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Everything posted by dayman

  1. The thing I love about retarded people is it's all about progressives v. conservatives and red v. blue...and there's nothing else. You are supposed to oppose her, therefore anything she ever says or does, is completely wrong
  2. exhibit A for why Sat Night Live is the now the owner of the title "slightly more popular than Mad TV was before it was canceled" these days
  3. Once again ... no comment on the general issue of more meaningful regulation. When it's guns it's all about enforcing the laws we have. When it's finance, it foolish to suggest anything other than nothing? A few settlements sometimes "large" by our standards but for the most part nothing more than "significant" by the largest banks standards? I'm not even a bank killer kind of guy.....but it is just crazy that b/c it's her that all the sudden this is "far left nutball stuff"...stuff that would poll higher than probably any other policy in America
  4. In any event she was pretty clear as to why she was pursuing that line of questioning, something that article left out. Simply put by Warren at the very start she pursued this line of questioning b/c the willingness to take someone to trial and ability to win those cases (whether b/c of incompetence or lack of resources) directly affect the strength of negotiation and severity of settlements. Plus it denies the public the days of public testimony regarding what went on. And however big the settlements, usually there were large profits created by the act that pay for them. And the fact DAs often squeeze ordinary citizens to set examples, and but there seems to be no "old testament justice" for the bankers...is something that resonates with a lot of people. But of course b/c she's a Democrat....nothing she does on any issue can just be seen as positive. Even if it's brining new life to the financial oversight and pressuring regulators to be tougher and perhaps in the future pushing for more resources so they can...
  5. Getting after it on her main issue. Love or hate it...this push...very popular with almost everyone including many upper class people.
  6. What's so hilarious is the direct expenditures alleged total 57K...and are the most blatant and stupid of all...and 43K flashy rolex was a direct expenditure...lol...
  7. What type of political science class is she teaching where she would even have to say this? Just give out an F if someone sources a stupid cable news article. And don't hold it against them on the off chance it is a solid article. Left or right leaning...it matters not. Only how deep it gets in terms of the issues it discusses.
  8. LITERALLY no JJ Jr. topic? You guys slipping... http://media.nbcchic...Jindictment.pdf JJ made direct expenditures totaling $57,792.83. JJ and campaign worker used campaign credit card for $582,772.58. JJ gave $112,150.39 to two campaign aides solely for the purpose of engaging in transactions that benefited him. JJ and campaign aide lied to FEC and House of Reps A few items include a $43,350 Rolex, $9,587.57 worth of children's furniture...the aide bought $5,150 worth of fur capes and parkas...he paid staff for work not done, he bought porcelain collectors items, he bought Bruce Lee and MLK Jr. memorabilia, footballs signed by ex-presidents, Michael Jackson memorabilia, Malcolm X stuff, mink capes and parkas.... Prosecution would have likely asked for nearly 5 years. He is reported to be bargaining and will almost certainly do significant time. He is not THE most corrupt politician we have had in office but he might be the dumbest of all time....
  9. lol go back and watch it, when he talks about specific things he would like to do that he has not before, those are your new policy statements....then watch Rubio...when he fails to talk about anything specific...those are your lack of policy statements...now granted he went on right after I don't know if he got a copy before he prepared his speech but in general there are was, as usual, nothing but vague references to unquantifiable values...it was what it always is an opportunity to further the profile of a speaker in the minority party...and it didn't even go well as far as that is concerned
  10. Love him, hate him, feel nothing towards him...his SOTU had more wrinkles/change/ideas that differed from some policy statements in the past than did Rubio who gave a leftover speech from the Romney campaign who merely grouped together cliches over the past 30 years...
  11. lol...are we sure the delay was b/c they late/being TSA searched?
  12. Rubio's speech...lol...Rubio sucks he's never once done anything to suggest otherwise. Gop needs to get someone else in mind before next potus run b/c he'll get destroyed by Hillary. Better of running a Bush...
  13. Still speaking to 5th graders throughout the speech...Repubs going to need someone who can up the conservative dialog. More or less...is not an ultimatum that makes sense or wins elections in 2012.... Rand... http://static.teapartyexpress.org/
  14. Rubio w/ dat blue tie Obama may use a teleprompter from time to time but at least he can read off of it..lol
  15. did that 102 year old woman try to get out here chair and give up?
  16. If we're going to fix these bridges maybe every gov't contract should require x% of recent veterans on staff?
  17. Pretty sure Boehner stood about dominating al-qaeda central
  18. How the hell can you further isolate N. Korea? The drop of oil they get from China goes away?
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