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Everything posted by wnyBacker

  1. cutting a 2 time probowler who is still getting a low salary on his rookie contract? and running backs are always getting injured? not the best idea of anyone getting cut. trade maybe
  2. Bulldog and everyone else on wgr have proven time and time again that they really dont know all that much about football or the bills. they really are only knowledgeable about movies and stupid stuff like that. (thats why i stooped listening years ago and i know a lot of people who dont listen anymore either. if i wanna hear about movies and nonsense like that i will turn on wgr to hear a "movie draft". freaking idiots.
  3. makes no sense watsoever
  4. i could care less what any of these retards in the national media have to say about the bills; usually is a bunch of garbage anyways.
  5. "Now in those starts he has a career 61.3 completion %." get ready for everyone to insert their own cpt. check-down comments.
  6. we dont even need a sound system at the ralph...remember during the chargers game a few years ago when the power was out? everytime we scored the crowd started the shout song without the PA system....kinda sounded a little better
  7. what a joke, seriously. if it was byrd who won it from the onset he probably never would have won a revote... i seriously hope that cushing gets a career ending injury this year, then he could take his little award and steroids and just disappear so we never have to see that loser again.
  8. If we end up getting either Gaither or Brown for the left side how much of a disaster are we? Levitre: Started all 16 and was NFL all rookie team Hangartner: was solid and stared all 16 games (PS this is one center not overpaid for what he can do only making 10 mil over 4 yrs, hell not much more than fowler made) Wood: this guy is nasty as long as he comes back healthy RT: only "weak spot"..who knows maybe green can be good enough anyways we have two young guys in the interior who can get the job done and if you add a stud LT this line is going to be a lot better than just a disaster...
  9. dont waste your money buying jersey of thuggs like lynch who will be short lived in buff, you best best is to buy a jersey of a guy who is forever established like TASKER 89!
  10. so what do they just replace one god awful beer with another beer that is even more sh****er? they probly prefer both coors and bud at nfl home games cause they are both basically water which makes it impossible to get lit up at the game (crowd control).
  11. It sure will be a great day when he is gone, but for whatever reason he was tendered for 1.176 million (whats the likelyhood he is cut now?) We could have tendered him for a 7th round pick and $75.50 and noone would have picked him up.
  12. There is a list ten miles long of guys who were excellent college players but worthless pros( i.e Rob Johnson @USC), college numbers and accomplishments mean very little when they come to play with the big boys.
  13. (1999 Sports Illustrated) .......Jerry's son Stephen, the Cowboys' executive vice president of player personnel, says no deal with Donahue would have been completed until Donahue had presented a satisfactory plan for upgrading the Dallas offense. Among other woeful numbers, the Cowboys last year scored only 19 touchdowns in 54 trips inside the opponents' 20, the second-worst conversion rate (35.2%) in the league. While Dallas retained most of the assistant coaches of a defense that ranked second in the NFL, only line coach Hudson Houck remains on the offensive side. "Our offense had become predictable, and Chan is imaginative, resourceful and unpredictable," Jerry says. "Trust me. No one will wonder if I'm calling the plays." if he was calling the plays in dallas with jerry jones there then we can all be pretty sure that he will be calling the plays in buffalo.
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