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Posts posted by 808

  1. So, anything less than getting what you want is tantamount to being told "F you?"


    Interesting negotiating ploy that is. But, given his complete lack of professionalism, I'm not surprised Byrd would take it that way.


    GO BILLS!!!


    what about the professionalism on the bills side? he far out played his rookie contract. this is a 2 way street both sides are probably to blame here. but blind byrd hate because people are emotionally connected to the bills and cant see this as a business and that if byrd gets hurt after he already laid it on the line expecting the bills to reward him once that i can see why hes decided to wait it out.

  2. Is the NFL a business? I thought it was a not for profit charity?


    I think everyone gets that point. He signed a contract, he's getting paid, he's (assuming) healthy enough to play, so get out there and play.


    If he really is injured and can't play, then I am 100% on Byrd's side. I just don't think that is likely the case anymore.



    so because you dont think its the case you will voice out against him? why not wait till the situation plays out and the facts are out to pass judgement?

  3. just for second for you people mad at byrd take a second and a step back from this situation lets pretend its not the bills a team you love and have supported your whole life and are a die hard for. lets pretend its san diego chargers or something and that this situation was playing out there with a team you are not emotionally invested in. do you guys still feel this strongly about byrd holding out?


    as much as some of you dont wanna hear this. its a business and you are too emotionally attached that you feel YOU deserve better and that if a player and team dont agree that the player is personally slighting you. the front office isnt you or your buddies. they are conducting business. and players should do whats best for them weather you like it or not. these players have no emotional attachment to buffalo the way most fans do and thats just the reality of it.


    i keep saying this but the FO does not deserve blind loyalty. love the team? 100% you should. but i question the FO quite a bit for moves they have made in the past and you should too. the bills havent been a winning team in 13 years and thats total BS.

  4. Tired of hearing it's a business. If it's a business and if he can play he should. He didn't like it, but he still signed a 1 year contract. That's the point. If he is too hurt ok, but you have to admit this 100% thing makes one wonder.


    just because you are tired of hearing its a business doesnt make it any less a business....


    If he felt that strongly about it he didn't have to sign the 1 year tender contract. No one made him do that. He did that on his own.


    No matter what the rules are that forced it, he signed a contract. Which means he agreed to it.


    that truth is none of us know what the bills offered him contract wise and for whatever reason his camp didnt think it was good enough so they didnt agree. that leaves him the leverage point to sign his tender and sit out and squeeze this FO. thats his bargaining chip and hes using it.

  5. It's BS...If I'm paying 7 million...Frieking play! Pay me 7 million..I'll go out there with 1 arm...Overpaid bitches...The NFL better reign this crap in or really...nobody's gonna care....Already happening with the rules...No kick returns now...The player safety thing is BS. It's watering down the game.


    YOU are paying 7 million? are you ralph wilson? what i dont understand about so many people on this board claiming him to be a B word or wuss cause hes only making 7 million. reality is you probably wouldnt do it. lets say you could play for 7 million on a 1 year deal and possibly get hurt like anothny spencer and henry melton just this past week and miss out on a potential pay day of a long term deal near 20 million... so would you risk that possible other 13-20 million? r you would you risk that and play when you might just get tagged again if you dont get hurt? youd rather risk the 13-20 million?


    if you are mad at these "overpaid bitches" you should stop watching football. also realize that nfl teams are making truck loads of cash. the bills had enough to pay byrd and levitre and chose not too. and i for one am furious. let the colin brown experiment continue.................

