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Everything posted by dayman

  1. help countries fight terrorism through "a range of different capabilities"...say the word Barry...say DRONE
  2. that min wage part was awkward...as awkward as any sou bit I can remember
  3. Oh lord federal aid tied to value on a college score card? hehe...we'll see if anything like that happens...
  4. Efficiency is absolutely the best part of this little energy/climate deal...jobs off the chart, immediate benefits, pays for itself....
  5. ...what? a politician just said "climate change?"
  6. not seeing anything on twitter did they go into that house or fire a bomb in there?
  7. LABillz probably has pink palms by now already hehe
  8. I think she will run violently against single payer oddly enough. Once in effect, it will have to be tweaked and changed to work b/c it's not going to running smoothly right of the bat. Then the attack will be that Hillary wants to trash it and do single payer (which many people including me wouldn't mind), but she will have to say over and over that she won't and that she will just continue to perfect the system we have.
  9. The "you have to accept everyone" kicks in next year...and then rates on young people will go up. It was discussed, at least by people who were actually discussing it, as what it is. It expands coverage for the poor and ceases locking out the sick...everybody can get it...and premiums go down for sick and old people...premiums go up for young and healthy people. This is in fact...what has been known forever. If you have to describe the entire thing in a few sentences, that is it.
  10. While this topic is a fine one to discuss...why is it framed as though it's some secret? Or that Obama will screw them, as opposed to having screwed them years ago? This was known and talked about at the time of the ACA debate and nobody is surprised by the fact that the what was always known would happen will happen.
  11. Haha my post was clearly directed at the stereotyping of all police, not any comments about this particular incident (which was bizarre and for which there is no excuse). In any event, there a a lot of good police out there. There are also fairly low standards to become a low level policeman and there are a lot of people who wear the badge that shouldn't...but it's not the highest paying gig and it can be dangerous so that's just reality.
  12. Agreed. Read an article saying they have a total of 4 original programming releases this year, and that amazon has ordered 11 pilots looking to start doing the same. It's going break down tv pretty quickly IMO and soon we'll be able to just buy what we want...excellent news. Bottom line is netflix is affordable and gives us what we want, when we want it (provided they can get a license of course). I LOVE the way they just put the season out and don't bother making us wait, we can watch on our own terms. They actually provide content as if we are customers and not hostages. It's great. Oh and ya I find it great as well. Watched one every night last week and watched a ton this weekend. 2 left probably finish by end of tonight...
  13. The police are definitely sketched out by this guy. They're freaking... In any event...sort of strange to see such open hate for all police in this thread and tying this into an anti-gun control topic along with making it partisan. Just affirms why this board is at times entertaining but also completely pathetic most of the time...
  14. Netflix has an original series called "House of Cards." Kevin Spacey as majority whip....very good...unless you don't like tv I would suggest that if you frequent this board this would be very entertaining to you. It's a netflix original so they put it out just like they do everything else..a season a time. You could subscribe for 1 month for about 10 bucks and watch the whole season and then cancel. It would be worth it. Give it a shot if it sounds interesting.
  15. Personally I don't like throwing money down the toilet...I do like the buffet though
  16. Don't know if this made it in any of the threads yet...if not: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/sections/news/020413_DOJ_White_Paper.pdf
  17. The question of urgency stands, which one should we burn more calories on today? The answer is obvious. The point is good. And Washington should listen. Especially since there is such gridlock over the future budget...that makes it all the more obvious that it's time to take a momentary break from the constant budget debate and talk bout immediate actions to spur growth...
  18. I really don't get calingl him a partisan hack. I mean, he's clearly a democrat...but whatever you may think of his economic analysis he's an economist and he believes it. Just to call him a partisan hack and brush off what he says as partisan hackery said to promote the democrats...not really all that true he's been critical when they don't do things he thinks they should do....
  19. My father savagely beat me with an aluminum baseball bat for loving a man. I am now straight.
  20. there is no sovereign country between us and Iran if we take the right path..our Iranian neighbors are a threat to our border imo
  21. So technically all countries share a border so long as they have access to a river that flows out to the sea...hehe
  22. lol...we're really doing this argument...nice
  23. While I could agree that New England Clam Chowder is objectively a better tasting soup and one I enjoy very much, I order Broccoli and Cheddar more often than any other soup. The least frequently ordered soup that I would rank top 5, would have to be French Onion. Italian Wedding is the worst commonly available soup.
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