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Everything posted by BILLS_ROC

  1. Seriously, with a name like Tyrod no nickname is necessary. Although, Axle, Clutch or Lugnut might be slightly better, Tyrod > t-mobile for sure.
  2. We all liked the guy, BUT I actually like that the team understands the importance of letting the nice guy go in favor of a more damaging weapon. It's a business and hard decisions have to be made. It's good to see they are able to make decisions independent of emotions. I doubt this move made anyone feel good. However, keeping all the old favorites around won't get Buffalo to the Supoerbowl.
  3. His penalties will offset Incognito's penalties for 1/8 of our games.
  4. ...because as the Colts have proven, NFL teams are rewarded for tanking their season in order to land the first pick of the draft. There's no way the Colts, even with an injured Manning were the worst team in the NFL. Their strategy to replace Manning was to parlay that injury season into a first overall pick. I expect that someday, someone in the organization during that season will leak the fact that the Colts were instructed to lose in order to guarantee the number one pick... Oh and guess what.... that was the year Andrew Luck was in the draft... go figure. It went not just unpunished, but unmentioned by the media. Why not follow their lead? BTW I have no idea about college football, so I don't know if there is anyone coming up in the 2016 draft that would be worth betting the farm on.
  5. Here's why the rule doens't make sense. If you run into the end zone with the ball, and are not tackled, therefore never hit the ground it is a touchdown. In fact it's a touchdown the moment the ball breaks the plane. So if you have the ball at a point that it has crossed the plane regardless of if you have completed the process of hitting the ground the touchdown should have already been ruled at the point tha the ball crossed the plane in Dez's posession or the moment Cal Johnson had two feet down. Having posession of the ball in the endzone should be a touchdown regardless of what happens next or else they need to say that anyone that scores a touchdown still needs to be tackled!
  6. I fail to see what Wolverine has to do with Buffalo Bills football. Please stay on topic.
  7. ...thankfully. Not Peter Pan link
  8. Due to concerns of slowing the games way down, I would be shocked if that ever happened. However, it might be reasonable to suggest that any penalty yielding a net yardage change in excess of 15 yards be reviewable. That would cut back on the number of game changing erroneous calls that we have to deal with.
  9. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1891&dat=19971221&id=QrwfAAAAIBAJ&sjid=D9gEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4530,2515918
  10. Well, if Orton doesn't throw into double coverage PAST two wide open crossing routes, then yes, we could expect things might be different with Orton. Any QB that can even begin to process what's happening after the snap when it doesn't involve a CB falling down or someone being open in all directions by 8+ yards will be an improvement. I think the play calling is far less of a problem than not taking advantage of receivers who get open.
  11. FYI - Here's what 18.6 grams looks (on the scale) like if the linked image is of a calibrated scale... http://www.southernc...88-280-6839.jpg
  12. Kiko has not yet undergone surgery for his knee, which inexplicably disassembled itself earlier this summer. His medical team is having trouble finding a way to cut him open.
  13. Marshawn is so fat he jumped up in the air and got stuck.
  14. OK, assuming that someday the Bills are in the playoffs again.... each year that goes by between now and then, they will be closer to making the playoffs. The flaw in my statement was that it requires the Bills to make the playoffs at some point in the future before they cease to exist.
  15. It's a fact that we are closer to the next playoff appearance with each year that elapses, so yes... definitely closer this year.
  16. I was going to post something along these lines, glad I checked to see if it had been covered. They seem to choose their commercial breaks based on where Buffalo is drafting. What's irritating is that they never seem to get to the highlight package for our pick when they return from break. It will go something like: "Welcome back to our coverage of the 2014 NFL draft where we've seen solid picks by every team except Buffalo who made their pick during our commercial break. More on that in a few moments because right now we are going to take you through highlights of all of the possible picks for the Detroit Lions who are now on the clock."
  17. Is this doctor still practicing? If so, share his name. Maybe you can help save someones life on your off time! Was he part of a cancer treatment center, or a general practitioner?
  18. This all reminds me of the moronic arguments against vaccinations. Hordes of people flocked to the side of vaccinations causing autism, and became very vocal about it, so much so that they persuaded some not to vaccinate their kids. Then every one of the original people backing that faulty study withdrew their support of its conclusions except for the guy who came up with the study, who lost his license to practice medicine. Eat right and exercise for sure, but no reason to avoid medicine if you have cancer, but even if you choose that path don't preach to others. It always seems that the scientific studies backing up the claims of supplement curing things are always 'out there somewhere' but nobody ever has a legitimate citation to a legitimate study.
  19. I think in Jim's case he had surgery at first, and only recently started radiation and chemo after it came back already spreading aggressively, but I follow you. Companies are definitely making money on supplements, maybe not radiation treatment levels of money, but that stuff is not without serious margin. Oh boy... I gave you your instructions in the dressing room. Remember protect yourself at all times and above all Obey the rules of TBD at all times Touch Em UP / Good Luck/ Buenas Suerte "DING DING" Here's where you learn about the whole conspiracy that is modern medicine.
  20. Thank you for the clarification. I apologize for contributing to the litter of mis-information strewn along the information superhighway! I've stricken said garbage from my original post.
  21. I hear ya Tim. I have often thought of how frustrating it must be to have a grim diagnosis, knowing that any one of the studies in process could turn things around. Knowing that most diseases will probably be cured someday and that you may just not facing the fight late enough in the evolution of human medicine would be tough to swallow. But then most scenarios where I empathize with those facing the end of their lives are... First, I'm glad he found something that worked for him. I think there are some that have died trying natural means, and there are probably some that have survived because of radiation and chemo. That aside, what was the source of this advice that your father in law followed? I am sure that if you look hard enough on the internet, someone will tell you that proximity to 'energy crystals' would be the best treatment for cancer, so how did your father in law search out this info, and where did he find it?
  22. The end of 2015 is not soon enough and the other problem with participating in a study vs getting specialized treatment, is that some people in the study have to be given the placebo and can't be getting other forms of treatment is not something I have any business talking about apparently.
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