  6. Whatever you say... I'm not into the Bills being cheap theory gives him the right to kick back and collect 7 million..just saying



    what does history say abut the bills and the way this team/front office works? its not like its a big secret here or a "theory" why didnt the bills pay him last year? instead we paid mark anderson.......they constantly make these kinda moves.


    you people who are expecting blind loyalty to a team that drafts you are insane. its a business!! get that thru your heads. they didnt grow in up in buffalo or choose buffalo besides the freeagents who came here. start looking at it as a business and you might understand whats going on here. as fans yes we root for this team but to think players have just as much loyalty to a organization is silly.


    byrd played last year expecting the bill to reward him with a contract. they didnt and if he does play and gets hurt this year and then has to come back from a major injury the bills will not pay him and neither will other teams its been shown they dont sign guys coming off major injuries to bigger deals.

    and everyone here bitching that hes sitting back collecting his money wont even care next year and be bitching about another player and keep rooting for this team. this is his future and if the market value is set at amount he should be paid what hes worth.

  7. ...OK... and how do we know he played with this last year? Are there weekly injury reports to support that?



    didnt both the team and he confirm he had it last year? lets say he didnt for your sake. does he not deserve a new contract regardless? he has far out preformed his rookie contract and thought he the bills would reward him with a long term deal and it didnt get done. my first response is not to question his toughness and heart. id like to know why the deal didnt get done sooner. because thats really the issue here and looking back at history what tells you the bills handled it right and didnt try and nickel and dime him? cause history shows that this bills FO has continually got it wrong and not handled contract negotiations well. the fact that the GM has no power in the contract negotiations tells me its all about $$$ with them. its seems like if the bills win they are happy but if they lose and still make just as much money with a cheaper roster that is just fine.and thats my opinion.

  8. he played last year with a injury with hopes that the team would reward him for doing so. and they didnt pay him when they had more than enough money to. none of us know what the contract size was that was offered him. its all speculation but i dont get why you guys are trusting the bills did the right thing here. when is the last time they got it right with resigning there own players?


    the argument of him being paid millions and should suck it up and play is ludicrous when you think about how 1 injury could screw him from being paid.

    henry melton and anthony specer both got season ending injuries this past weekend while playing on a franchise tag. its a bad move on the players part. they really only have a few years to be paid well and get a big contract. the bills should have done more to resign him prior. he far outplayed his rookie deal. the bills FO has shown time and time again that they are the ones that are usually the stubborn end on negotiations.


    im on byrds side and if i were him id wait till gilmore and mclovin were healthy enough to play and come back at the same time. it gives him more time to get the playbook down and ill bet it only will amplify how much better the secondary looks with them back. him playing FS with justin rodgers and AW at corner isnt gonna help him look that good. but with gilmore and mclovin back it will prove even more so when he does return what hes worth.


    its a business and the bills played him and hes playing them. should you not be mad at this FO for not signing him last year? he played thru a injury holding up his end that he would be rewarded with a new deal. this FO didnt get it done and so people blame byrd? why? this FO hasnt proved to get it right in the past why are people so sure they did what it would take now? we arent in salary cap issues and im pretty sure that the bills have a lot of money that cant be rolled over to next year because its already been rolled from last year. you cant roll the money twice. even the fitzpatrick/mark anderson deadmoney they split to carry to next year is proof they are playing penny pinching. why not put it all on this years cap that cant be rolled so you have more money next year? instead they split the money so we take a cap hit on those contracts next year. its dumb and people should start blaming this FO not the players

  9. i dont think we need CB early unless one is graded really high. gilmore is a stud and mclovin looks much better in this system. safety i really dont want to draft. my hopes are that byrd is resigned and aaron williams at SS with mclovin and gilmore at cB i think will be pretty tough. any dbs should be depth/developmental guys.


    another LB would be nice maybe cj mosley.hes played inside and outside and versatility is a big key to this D.



    still early but maybe 1LB 2OL 3TE 4OL DB5

  10. its silly that everyone is so sure that this FO offered him a legit deal. they have kept it all out of the media so explain how you guys know that he was offered a fair deal. we should be blaming the FO for not getting a deal done prior to the end of the season. they knew they could tag him and used that as leverage i would think but because im not in the FO i dont know for sure.


    look how far under the cap we still are and couldnt get it done. if this FO had a history of getting it done and signing its own players d feel differently..


    but seriously think about it people when was the last time this FO got it right and paid there own players? the track record is horrible. stop throwing blind loyalty at a FO that does not deserve it.

