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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Whaley reports to Brandon. Brandon's managed the entire operation since January 2013.
  2. Non-football operations, no ownership responsibilities, is a huge downgrade, just like it was a huge upgrade when he was elevated --- he doesn't belong in any role managing the football side -- if that's what you are saying, I agree, if not, I don't.
  3. I don't want to hijack this thread, but there is no way Brandon keeps his current role with a new owner. Best case scenario for him is to return to a VP, Non-football operations position, worst case scenario is outright firing. At this time, Brandon is in a role as the quasi-owner because Ralph was no longer able to handle ownership duties, a new owner will be "the owner". As for the JBJ letter, just another example that this guy is not ready for primetime of being an owner, another colossal PR fail.
  4. I agree with a lot of posters that this has a lot to do with new ownership, which historically makes sweeping changes, starting with VP, Football to GM to HC. The 6-10 first year record doesn't help nor does consensus of another non-playoff season, but, I think most is related to new ownership.
  5. Some quick thoughts: 1- Golisano remains a long shot, but there is no way he would keep Brandon in same/similar position, Quinn is Golisano's guy and Brandon would be forced out if he becomes owner 2- Pegula remains the heavy favorite and I believe Todd France would become VP, Football Operations under Pegs ownership and Brandon would either be relegated to VP for non-football activities or pushed down further in organization into a marketing only role 3- To all Trump haters, he WOULD be approved by NFL owners, so let it go. However, I doubt it gets to that point as he has openly stated he won't get into a bidding war for team, and it's clear trust is trying to create one. I'm not rooting for Trump to win bid, but you're kidding yourselves if you think he wouldn't be approved. 4- JBJ is in damage control and severely misread the tea leaves on this process, he threw his hat in with the wrong crowd and displayed extremely poor PR skills along the way, in the words of Andre Reed "F*$K Bon Jovi". His bid is toast. 5- Lastly, I still don't like this process and wish Ralph would have secured a transition plan that prevented all this speculation and uncertainty, that would have been a true gift to WNY. Stayin !!
  6. I think it's a fair expectation by fans for their team to be competitive, just like it's a fair expectation for a team, if they are competitive, that fans will support them. We have a case here, where the team has not lived up to their end of the bargain, not the fans. To suggest anything otherwise is simply wrong. I don't want to hijack this thread to get into a theoretical discussion on what fans should or should not do to prove their worth to prospective buyers, however, I do believe that Bills fans have proven to NFL owners and the league that they can and will support a team in this area. I don't think that is an issue. The only potential issues with Buffalo as an NFL city, is whether there are enough corporate dollars and whether the longer term economic outlook could create more significant population erosion to change that equation.
  7. If the Toronto group is selected, I'd suspect there would be some sort of explanation, especially if the winning bid isn't something outrageously high. I think the trustees (and NFL) is keenly aware of the reception such a result would have on the WNY fan base and would want to justify the decision. In addition, and maybe it's already started, the new owners will need to sell themselves to the fans, I'm sure part of that process will be some sort of longer term commitment. I still believe that TP will get the team, but the latest "buzz" around Toronto is hard to ignore.
  8. I think contracts preventing relocation could get tricky, but, as Seattle found out with Clayton Bennett (moved Supersonics to OKC), you want some assurances beyond some group's word. The Clippers sale to Ballmer, who is a Seattle area resident (Seattle still doesn't have a team) requiring a non-movement clause is interesting given the comments from SRQ -- not sure how long those can be binding or what conditions can be placed on community performance to keep them enforceable, after all, in a failing market an owner would want some ability to move
  9. Can you at least say that your level of comfort goes beyond the trustees taking the potential ownership groups at their word that they won't move the team ?
  10. It would change my opinion if there was something more than just their "word", if that's all Kirby knows than, your right, it wouldn't help me get more comfortable. In other words, Jaws' comments about JBJ were essentially "I've spoken with JBJ and trust me, he has no intentions of moving the team" -- if JBJ told Mary Wilson that and she accepted it at face value, YES, I'd still have a big problem and not trust him. I can't imaging all the confidence folks are claiming boils down to the Toronto guys word, does it ? -- even a doubting Thomas like myself is assuming Kirby and the others have something more than that.
  11. Bandit -- I think those of us on the "we don't trust anyone from Toronto" side of this argument are really struggling with simply having faith in an unnamed source with no release of any specific information to validate that statement, albeit from a reputable TBD poster (Kirby Jax). Faith is a tough thing, blind faith is even harder ! You have to admit on the surface, the idea of a couple of Toronto based Canadian billionaires wanting to buy the Bills and keep them in Buffalo after the lease expires, is a bit of a stretch, right ? All bidders have been told not to bid if they don't have a long term plan to keep the team in Buffalo, so, if I'm them, I put together a long term Buffalo plan, will the plan ever get executed, in my opinion, probably not, but I have my plan to prove to the trust, that I've done my due diligence and followed the rules. Again, if Kirby Jackson could or would name names and give all of us the details that make him so comfortable in his opinion, it might be easier for us to fall in line behind he, you and others who are so comfortable. I understand why he can't and I respect him for being confidential, but, for me, at this point, it's too much to ask in the face for a fairly reasonable and quite logical scenario of a couple Toronto billionaires duping the trust and later moving the team.
