his immaturity has nothing to do with his stone hands. why would it? so if your a mature person your better at playing football????? his immaturity has ZERO to do with him costing the team those wins. he wasnt dancing down the field and a ball was thrown to him and he was to busy dancing. seriously relate to me how him being mature matters at all to catching a ball and you might have a argument here. maturity doesnt make you focus either.
btw i have a hard time going all in on him being the one who cost us the game. in plain view with no memory yah if he had caught 1 of um then great. but there was miscues the whole game that he had nothing to do with. he didnt play OLB/DE and lose contain on CJ all day. the team wouldnt have had to rely on him that heavily if the D was able to stop CJ as well