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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Man if only we could get you in the house the country could probably get down to governing again lol
  2. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/gop-scrambles-to-fix-its-primary-problem-85726.html?hp=t1
  3. just pick a number that sounds right and then discuss things assuming that is right...don't ask others what their number is either not worth the trouble
  4. Anyone here that story about Boehner yelling at Reid to go !@#$ off during the whole mess? lol
  5. True or not all I'm saying is Cubans sort of hold out from the grouping into the Latino community as a whole..some do....some just stick to Cuban and many just consider themselves "white" ^^of course I say this from my experience simply b/c I live in Florida and know many half-Cuban people who hold on to little to no hispanic culture and also have few outward physical traits that distinguish them at all...many of my friends in college laugh that they got to pencil themselves in on their applications as hispanic given they don't think of themselves as a minority^^...once again just my experience.
  6. Latino youth def. identify together more than separate as do Asian. Maybe Cuban is the exception...that's just my perception of course...anyone can disagree in good faith.
  7. Well lets see if Boehner can return with merely 1 ballot today
  8. IDK Obama can play hardball which he will, and he has a compelling argument if he communicate what the debt ceiling really is to the people...but all in all...he's going to have to deal on that one and I wouldn't call it an "upper hand" but it will be better than it was this last month.
  9. lol nothing gets by you, quick wits are a virtue Anyway I wouldn't care to see Boehner thrown out...he's fine considering his possible replacements and the circumstances of his speakership.
  10. http://www.politico....5687.html?hp=r1 Some really conservative people on here demand his head for anything and everything lately...most recently the last minute "deal" (if you want to call it that) to stave off the full cliff for now. But w/ this Sandy vote issue...it's just more weight on his back and now not just from the far right...now from more establishment right on top of it...could he be done by next week? Christie was talking up Cantor.... http://www.rawstory....g-sandy-relief/ King angry as well. ,,,
  11. I almost never see any conservative on this board acknowledge that it even COULD be anything but a failure. Interesting...
  12. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/01/02/1382471/thanks-to-gerrymandering-democrats-would-need-to-win-the-popular-vote-by-over-7-percent-to-take-back-the-house/ Not likely to go Dem anytime soon
  13. right or wrong...tragic or not...most people don't care simply b/c it is still impossible for anyone to imagine being personally violated
  14. I'm watching a bit of it too...it's pretty funny. Alternating from people standing up saying "we just have to" to "95% of us will vote for it and we all hate it"...Rs and Ds saying both of these (for different reasons) too not partisan on these feelings
  15. It's going to be up or down and going to pass. Too messy within the time frame to attach anything new.
  16. It'll be through the house in a few hours and signed by tomorrow morning
  17. Now now, we've been over this, the government is not a household and the debt ceiling is not the roof.
  18. I like my women like I like my Bills. Ringless and beaten down by decades of losing.
  19. I'm going to laugh when we fire Jim Tressel. Then I'll just force myself to become a Panthers fan.
  20. Since when has Russ not been in charge of the team?
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