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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. I'm okay if they actually do that. I suspect, they won't given the past, i.e. they'll go "all in" on TT and we won't see a true franchise QB for another 5+ years
  2. It all depends on your objective, is it winning a SuperBowl or is it making the playoffs ? And don't give me the you can't get to the SuperBowl without getting to the playoffs crap. If you want to play in and win a SuperBowl you need a true franchise QB, and TT is not that, nor do I believe he ever will be. So, the conundrum for the Bills is do you want to get to 10 wins and exit in 1st round of playoffs or do you reach for the brass ring and go after a real franchise QB ? IMO, you play to win the SuperBowl and any decision short of that goal is not a good one. I think we'd be settling to be the Bengals (with Dalton) or the Bears (with Cutler) or the Dolphins (with Tannehill) --- we'd be better, but we'd still be on the outside looking in come Super Bowl time.
  3. Davis went to school with my daughter and played QB when he was 9th grader (Keller HS). His dad was one of coaches, his dad got canned along with HC, so, they transferred to another district (Prosper), so dad could again coach his son. My recollection from those days was he was a skinny, awkward kid who could throw the ball. I followed him pretty closely when he was at Tech, but lost track of him last year except hearing/seeing his name due to his stats. He's a good kid (most are) and loves the game (most do), but, I always got the sense that he was never really calm, cool and collected with/in the position. To me, pocket presence and the instinct to play the position are most important attributes that translate to NFL. Watch Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Wilson etc. etc. they all have that feel for the pressure, the calm to make quick decisions, a presence to command the huddle and a calm to perform when game is on the line.
  4. I'll give you Jets, I'm sure they'll be interested I'm far from sold on Taylor, I just think he lacks consistency due to poor accuracy and decision making, his two biggest assets are mobility and not turning the ball over, I just don't see that as enough in today's NFL. I know Denver won SB with a shell of Peyton, but, that defense is now 2 years older and less dominant, I think they need a lot more than TT to get back. As for Lynn, you might be right on Rooney rule situation, but, I'll stick by my prediction, I just don't see a team taking that step. I don't think he's done enough, not to mention trying to sell their fan base on hiring the Bills OC ?? Might not be the right reason not to hire him, but certainly a factor, as we've seen with the Bills and their hires over the years.
  5. I was being a bit argumentative on a snowy Friday in Texas , I should have qualified it and said for a winning NFL team or lead an NFL team to the playoffs I do think TT will have a market maybe with Cleveland, Chicago or SF, but I don't see a serious playoff caliber team really being interested (i.e. Denver or Arizona) As for Lynn, I think he's getting Rooney Rule interviews, while I like the intent of the rule, I think it creates a lot of false hope in some candidates
  6. You're on, I'll even do it if he starts in the Keenum type situation if you will if he doesn't due to injury
  7. Tyrod will not be a starting QB in NFL next year unless it's with the Bills. I don't see that happening unless it's a clear stop gap, i.e. Case Keenum situation in LA For that matter, Anthony Lynn won't be an NFL coach next year unless it's with the Bills. I don't think he's on any team's real short list and I'm hoping he doesn't play the Bills for fools like Rex and Dougie did. I'll go two further, Whaley wouldn't be a GM on any team except the Bills and Brandon wouldn't be President of any NFL team other than the Bills. Translation: NONE of them are good enough for any team except the Bills. Sorry for being so depressing and honest on a wonderful Friday.
  8. Fire Brandon or completely remove him from any responsibility for either franchise. He created a culture that is toxic and I don't see that changing with him being responsible for anything related to bills. Fire overdorf and anyone responsible for the contracts that were given to Marrone (opt out language) and Dareus I'd hire and empower a head of football operations, most teams call it GM. Person should b responsible for all football decisions, contracts, HC, scouts, pro and college I don't think Whaley deserves more time His record at best grades out as a "C-", not good enough to change current trajectory I'd make finding a true franchise QB the #1 priority, if that means using a 1st round pick every year, so be it, you can't win consistently in NFL without one, how much worse can it be if we waste a #1 pick than what we've experienced over past 17 years
  9. I'm sorry I'm struggling to follow your logic. Let me try again, what makes Pegula think that this team will succeed with the same organization (i.e. people and structure) that has failed over the past 2 decades ? My point is simple, he has kept the same individuals in key positions that have failed and now thinks they'll succeed ? It makes no sense. It's not living in the past, it's looking at the track record of failed picks, failed signings, failed football personnel strategies, failed hires as coaches, failed hires of GM's, failed contract languages etc. etc. Football should be a performance based business, if you can't win, you are out, enough with this mindset that mediocrity is okay, it's not.
  10. What personnel changes has Pegula made to the organization other than coach, which wasn't initiated by him since Marrone quit ?? This organization hasn't won in almost two decades, do you think it might make sense to change some of the folks that were leading it over that time period ? The short answer is YES. At least the Browns are fighting to find one. 2, 1st round picks for the most important position in team sports is not enough, not even close.
