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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I have read, try reading my posts as this post does nothing to respond to them in any way
  2. A ton of intrasession recess apportionments have happened. Now the court says they shouldn't have. Dating back decades (and even over a century) ..they're all bad now b/c of an appeals court in 1 district.
  3. It's a fair enough decision although it is as Carney suggests quite a surprising one considering intra session recess appointments have happened hundreds of times in the last 100 years and more of our nations history has passed where they happen than when they do not. The court basically said "well, we know they've been going on since the mid-1800s and we know a ton of them have gone on in the 20th century, but they didn't happen for the first 70 or so years so we think that settles the question." Not really a huge deal in the end but it is hilarious the way B-Man thinks this is so "embarrassing" to the administration that the use of executive power in a way that has been recognized for over 150 years and common place for almost a century was suddenly declared unconstitutional.
  4. Not that I disagree that he is bad...but who cares about Relph's money. It's cap space that's important.
  5. lol the AP is biased b/c they cover stories about the President? You click on a WH story and other links on the page are related to WH stories? what are you talking about?
  6. The media the media! lol...get over it ya bunch of cooks....you've all been brainwashed too far in the direction of an overcorrection it's pathetic at this point....on balance "the media" probably a little to the left but get over yourselves thinking every story is lied about by every outlet to make Obama look good and the GOP bad it's as if you don't actually consume any media at all. And like Bird said, O'Reilly, Rush...they all were of the same opinion on this story anyway... The conservative "war on all media (except conservative media)" is the most retarded of all things going ... and that's saying something.....it literally just means "don't listen, trust, or even consider anything outside the bubble"
  7. If the Bills don't find him intriguing, he very well may not make the first round. Sounds about right
  8. By all estimates though, he has a very average arm PLUS an injury to it and he can't run which is all the rage these days (and for good reason)....bleh...still better than fitz though
  9. Personally I want me one dem der running QBs ^^and a strong arm^^
  10. When I watched him, which I didn't often, it seemed like he sort of ripped the ball with reckless abandon into spots he wanted his WRs to be but they weren't. You could view this as him being frustrated with the level of execution around him, or you could view this as him being terrible. Lots of balls seemed to go into the ground and or nowhere...sometimes to the other team.
  11. Rob basically addresses this for me. You can call it a slippery slope but it's really just not trusting the other person, or even thinking the other person is a liar.
  12. So when someone says "I think X is a more harm than good scenario, but things not X are fine and appropriate for home defense and other purposes" your opposition is not that you think X is not a more harm than good scenario, but just that you don't trust the person at all?
  13. hehe, maybe an attempt but lets not put good old Ed on Rush's level...it's an issue of prominence. There really is no group of prominent liberal commentators that can sway the base enough to directly influence the pols....that's sort of the main difference in terms of comparing the "bee hive kick" effect and the level of thrust it has...
  14. You French-Canadians are so sophisticated and polite you are better equipped with some red wine for unexpected visitors bearing fudge and cheese, no?
  15. Not that I care to get in a gun debate, but very few people think there is anything wrong with a gun for home defense.
  16. I don't think there's an equivalent amount of manipulative bee hive kicking, but to say "well, the Dems aren't as bad as the Repubs"...that isn't saying much...c'mon now...hehe...maybe someone like Bill Maher or basically the comedians...a few of the race people are about as close as you get but yes you are right they are not taken nearly as seriously ...
  17. Bee hive kicking goes on in the Dem party as well...while it doesn't strangle the entire party (at times) it's still there. That said, some top party leaders may not like it at certain times, but it keeps a lot of incumbents in their spots...
  18. Oh course...the victimization of anti-government people is never ending. As it is for their leftist counterparts. Rush channeling his inner LABillz..seemingly outraged upon finding out what he already secretly knew...that most people in government on either side respect Hillary. Shouldn't be possible since he doesn't...so it's understandable his ranting. And of course, it's Rush, so who knows what he cares about anyway he's playing a character and just kicking a bee hive and making money.
  19. LABillz just projects whatever anger he has at Obama, builds very negative image of him of which some is probably based in reality however most is not, then rages about everything in the world while channeling that rage through him personally. This image and attitude towards him in his view, is of course, the only possible truth and it's absolute fact and anyone not sharing in it is just plain stupid and/or a terrible American. In other words, LABillz is a conservative nut job no different from Bush nut jobs just wearing a different jersey. This is why we all love LABillz at PPP.
  20. What progressive social justice programs/policies has he started that are so leftist a Dem like Clinton would dismantle? Just curious...
  21. Really nothing of note from that questioning. If anything a minority of Republicans revealed their fake outrage by the terrible line of questioning. More interested in grand standing than learning something new or else they would have had better questions. Rand Paul took the cake with his comment and immediate email to his constituents containing the video of it. Either way though, the hearing really were just about as anticlimactic as anyone with a brain knew they would be. The thing happened. It was bad. HIllary was SoS when it happened.
  22. ya kept watching he just appeared again...this is strange, random George Takei splices ... lol... "oh my"
  23. haha...flipping around and caught about 5 seconds before commercial...but I believe...and I can't confirm until this commercial break ends...but I think George Takei is hosting his show right now...lol ok idk now he's not there...but I swear I just saw George Takei acting like he was hosting....that would have taken the cake...
  24. Revis will not be worth whatever you have to give for him + his pay....plain and simple
  25. While it is a gun thread, I consider penis being cut/blown off to always trump any other subject it is connected with, therefore this is officially a missing penis thread.
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