would fall into that breakdown with perhaps a bit less on PSL's/suites and more on one or more of the other parties --- if LA or Toronto promised to completely fund a stadium, that would certainly change the rules
  9. I agree with you with respect to certain prospective owners, i.e. Trump -- but, I think Golisano and Pegula both would be comfortable buying the team and working out a deal sometime after on a new stadium.
  10. I'll keep making this point -- the new owner should drive the process regarding a new stadium -- not necessarily as part of the sale process. I don't want the NFL to require a stadium deal as part of the new ownership group. I personally would love to have a new stadium in downtown Buffalo with planned development to go around it, but the new owner should get to decide what he wants, at what cost and where. But I don't like this "shotgun wedding" that we fans are falling into --- if Pegula buys team, let him work with local, state and NFL folks to come up with a solution that fits his vision for the team. Same for Golisano, Trump or any other owner that wants to keep the team in WNY. I think we all know at some point there will need to be a new stadium, but, let's not force the issue as part of ownership transition. My fear is that the stadium decision will be sub-optimal or the state/local governments and the new owner himself will negotiate from a weak position with the NFL.
  11. +1 -- measurable matter when you haven't played a down in the NFL -- once you prove you are effective, size becomes a secondary consideration --- getting to QB is huge asset -- Bills will not use Hughes on running downs and will adjust defense to compensate for his lack of stoutness against run
  12. Interesting -- so, RG is promising JBJ a team in Toronto if he backs off or loses Bills bid -- meanwhile, he'd need to get agreement with new owner to not object to team in Toronto --- I'd make that deal as a Bills fan to ensure team stays here ---
  13. No way will a franchise move to Toronto if the Bills stay in Buffalo. The Bills would rightfully fight if the Jags moving to Toronto as it would violate their home market and they would win -- no different than Seattle would fight a team in Portland and Dallas would fight a team in OKC -- hell, the Cowboys would fight a team in San Antonio or Austin ! --
  14. I'd pay a chunk of money to simply get to read the trust and know what the freaking bidding rules are. Not knowing is the worst part and I'm too paranoid to "trust" it will all work out. I remind myself everyday that the folks from Toronto will NEVER get an NFL team if they lose this bid in their lifetimes. When you look at it that way, it's right to fear their bid and get pissed when you hear of meetings between RG and JBJ. In the end, I think Pegs will come with a high enough bid to force the trustees to accept it because it's local -- but until that day, part of me is worried.
  15. I offered two possible reasons why he might be having the lunch. If I'm Golisano or Pegula and I haven't had the same discussion with Goodell, I'd be worried he was helping JBJ. But, my philosophy is that you are always prepared for the worst, so you are not surprised, I suspect TG and Pegs are similar -- you don't get to be a billionaire without a little paranoia. Andy Grove wrote a great book "Only the Paranoid Survive".
  16. The unknown is what haunts me regarding the sale process and the trustee's obligations --- when I heard the two Mary's were on the 4-member trust, I thought it was a done deal that they would sell to a buyer who wanted to keep team in Buffalo --- as more time passed, I'm puzzled that theory wasn't validated with any factual knowledge of the trust itself. The fact that NDA's were sent to Toronto based groups suggest there is no local obligation and that it might simply be an open bid, if that's the case I have fear that the Toronto groups will come high and hard with a substantial offer. If Tannebaum can't do it, Rogers can. It would be a sad ending to Ralph's legacy if his wife sells team to a group that moves it, but, it's possible. I still hope the Mary's have Buffalo in their hearts and take the highest bid from amongst the groups wanting to keep it hear. I can't imagine the backlash if it's announced they sold it to Rogers. It would get ugly very quickly.
  17. You guys are naive if you think the meeting with Goodell was a simple "business meeting", you are blind if you think it's a done deal the team stays in WNY and you are crazy if you think having the meeting in public was coincidence or accident -- he had it in public, because he wanted people to know he was meeting with JBJ -- why ? -- I don't know --- worst case, he's trying to help him get the team -- best case, he's trying to send some type of message to other bidders --- either way, I don't think it's the commissioner's place to put himself in a position where, appearances would suggest he's working with a group that wants to move a franchise that is up for sale ---
  18. To be clear -- I'd be mad if they met in private, too. The point I'm making on the meeting being in public is that it shows poor judgment by Goodell. It would be equally poor judgment to meet with Pegula in public and cast the impression he was picking a favorite in the process and not meeting with Golisano or Trump -- in this case, it's worse because he is meeting with a member of a group who clearly wants to buy team and move it --- it's bad PR and a bush league move -- RG should no better ---
  19. Goodell has influence, how much and with how many owners depends on the topic. In this case, if it's a close vote, he could make a difference -- if Pegs wins the bid, I think it's a no brainer he gets approved -- however, if Trump gets bid, the vote would be a lot closer and where Goodell sides might make a difference -- same with JBJ/Tannebaum or Rogers --- in the end, I don't like it. A public meeting sends the wrong message to WNY fans -- it looks bad and he should have had enough smarts to meet in private or by phone --- again, how big a deal it is, I don't know ---
  20. I get that Goodell would "take a meeting" with JBJ if requested -- but tell me the value for Goodell to have that meeting in public ? what's he to gain, in my mind, that's poor judgment on the commish's part ---
  21. Bad move by the commish. If for no other reason than appearances. He should know better. Did he really think no one would notice him having lunch with JBJ ? As for trust, I thought we could, now I'm not so sure.
  22. I don't think we need Babin, and we have too much cap $ tied up in D-Line as it is -- Dareus, K Williams and Mario -- plus, there is something peculiar when 2 teams cut same guy -- I'd rather see us resign Hughes and/or restructure Mario to make D-line solid for next several years with who we got
  23. I think the Rogers or Tannebaum group will bid over $1.5B, my guess is closer to $1.7B -- those groups know that this is their LAST CHANCE in their lifetimes to see a team in Toronto -- in the end, the trust accepts a lower, but still competitive bid from Pegula for $1.5B
  24. I'm exactly where you are Kirby --- my EJ issues are (1) accuracy; (2) instincts (difficult to describe, but combination of comfort in pocket and natural ability to make plays) and (3) injuries --- my biggest issue with FO this off-season is that they went all in on Watkins trade and don't have a contingency if EJ doesn't progress as they need ---
  25. I'd say I am extremely confident based on what I know about the process that the Bills will remain in WNY. Lease, 3/4 vote from trustees and serious local bidders. My only fear, is the unknown.
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