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Everything posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Sorry, I tried my best to stay away from this and focus on France. But, how is it digging deeply to point out: 1- Whaley reports to Brandon 2- Brandon/Whaley's press conference that Gabe posted 3- Footage of him in draft room, on the field at virtually every practice 4- Comments on drafting EJ and first hand discussions he had at FSU 5- Interviewed Marrone, Marrone is Syracuse guy It seems like those of us who believe he is involved in football operations present facts and those of you that don't believe us rest on "unnamed sources" and belittle the facts that we do present, then ask us again "what facts do you have to suggest he is involved". Remember, the loudest person doesn't win the argument. So, "what facts do you have to suggest he isn't involved ?"
  2. Sorry, I didn't know we were required to footnote our posts ;-) I was told by a SJF alum who claimed to be friends with RB about 6 months ago that "Brandon knows he will most likely be on the outside of a new organization. He was fine with that and wanted to pursue the NFL offices." Further said his dream job is to one day be commissioner. He's been a part of this organization for 14 years. Why is so hard to think that maybe HE wants to move on. I tried to separate my opinion on his performance to offer a different perspective. Not pitchforks running after him PTR ! Just the fact that he's been here awhile, will not have full autonomy anymore and he just might want to do something different. EDIT: I didn't want this thread to collapse into the tired argument of pro-Brandonites vs. anti-Brandonites -- does he or doesn't he get involved in football operations . . . . blah, blah, blah
  3. I doubt he stays. 3 reasons: 1- Brandon currently has full control and authority over the team. At a minimum, he would have diminished responsibility and that's hard for anyone to swallow. 2- The Pegulas will further limit his responsibilities to non-football operations. I believe RB wants and likes to be intimately involved in the football side. I don't think he wants that lower level role. 3- I believe RB wants a longer term career in the NFL offices and making the switch now, makes sense. So, my prediction is a short transition (3-6 months) than a move to a job in the NFL offices.
  4. Gabe, you should just let it go. As much as I agree with you on Brandon's role in the football operations, there is a vocal faction on this board that think that position is crazy and way off base. It's no different than you, me and others that think they are crazy to think that Brandon isn't involved in the football decision making. Like I said in last post, I wanted to keep this discussion to the idea of France (a super agent) being influential in the Pegula ownership.
  5. No hate toward Toronto, love the city, love the theater, the Jays, and of course, the beer/food !! My hate is toward JBJ, Rogers and Tannenbaum. 3 guys, no more, no less. My love is to Terry and Kim, $1.4 billion dollars to make sure those a**holes (listed above) didn't get their hands on the team.
  6. I have a couple friends who both separately told me the same thing, one lives in Atlanta and one has ties to Sabres. I also did my own research. If you look at what Pegs did with the Sabres, he is a very loyal guy that surrounds himself with people he trusts (not surprising, as most people do this). Buying Five Star was a deliberate move to help him better understand the NFL. I think Pegs had his eyes on the Bills years ago. I've also read that he has a great relationship with France, respects him and trusts him, so, to me that helped validate what I was told. Like I said, I don't know what will come of Whaley, Marrone or Brandon for that matter, I have an opinion, but I've tried to keep that opinion out of this thread to keep us focused on France. I like the idea of having a guy in the room that's sat on the other side of the table. To me, it's fresh perspective and new set of eyes.
  7. You can believe it or not, but, France will play a significant role and it makes all the sense in the world. Your description of his relationship with France, "friendship with a former business partner", is way off. He is a respected business partner and trusted advisor. As for his knowledge, you are way underestimating this guy. He knows the NFL and offers a unique perspective and will have the Pegulas ear throughout this process. The only scenario where he doesn't play a permanent long term role is if he wants to "buyback" his agency and continue to lead it. I'm betting he doesn't.
  8. The Pegulas trust and respect France, you hire people you trust and respect. Second, I NEVER said France would come in and fire Whaley or Marrone, I said he would have significant say over who the GM and HC will be, it could very well be Whaley and/or Marrone. Lastly, France's contribution is knowledge of what works and doesn't work from a management and front office structure AND his perspective on personnel (front office as well as football) from around the league. The Pegulas are determined to win and will build a front office and organizational culture that meets that objective.
  9. The Pegulas FIRST move as NFL owners took place a few years back when they bought Five Star Athlete Management. Five Star is one of the biggest sports agency in the NFL. While the Pegulas will have to divest themslves of this holding (5 Star reps Dareus and other NFL players), they will not divest their relationship with Five Star's founder, Todd France. Remember the name, Todd France. He will play a significant role in the future of the Bills front office and help the Pegulas reshape the culture and create a consistent winning culture from top to bottom. France offers a unique perspective into the NFL, being a veteran agent, he's seen good and bad front offices, what works and what doesn't work in terms of management structure and knows all the key NFL players personally. While, I don't envision him as the next GM, I am confident his role will help determine who the GM and HC going forward.
