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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Saw statistics recently that we spent 5% of GDP on investment in the future in the 50s/60s....now it's 3%...and we currently spend $4 for people over 65 for every $1 for those under 18. Add the fact the tax code is something over 15,000 pages and about $400,000,000 we are owed each year is not collected....plus we need better trained workforce and to keep foreign students we educate as well as preserve our seasonal immigrant workforce (both of these immigration issues tie into our economy) ....on and on...how to reform medicare/SS may be contentious but if we should is not, how much and in what way to invest in our youth may be contentious but whether we should shouldn't be, tax reform is same deal, immigration is now the same deal after last election, and IMO infrastructure still is a no brainer although some politicians disagree for some reason I will never know... Point being the hardest part of all of this is and will be reforming that $4 we spend on those over 65 for every $1 on those under 18...yet with so much out there to do...it's all the republicans insist upon and all the democrats counter and talk about as well....sure if we take the approach that a big deal could open up some short term investment wiggle room for more infrastructure, industry, and education investment now that would be great but why not flip it (since no big deal is possible) and say this is what we need now and then evaluate the long term budget knowing what it is we did b/c we needed certain things now for the future etc.... Not the most well worded post I've ever made and that is saying something coming from me but my point is simple...there's a lot of stuff that should be on the table and there's a huge brick that can't be moved right now so push it aside and come back to it once we deal with some stuff that is as important. In proceeding from one budget crisis to the next...we do nothing else.
  2. 1. Fraudulent Concealment 2. Fraud 3. Negligent Misrepresentation 4. Negligence 5. Negligent Hiring 6. Negligent Retention 7. Wrongful Death – NFL Defendants 8. Wrongful Death – Riddell Defendants http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/!invesitgations%20and%20enterprise%20docs/seau_complaint_-_superior_court.pdf
  3. Which is why I said it is almost as important...point being...either slightly more or equal to this part of the equation are various policy decisions effecting now.
  4. Then consider short term growth starting long term growth now. Which entails more than just fighting over long term budget and may well introduce that dirty word "invest"
  5. Well I don't intend this topic to be about he or she did this or that...but there was some stimulus included in proposals during the cliff negotiations but instead of debating the merits of the plan and ways to make it more effective and possibly even less expensive it was characterized as a silly democratic stimulus which doesn't work and is simply more spending. Either way the point is....it's off the table and EVERYTHING is long term budget now...when short term growth is as if not more important.
  6. My point is that nobody is making investment and short term growth the top priority. Even assuming that a long term fiscal deal is linked and perhaps as important (although not likely and at most merely equal) .... everyone is stuck on budget...
  7. http://www.washingto...-next-3-months/ We know the budget from the WH won't be out on Feb 4 but within a week or so there will likely be some public suggestions that neither party will want to adopt. Then the sequester hits which will stall whatever economic recovery we do have if not addressed. Then w/ out action the CR expires and gov't shuts down. Then Congress has an artificial budget deadline whereby their cash flow stops but they still get paid later. Then finally, the debt ceiling comes up again and as we all know can create world wide economic crisis if not raised. That's the next 3 or so months. Of course some comprehensive deal at any point could address all of this. But that will never happen, certainly not since any more revenue at this point will not be given up, and any balance of where the cuts will come from will not be agreed upon. Long story short as I see it....there's just a series of more retarded fights coming about fiscal issues that are impossible to solve given the political bullcrap... and when you add in the gun debate, and looming immigration debate...there seems to be limited room for discussion of growing and transforming the economy even by such simple measures that would support advanced manufacturing as outlined here: http://globalpublics...ocus-on-growth/ Not that the suggestions in that link are somehow the sole measure of importance for growing the economy, or that fiscal issues, gun violence, immigration etc...are not also important...but the point is...basically all discussion on "growing the economy" will not take place at all. Of course various politicians on both sides will claim in budget fights that something will or will not help...but it will not get to heart of aggressive programs to realign ourselves with the future....
  8. Stevie may not have spoken up during the season but his body language was clear as day....he was not happy with the QB play all season long
  9. Would like to keep them all as depth but not one would be a terrible loss. Brad Smith ... hehe
  10. Some pretty bad topics since the election...and it's not entirely the boards fault it's all gun crap and no significant substance came out of cliff ordeal (shocking) so...this is what you get..transition period in federal politics it'll pick up
  11. There are no guns on the moon, there is no gun violence on the moon, therefore...no guns = no gun violence. Checkmate no gun regulation crowd, check...mate
  12. lol @ Joe's new avatar....troll on my brotha I love it
  13. Anyone with a brain and ears knows at the end the campaign was desperately trying to convince people in Ohio that claims of Obama successfully helping keep jobs in Ohio were false because Jeep would be moving those jobs to China. If this takes explaining beyond the his stump speech followed by ad...then a politics board isn't where you should be....
  14. Not crusading just saying this topic...is retarded.
  15. Likely in return for his service on the board? Which if you know anything about the history of the Internet....well..you see where I'm going with this...
  16. Bashir is tied w/ nobody. He sits alone at the bottom.
  17. Not exactly sure why you need a password for a politico article.
  18. At the risk of being seen as some sort of Gore defender for all things in his life...are you asking how taking advantage of an option is allowed?
  19. Ok ya know...for the purposes of this topic..forget I even said anything about the Tea party. We shall discuss Dems here. Here is hoping the faction of the Dems that wants to do more for entitlement reform wins out...I B word about the fare right enough in other topics.
  20. B-Man you do realize Romney was "literally" stumping around Ohio saying Jeep was moving all manufacturing jobs to China, correct? EDIT: Ahem...or at least that "he read an article saying" that...and he felt it should be shared...hehe...
  21. I'm sorry Mitt Romney was the alternative to Obama and lost by a lot. I'm sorry you hate Obama so much. Either way...this is a stupid topic.
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