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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. I would never question EJ's arm strength, character, commitment or mobility; his issues as a QB fall into two categories --- (1) accuracy and (2) instincts. I've said since day one that these are his two issues, and my biggest concern since day one is whether they are coachable (fixable). When I watch tonight, that's all I will focus on -- is he being more consistent with his accuracy and is he becoming more comfortable in pocket and making the right reads and progressions.
  2. At this point there is reason for concern, but too early to give up hope.
  3. I'm admittedly biased, but, objectively, I think the perspective an agent has with respect to players as well as the knowledge he would have of the other 31 FO's is intriguing. The guy is impressive and very well respected across the league. I am also under impression that he would not fire Whaley or Marrone but give them a fair shot while he's in charge.
  4. Todd was owner of France AllPro Athlete Management in Atlanta -- Pegula bought his company a couple years ago, at the time most thought nothing of it, but it was a way for Pegula to better learn the NFL. They represent NFL players.
  5. Kirby -- that's possible, as I said, my source on Brandon's comments is not well validated i.e. I only met this person twice. However, in regards to Pegula as owner, I was told by a very reliable source that Todd France would be in charge of Football Operations and Brandon would not be involved. I interpreted that as he was out of the organization, I didn't get to validate that specific interpretation yet, but I am now thinking it could simply mean that Brandon moves into a Ted Black type of role.
  6. Sorry, I can't get my reply to a specific post function to work --- To Bandit: On title, my guess (if he stays) his title would be President not CEO and they'd have a President, Football Operations as well. I've also heard, although the source is not well validated that Brandon really wants to go to NFL League offices, but perhaps a new owner/new stadium would be great time to for him to leave, but also a great time for him to stay. What I was told was "Russ knows he's most likely out after an ownership change, and he wants to go to league offices anyway". Again, I don't know this source well, so, I'll throw it out for what it's worth. To The Dean: What confused me with the current organizational chart is that it suggests that Brandon has responsibility for Whaley and Football Operations. We've discussed ad nauseum on the boards whether he has a say or doesn't have a say over football personnel. I'd just as soon not rehash that. I do know that under Pegula it would be clearer and cleaner and his role (if there was one) would have nothing to do with personnel.
  7. Relax ? You seem to be the one that is uptight about it. I just wanted to clarify because a lot of posters get confused about Brandon's role with player personnel.
  8. Except that Whaley would report to a VP, Football Operations who would report to Pegula. Same structure Pegs wanted to create with Sabres when Pat Lafontaine was there with, Patty and Ted Black.
  9. Under a Pegula ownership, if retained Brandon will not have responsibility for player personnel and he certainly won't be involved in player personnel with Sabres.
  10. No way, no how. As bad as EJ has looked he at least has a potential upside. Fitz has no upside and his play is too low for this team (or any other team) to win on a consistent basis. At least with EJ, it's still possible, we'll discover his upside.
  11. While this process is maddening, this is the most important thing in Bills history, probably since the inception of the team. I find it odd that stage 2 of the process was suppose to narrow the field to the top 2 or 3 bidders, seems the trust has decided instead to keep up to 8 bidders in this process. I can't imagine there are 8 serious bidders worth considering.
  12. It's amazing that with all the great sources and media reports, tweets and postings over the past week that we've gone from 3 to 8 bidders in a blink of the eye. At this point, I'm not sure anyone really knows what is going on except those specifically involved in this maddening process.
  13. I'm not sure I agree that the committee is a sham, however, I do think the process is backward. I think the new owner should drive the new (or no new) stadium process once he owns the team and work with the state and local politicians to negotiate a deal. I never thought the stadium process and sale could be on similar paths. I think NYS is to certain extent playing politics or simply sending signal to potential new owners that they are willing to work with them on a stadium.
  14. I think they are giving an extension so they can include JBJ's southern Ontario and Toronto waterfront sites ;-)
  15. Heitz - I think we all understand there is a process. The backlash toward the trust was a reaction to news that they were working to get the Toronto group back into the bidding process, which is something none of us want. If you notice, you didn't see/hear that type of reaction when the trust was rumored to give Golisano an extension.
  16. Heitz - I think we all understand there is a process. The backlash toward the trust was a reaction to news that they were working to get the Toronto group back into the bidding process, which is something none of us want. If you notice, you didn't see/hear that type of reaction when the trust was rumored to give Golisano an extension.
  17. Amazing to think that if Kelly wanted to be a minority owner and had $10M to spend, he'd end up with .8% of the team, ouch !
  18. Jets signing Michael Vick was a great move. To be honest, I liked the Bills move last year when they signed Kolb, even though it didn't work out the way they envisioned, it was a smart move. I would have liked to see the Bills sign or trade for a more proven backup.
  19. Just watched presser and then noticed this thread. I agree with most posters, the presser was odd and awkward, it's almost like Marrone hasn't decided on what personality he wants to show the public. Does he want to be Mr. Congeniality (providing too much information, joking with the press) or does he want to be Bill Belichick ? Just pick one, geez.
  20. As FYI, almost all of Jerry Jones' net worth is the Cowboys and assets associated with the Cowboys. He poured virtually every $ he had to buy team.
  21. I think most posters tend to go to the extremes on the EJ issue. Posters are either foolishly in love with EJ and make excuses for his bad performances at every chance or they have foolishly given up any hope and feel EJ sucks now and will always suck. The reality is that most Bills fans, including me, fall in between. My hope was that the coaches, GM and FO would do the same. In other words, teach, develop and train EJ, but have a contingency plan in case he doesn't develop or isn't the guy, my fear is that instead of doing that, the HC, GM and FO has taken the approach that EJ is indeed the guy and we'll put all our eggs in his basket. IMO, they are acting the part of those posters that are foolishly in love with EJ and they shouldn't, in other words, where is the Bills contingency plan if EJ isn't the guy ??
  22. I know Pegula is uber-rich and is willing to spend, but every $100M the trust squeezes out of the guy is $100M he doesn't have to spend on the team and the city of Buffalo, after all, even billionaires have a limit. While the trust is completely within their rights to get as much as they can for the team, greed doesn't look good on anyone, including Ralph's heirs. I know, you'll post back and ask "what would I do"; well, I'll tell you. If I'm Mary Wilson, I call Pegs and end this. I accept the $1.3B bid, which is 50% over the stated value and ask him to make it binding. I thank him for his commitment to Buffalo and I end this process with grace and preserve Ralph's legacy. Next, I write a check to Pegula for $200M (an investment back in Buffalo) for the naming rights to the new stadium, when it's built so that it is named "Ralph Wilson Memorial Stadium"; why, because as much as the Wilson's gave WNY, WNY gave them back that much and a whole lot more. Come on Mary, end this !
  23. Sounds like a simple 5 minute call to Pegs, "Hey, Terry, you willing to make your $1.3B binding ?" -- I get it, I don't like it and I have a feeling Pegs doesn't either. The guy has played by the rules throughout this process and has ponied up the best first bid, let's hope the trust isn't biting the proverbial hand that's about to feed them.
  24. Trust looks to be bending over backwards for the Toronto group to keep them in the game, why do that when you have a billion+ bid from a local guy --- trust is not looking good in this process ! And, before you say that it's to keep the bids higher, it sounds like they'll still be below Pegs --- I don't get it --- sit down and write the deal with Pegs and let's move on ---
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