  11. Thanks for proving my point ! No franchise QB and they spent 3 1st picks over 17 years, should be 8 or 9 if you ask me. Ridiculous.
  12. Fits my narrative ? Seriously, how do you define success for a football team ? I'm not whining about press coverage, I wish the Buffalo News would be tougher on this front office and it took them 10+ years to create the linkage between Brandon and the performance of this team on the field. It is LONG overdue for the media and fans to hold this organization more accountable to the product on the field. Narrative ? that's bull **** deflection. The only narrative necessary is the W-L record over the past 17 years, the lack of even ONE playoff appearance, a GM that comes across as clueless, an organization that has failed to prioritize the QB position as essential to long term success, the ridiculous marketing influence on personnel moves, i.e. signing TO, hiring Marrone and Rex Once you start accepting mediocrity it will become the norm and this team will NEVER win.
  13. We've been a mediocre team for almost 2 decades !!!!!!! Amazing, pretty soon the new standard will be having the Bills listed as "In the hunt" in week 15 I'm sure you will be posting, things are looking better we were still in the hunt in week 15 Ugh Please have higher standards !!
  14. Agree How can they continue to defend the indefensible ? I just don't get some Bills fans that continue to make excuses for ineptness and dysfunction I'm all for being optimistic, but, come on, enough is enough
  15. I think you are both missing the bigger point, --- the issue isn't that they are laughing the issue is WHY they are laughing --- this team and this franchise IS dysfunctional, IS inept and IS amateurish -- in other words, they are right to laugh Don't conflate this laughter with ill-informed laughter as it relates to "Buffalo weather jokes" and such, this is not the same You are seeing and reading well-informed opinions that are not taking cheap shots or parroting back lines from local media, these are respected journalists Or throw all the other opinions out the window and ask yourself from as objective a point of view as you can muster whether you believe this franchise is well run. Whether the Bills have the very best personnel across key positions from president to the front office that will lead this team to success long term over an extended period of time. An organization that can compete with the Patriots, Steelers, Packers, Seahawks, Broncos, Giants etc. I don't think we have the right people, in fact, I know we don't, the last 17 years has proven without a doubt that we don't. My son showed me a graphic of the division winners by division over the past 20 years --- there were only 3 teams not pictured --- Browns, Bills and Jags --- not great company to keep
  16. People aren't laughing at the Bills because of Rex, they are laughing because of Whaley, Brandon and Pegula. Worse than laughing is the pity and how irrelevant this franchise has become You are deflecting for what purpose, to defend Whaley, Brandon or Pegula or all three ??? I agree that Rex should have been fired, hell, he should have never been hired in the first place. But the issues with this franchise are so much deeper than the head coach.
  17. And what about the 15 years before Rex ? I am not defending Rex, I didn't like the hire from day one and I don't think he's a good head coach, I'm not even sure he's a good DC. But, as incompetent as Rex is, Whaley, Pegula and Brandon are coming across as much worse. Rex is becoming a sympathetic figure once you watch Whaley fumble around like a 12 year old. He (Whaley) embarassed himself with his absurd answers. Imagine saying "I don't want other teams to know Buffalo's blueprint for hiring a coach", I practically spit up my food laughing, Buffalo's blueprint ???, seriously ?? The only reason teams would want our blueprint is to make sure they DON'T follow it.
  18. There is a big difference between running a professional organization and failing on the field vs. running a shitshow and being the laughing stock of the NFL The rest of the country is LAUGHING at Buffalo, even worse, pitying Buffalo Stop defending the incompetence
  19. I guess with a handle of "Kool Aid" I know where you stand LAME !
  20. Wow. Reading some of the posts on this thread I feel like the collective board is clueless about the reality of how the rest of the country feels about this franchise. I thought it impossible, but Whaley's presser created a new low for this team, he came across as incompetent, the Pegulas as a couple of amateurs and Brandon as someone doing his best to insulate himself for any and all blame so he isn't fired. Meanwhile, on this board we get the same old ass kissing lackeys defending all of the above and blaming the media It seems like a lot of Bills fans are as dysfunctional as this team I live in Dallas and I can tell you definitively not only is national media trashing this team, but every NFL fan (I've spoken to many) is doing the same. WAKE UP BUFFALO !!
  21. How dare the local newspaper reports facts about a team that hasn't made the post season in 17 years ! That's criminal. Fans who continue to defend the ineptness of this franchise are delusional, unfortunately, you are getting what you deserve, mediocrity. The crime, is the rest of us are left suffering with you.
  22. Thanks. I'm coming at this in those 3 buckets: 1- advice, 2-QB strategy and 3- Culture I think Bills need as you said "a team building philosophy" that accurately places the QB position as essential, a culture that doesn't accept mediocrity from anyone in the organization regardless of your role.
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