  11. kiko has been playing really well thru 2 games as well. he could have a kuechly rookie year type season.


    keeks had 164 tackles 103 solo 1 sack 3 FR 2 ints and 8 PD


    kiko thru 2 games 19 tackles 14 solo 1 sack 1 FF 1 int and 1 PD


    only 2 games in but he looks the part and is flying around so far

  12. "plus you ignore the apparent fact the Byrd was hiding an injury.''



    ignore the apparent fact? my head just exploded. lol thats some sweet manipulation for i have decided this is a fact even tho its not even close to being a actual "FACT" by the definition of the word fact.






    noun \ˈfakt\


    : something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence

    : a true piece of information



    we dont know everything thats gone on with the byrd situation.

    i believe you mean "in my opinion"

  13. there are a few other DCs that have been rumored to be on the next HC candidate list for a while. id think they might get that nod long before pet tine does(i hope) mike zimmer is the big name that comes to mind. also mike nolan i think deserves another shot and than there is jack del rio. either way i hope he stays with us for a few years and turns this D into a really great one. maybe when hes getting a HC nod finally rex will need a DC job and we can get rexy. id be stoked on that

  14. i dont get why so many of you are on the hate byrd train. seriously some blame has to be put on this FO for not getting him signed last season. the blind trust to this FO that they have been dedicated to getting it right and that its the players fault is insane. we still dont even know the full story. but im not gonna hate on byrd without thinking about the other parties involved could have some blame.

  15. 6-10. But obviously, just because a team stunk that doesn't mean that they didn't have any good players on it. Of course, we'll see what this year holds with Brown and Searcy before we can judge.


    The other thing I would like to say on this matter is that I don't want to ever see the Bills draft a safety or interior offensive lineman in the first three rounds again if they aren't going to pay them should they develop into premium players. If you don't think these positions are that important then don't waste the picks and then have to let them go later.




    that is a great point. havent ever thought about it in that light but that is pretty spot on. im sure if we do trade byrd(im fully against it) we will draft a safety with that pick. typical bills FO move

  16. nosaint. i applaud you. ive been on this same thinking but am not as patient or as articulate as you are. its business as usual atOBD. i love this team but i dont throw blind loyalty at this FO just cause. and questioning their methods is needed. they had more than enough money to sign levitre and byrd this year and they just opted not to. even tho brandon had that whole presser about signing our own and keeping talent here. i am a fan of the team and it makes me livid. i cant imagine being byrd and saying what happen when you said you wanted to sign us?


    business as usual

  17. The Packers and Steelers use the same system.



    and it is working out great for us.........


    business as usual. lets be real. if not for the bills lucking into bruce/kelly/thurman and company the org as a whole has consistently been a loser. 56 games below .500 and if you dont count that 90s team.. its ugly. so why should we trust they are doing the right thing in the front office?

  18. it is a convo that is worth having. what have they done to show they are dedicated to winning? after Russ brandon's presser saying they wanted to resign their own and what not and watching levitre walk when they had more than enough money to sign both byrd and he it doesnt make much sense. as the future salaries. we have wood-spiller coming up but its the cash to cap spending style that i dont understand. its not my money so they can spend the way they see fit. but pushing fitz's dead money sure makes it look like business as usual over there at OBD.

  19. guy gets 10 sacks and people act like hes a bum. im sorry so many of you wasted your own money paying for mario williams......ill never understand the mario hate. he got paid by the bills. its not like they were spending that money on anything else anyway AND it doesnt have anything to do with anyone on this boards financial situation. it didnt come out of any of our own pockets nor does it really even affect the bills salary cap situation. they were that far under the cap.


    get a grip people

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