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Everything posted by dayman

  1. It's a big complicated world we live in guys, as nice as it is to imagine a world where there very simple rules and nobody would need a lawyer, fact is...it could never exist. Not to say there isn't a discouraging amount of legal work in existence today, but no matter what you do it would just turn into this again eventually...and yes obviously a number of things could be made easier (tax law the most obvious example) just talking about the system as a whole...
  2. not too many people are all that worried about a few homophobic states...marriage/relationships factor into federal policy...blah blah blah....
  3. To slash or not to slash...that is the question of our age... hehe
  4. So wait do you guys want to slash spending right now or not...getting a little confusing in here....
  5. Well the system absolutely should favor educated people...the problem is we don't let enough of them in and it takes forever. And also, we have some stupid rule about equal number from various countries when an overwhelming number of the best immigrants come from just a few such as India.
  6. I mean, there isn't an official plan/no official language yet but general speaking that's basically the plan. Nobody is talking about a fast track...except maybe for the kids (and even that isn't clear)
  7. lol either way dude it's a different time we need to fix up the system so we actually have one... but the main thing we want is some nice young STEM educated immigrants...we don't need to just open the border....
  8. Feel free to explain to me, or link a public speaking engagement (of which she has many and many of which I've seen) where she's really, truly, contributing to the debate in the country. Please, if there's something I've missed and she's a valuable contributor to our society...let me know...I will view with an open mind.
  9. I 100% believe it personally and completely...in private...I disrespect anyone who truly believes it isn't true. That said...I'm content to leave it at that...I have no desire to to get into detailed bashing of Palin or defending of Biden but as far as I'm concerned anyone who knows/follows politics beyond the absolute (and I mean absolute) surface understands why I say this even if they hate Biden and all Dems...
  10. give me, give me, give me...that Monday after the super bowl off to worship the sweet sweet integration that was MLK
  11. Knock Joe Biden all you want I'm not his white knight but anyone that remotely thinks he belongs anywhere near Sarah Palin in terms of uselessness and stupidity (from the view point of any party) is ... themselves...a complete and utter dumb ass...and as to that I truly mean if you legitimately feel that Sarah Palin > Joe Biden you have absolutely no idea what is going on...
  12. While some may not agree....as I see it the victim complex is strong within virtually every sect of our society and has always been...that's not to say that today or ever has it been the quality that advances us...but in the grand scheme we always seem to advance...
  13. Why is it on Sunday? Is there some tv knowledge that says people won't watch on sat? Also labillz everyone know fantasy is over by now... 3rd...MLK's legacy would only expand if he gave us this gift
  14. Let us celebrate his life the day after the superbowl
  15. They're about to destroy the girls in cookie sales
  16. imo that hurts intelligent moderates. Like this story: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/democrats-tea-party-unite-to-defeat-mitch-mcconnell-86787.html Dem groups funding a Tea Party candidate to argue McConnell compromises too much and is too willing to govern with his fellow senators....it's crazy. McConnell is quite conservative and has stood his ground his fair share. It's stupid to fuel the anger and opposition to all things cooperative and all instances of moving to the middle. This hurts everybody imo....
  17. He's given a lot to this country...he can give a little more
  18. I hate this line of logic...they need to spend resources on good people w/ points of view that add to society...there are only two parties...
  19. Agreed on dumbasses who schedule this stuff. Wait all through the holiday season and then the college football championship is on a Monday during a work week. Superbowl...nothing else going on and they stick on a Sunday night. Sick of this crap. That said, I would gladly swap and celebrate one of the Birthday's or even Labor day on the day following the super bowl.
  20. Reminds me of Carville saying Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between...hehe.
  21. "The thing is that we've actually seen in practice, you can say idealy lets have a plan to reduced the deficit 5 years out, 10 years out, while at teh same time doing stimulus for the economy, Washington doesn't work that way. If you spend a lot of your time saying the debt and the deficit are the big problem, the message that what we need to do now is promote jobs gets lost. And in fact we've spent the last 2.5 years focused entirely about the long term deficits and entitlements and doing nothing for employment, that balance has got to shift." (Krugman in the above video) That quote basically sums it up
  22. Well while after watching the entire interview less than an hour ago, just not what I saw. No doubt you can easily rail against him for being totally soft on the urgency of those problems and probability of not avoiding them, but it's a little disingenuous to say that he flat wouldn't do anything since he says in the interview if we were dealing with some all powerful King that could just do things with a snap of a finger he would. In any event, as for me, I do believe we need to do something. I also believe Krugman is right when he says right now if you are comparing the two...growth now is more important.
  23. Once again, to repeat myself, it's about the priorities/emphasis and what we should be most concerned with (not purely concerned with) today. Why is it if you had to make a to do list you would put addressing an estimated 15 year cost challenge ahead of growth today when we know we have to pick up growth today and address healthcare costs of the future? The basic truth is the entire video is there for anyone to watch...they can see the entire interview and actually listen to what he says which btw is heavily edited in the quote you just posted...
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