  10. And, the land sale was simply converting from one asset (LAND) to another (CASH), so there should be no impact on that sale to his net worth. Unless, of course, the original net worth under valued that land.
  11. Simply put, MONEY will never be an issue to get something done. While it doesn't guarantee success, it certainly removes an obstacle. If we have smart football people managing the team, they will be given everything they need that money can buy to succeed at their jobs.
  12. Interesting. I thought same thing when I heard $1.1B. I thought, maybe Pegs said I'll bid $1.1B for team and put $200-$300M in stadium fund to keep team in Buffalo. The other teams that sold for those amounts (Clev, Mia), I believe included their stadiums. I know the Cowboys valuation includes Jerry's portion of the stadium.
  13. WOW ! I was hoping for a some kind of "hometown" discount so Pegs could have more money available to keep investing in the city. I guess we all need to really thank Pegula !! He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to be aggressive !!
  14. Most fans would still wonder and be concerned waiver or no waiver We know MLSE/Tannebaun's heart was in Toronto, it's nice to know with Pegs that he never had an interest in moving the team. Better situation all around.
  15. It will be unanimous. Even if any owner does have doubt, he'll vote YES, because there are no RED flags and they'll want to show unity and acceptance to their new partners.
  16. It's a GREAT day and as others have pointed out, one of the most, if not the most important day for BUFFALO Bills fans. We now have committed owners intent on keeping the team in Buffalo for generations, willing to invest what's needed and make winning the central objective of this franchise. Terry and Kim will do this team and city proud.
  17. So, true. Thanks for the education on Bucky, I didn't realize he was such a chauvinist. Agree with all of you, an owner doesn't need to know personnel or X's and O's. Owner needs to be a good executive, skill set is a lot closer to a business executive than anything. A pair of proverbial "balls" doesn't hurt either and a lot of women executives have them !
  18. Bradham will certainly be an upgrade over Brown, but with Rivers injury, we might have to have more growing pains next week. Schmidt had a good game, nice pickup. I didn't like that they kept Gay. Having 2 kickers is a luxury Bills can't afford with their roster, they should've kept Smith or signed another LB. BTW, as point of reference, Bills are the ONLY NFL team with 2 kickers.
  19. Not sure, maybe, since they are married, they are both 100% owners and they simply designate who is controlling owner. In other words, they share 100% instead of each having 50%. Not sure, maybe, since they are married, they are both 100% owners and they simply designate who is controlling owner. In other words, they share 100% instead of each having 50%. Gleason ?
  20. Would love to see her as controlling owner in the all boys club Edit: I know there are other women listed as owners, I don't believe any are actively managing their teams as the owner.
  21. Bottom line, Rice deserved a much longer suspension than 2 games for his actions, which, unfortunately for him were caught on tape. The video, in my opinion, shows there was little if any physical threat by his fiance and there was certainly a more peaceful, non-physical solution for him to take. Based on the video, he should get a one year suspension and have to apply for reinstatement based on seeking counseling etc. The second issue, is probably the one that warrants more discussion, what did the NFL (and Ravens and police) know about what happened in the elevator. I hope for all of their sakes, that the video was not available and they based their earlier rulings on the testimony of Rice and his fiance, if not, they are completely in the wrong. Lastly, the Suggs issues (that was raised) as well as several others, point out that the NFL has an inconsistent moral compass and is hypocritical (to say the least) when it comes to punishment for transgressions of it's players and employees. It doesn't, however, change what Rice deserves for his actions
  22. Jahbonas: I suspect what happened is this. Wilson was fully aware and supportive of the restrictive non-relocation language that Erie Co and NYS wanted in the lease. He probably made that clear to Goodell and dispatched Brandon with marching orders to ensure the owners supported it. The owners, most likely, supported that language out of deference to Ralph and his place as one of the most senior owners. After that, when they had discussions about the sale process, Ralph decided to structure the 4 member voting group that is in charge of selling the team with the 4 people he trusted the most, his wie, his niece, his financial guy and his lawyer. While it probably went without saying, I'm sure Ralph told each of them, make sure you don't sell it to anyone that wants to move it out of Buffalo. It would be great, once the sale is over for Mary to share the story and the process they used to give Ralph the proper credit. Jahbonas, I get what your issue is, did Ralph keep Bills in Buffalo or did Pegula, the easiest answer is BOTH.
  23. ^ Consensus on board and through rumors and sources is that the LEASE is a binding agreement that limits movement (that's a given) -- the second aspect, is that the trust was given a directive by Ralph (no proof in writing has surfaced, but their actions suggest it exists) to not sell to buyer that has any intention on moving team.
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