  12. I'm still counting on the trustees to vote in favor of a true committed WNY buyer --- that to me is the biggest thing in our favor, that and a few billionaires on our side of the border
  13. Liquidity is a time issue --- everything is liquid longer term if you are willing to sell. As for corporate ownership, I believe NFL wants majority owner to be individual, so it's possible that JBJ/MLSE/Rogers can split ownership in such a way as to satisfy NFL mandate -- in the end, that group has more assets than Pegs, which is a concern.
  14. ??? It has been reported that the Toronto group has net worth above $10B ? -- that's triple what Pegs is worth. As far as liquidity, they would have several years to figure that (as well as any legal rangling) out before moving and building stadium --- I'm not running around and saying "the sky is falling" -- but a group of Toronto businessman buying the Bills is not good --- Kirby never mentioned any iron-clad contract requiring them to keep team in WNY or forfeit ownership --- even with one, would it be enforceable ?
  15. I don't the issue is WHAT they talk about, the issue is WHO is doing the talking --- Schopp has no business being on a sports-oriented radio station --
  16. It's not bad or good it's NEWS --- take a look at the Pegula thread from a few weeks back, when we found out he sold land for over a billion dollars -- that thread exploded with twice as many posts as this one --- it's NEWS that we react to, what you are seeing over the last decade with this team is that there is a lot more bad news than good -- that's all
  17. I think "Fun Police" captured the fear we have regarding the Toronto group --- if the team is sold to a bunch of BILLIONAIRES from Toronto and they don't WANT to keep the team in WNY, but are FORCED to keep it in WNY, they will spend every waking minute plotting to find a way to move it at some point down the road, it will be hanging over our heads every year and I don't trust the NFL or courts to prevent it on a long term basis. We all concede we have an iron-clad window during lease -- but imagine the negotiaton for public dollars to support a stadium under that scenario -- or the "new owners" wanting to raise revenues to support such an endeavor -- I'm not saying the same wouldn't exist with Pegula or Golisano, but, at least with them, you would know they were approaching the situation from the de facto position that they want to be in WNY. I pray Kirby is right, but I'd feel a whole lot better if I had some facts on the trust/sale process or if they announce Pegs or TG wins bid
  18. That's a Bull$ht comment PTR ! I'm sorry, I trust that Kirby has good sources, but feeling scared and being worried that a group of Toronto billionaire businessman just might not have the best of intentions at keeping the team in Buffalo is not a stretch --- and if we choose to express that on posts, we somehow want the Bills to leave ? -- that's crap and you know it. I trust that Kirby has good sources, but I don't trust these Toronto guys at all. Like others have said as well as me, what's to prevent them from saying one thing and doing another, a contract ? Noone has said boo about an iron-clad contract to keep the Bills in WNY past the current lease. So, I'm sorry, unless Kirby can share specifics, I need to stop short of being comfortable. And NO, I don't want the team to move !!!!!!!!!
  19. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I trust you have sources, but, unless new owner signs contract to keep team here, I think it's fair to question their longer term motives. You haven't gone as far as to say there would be long term arrangement required for purchase. If there isn't, I think it's fair to say all bets are off until there is one. Right ?
  20. +1 It's completely illogical to think this Toronto group had a sincere change of heart -- they are positioning themselves to get team and then will work to move it longer term ---
  21. I don't trust a group led by Toronto businessman to keep the team in WNY long term (post-lease). Nobody, the trust included, knows what would be in these people's hearts and minds versus what they are willing to say. Unless there is a clause as part of the sale that requires the team to stay in Buffalo for 50+ years, none of us should buy what JBJ/MLSE are selling. Having said that, I am still confident the trust sells to a committed buyer that will keep team in WNY. I've said before, no way does Ralph put his wife and niece on trust to have them sell to a group that will move team.
  22. Robey was a hidden gem and made huge contributions to team, but no way is he 12th best on this roster -- sorry -- not a Robey hater but a realist. I do like Joe B, at least he invests time to understand and study the game --- unlike some of the other buffoons that cover team.
  23. He is by far the player the team needs to improve the most versus last year if we have any hope of making playoffs --- you need to play him as much as practically possible, which means to me, about 1/2 of each game -- with possible exception of 1st and 5th games --- which I'd play him one quarter --
  24. I lost a lot of respect for Jaws yesterday when he sided with JBJ against the family. Not cool, Jaws, not cool.
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