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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Look even if he was duped...he pretended that he had a gf who he met...then he kept this lie going and let a huge story about his character develop involving her death...there is little way he's a victim.
  2. in fairness to Te'o...I never saw him the BCSCG but I believed he was playing
  3. Ya....Te'o never ever saw or met the girl he said he had all these experiences with including meeting her...this is clear cut lie
  4. How does he explain claiming to have met her in person at Stanford, and in Hawaii, and talking to her on the phone.
  5. This is the most ridiculous thing I've read regarding athletes...and there have been some crazy things...
  6. Of course many of those things are not designed solely to kill...as certain powerful guns are. And in any event...we have done things such as DUI law, which people rarely complain about, that really are radical and truly ruin people's lives even those who's incidents involve pretty low BAC and they harm nobody ... It's all moot anyway...nothing will happen. Nothing will pass.
  7. This falls into the "local man passionate defender of what he imagines the constitution to be" category...and yes....their rhetoric is way over the top...but don't worry...they can't be convinced to calm down b/c after all...DO YOU KNOW WHAT A RIGHT IS! IT MEANS I !@#$ING KILL YOU!!!
  8. Just a little reminder to take a deep breath when it comes to deranged rhetoric over the issue of certain regulations that haven't even come down yet. And I meant irk.
  9. Just don't kill anyone or defend someone as a hero who does. That person as a right to breath regardless of your opinion on what must be done to protect your gun.
  10. The basis of my problem with you comes from your rhetoric particularly earlier in the thread. Think as you will, say what you want about the issue I could care less...but parroting this whole "take it from my dead hands" and going on and on about the inherent right to resist through violence if necessary...that's nonsense
  11. Just don't proclaim that you will or encourage others to protect their freedoms by resisting enforcement of laws you don't like through violence against fellow citzens enforcing it. And we have nothing to talk about.
  12. Men of your irk beat the nazis...men of mine let them run rampant...I'm really not fit to discuss things with you
  13. Haha. Perhaps the clearest example of your grandiose delusions.
  14. People in this thread: "ranting about over my dead body and I'll rise up is stupid. the government can dominate you either way" TYTT: "you are dumb"
  15. As long as elections are going on, and courts exist..talk of violent uprising against police and government is stupid
  16. LOL that quote has nothing to do with anything I'm saying people shouldn't go nuts with the kill cops and die myself rhetoric, b/c in reality...that's a bad idea. Your going to outrun me by proclaiming you will die and kill others? Then what...laws effect me but not you? No. Anyone that wants to beat their chest should target their anger at real arguments about the law...not threats of violence.
  17. Grandiose thinking...me talking about killing people is alike to 1775 rebellion...lol Once again...it's stupid. It's trash that cycles through internet forums, talk radio, and cable news...and one day some retarded redneck ass hole will kill a police officer and leave a bunch of kids w/ out a father b/c he got worked up and thought he was George Washington.
  18. This is 1775... Look that sort of rhetoric is completely retarded. You don't like the law...B word about how stupid it is and why it will do nothing and how it is unjust...don't get all hot and talk about how you will die and kill others...
  19. It's about the freedom? I'll kill a cop, die myself, for the freedom! I'm a hero. Point is this sort of rhetoric is retarded and probably dangerous.
  20. LOL. Tasker talking about killing police officers. Others talking about actually being able to overthrow the government...if our military comes for us it's over...there is no gun that will save you. Stupid. Also the idea that I would just die before I give a certain type of mag or gun...lmfao
  21. Whether you like it or not...it's pretty retarded to go around talking about giving up your life and killing yourself and potentially a police officer...
  22. lol...California really is too far not just b/c of the condom law but in general...almost 1/3 of porn performers have gonorrhea or chlamydia? Well...that's life....
  23. His point was you just adapt but can still pull it off in a way that's politically successful.
  24. hehe...why do you struggle with this so much...yes I do I am him as everybody knows...this IS that account...the name as changed...pick up on it...all posts of "thenewbills" now are labeled "sameoldbills"...it's complicated...
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