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Everything posted by dayman

  1. If you are doing a clean install and can get windows 8 as easily/same money as 7 then get 8. It's a no brainer. You lose nothing once you get past a couple slightly different things and you gain some optional stuff that stays out of the way unless you want it. Go 8. Unless you have to buy a new license. If that's the case, it isn't worth it.
  2. I can feel your anger, it give you focus, it makes you stronger...
  3. the topic itself is boring and tired...but the source war within it worth a read for chuckles...you bit either way...and started talking about googling for more poorly sourced stories to prove the legitimacy of one...that said...given how uninteresting the topic itself is I haven't looked for legit source material...but none has been posted..thus everybody may be a looser in this bout...as PPP should be
  4. lol you got zinged in that other topic well enough for some posts you made but that said...still waiting on a link to the solicitation and quote from it... then you are an idiot for not seeing both at once before your eyes
  5. the realist knows that the ACA is not going to destroy everything and everyonewhen it kicks in, but isn't going to work real well either...and there will be two choices continue to fix it as everything shifts to provide more healthcare and medicare payments structures lead the charge to slow the growth in costs that previous medicare pay structures helped spur...or you can move to single payer...but once the reforms regarding access to insurance and thus care for those in need is gone...that will never be removed...and thus...both parties have to focus on improving a system where everybody who buys in is covered as opposed to just saying it can't be done and saying no....
  6. What nobody has talked about is while the cuts hurt some of things the Dems like, they kick in more gradually there than they do in defense..and while the Dems don't want to slash defense the way this will they want to cut it but the Repubs want next to nothing...and in the end defense will be more cliff like while most states unemployment and welfare will be months away from significant check cuts
  7. Yes you idiot, learn to see sarcasm when it confronts you and not have to ask.
  8. Well in the governments defense they're going to compel a huge portion young/healthy people into the market at higher premiums than they would have had previous to the law dumping a bunch of money in.....so it's really a question of how far off the projections of those enrollments are...
  9. That's the main point they are hounding you for. There is only one true reality so even if there are a thousand others...it doesn't matter
  10. Someone post the truth, and we will see who is right. I have to go to work. I will check back at lunch. Homework assigned. Don't disappoint.
  11. This topic threatens to debunk the natural order of this place. Topic made about current issue. Someone says Obama did it. B-man and other post editorials from right wing Internet spheres. Conclusion reached. Many a time I've linked to court decisions, CRS/CBO studies themselves (as opposed to reporting on them), studies from reputable universities..rarely a response.
  12. being so lazy as to not search a 2 page thread....since I'm tired and about to hit the sack...did anyone post a link to the Arizona lady who committed voter fraud to prove voter fraud happens and got stopped voting and arrested for it?
  13. ...well they interviewed insiders who said the yellowcake thing making it into the bush speech was the breaking point for them personally as far as losing faith in the work they did...
  14. We all work...yet we find the time to bloviate...no excuses...get back here and rant
  15. Iraq was the root of all evils haven't you heard? Sadam pissed us off publicly therefore his continued existence was evidence you could piss us off and live to tell about it/kill those who rose against you in your time of vulnerability.
  16. Wikipedia usually has a policy that mandates when high profile editors edit conflicting ideas it comes up showing that there is disagreement about the issue and then tells both sides...so this is interesting in the sense that a common sense policy failed to work
  17. I don't have time to think about it. Educate me. I may have time to fact check your lecture.
  18. damages to existing crops happens anyway and I'm not sure but they may patent the gene that makes it resistant to round up since they invent it/it's novel...and in any event the patent time limit expires anyway it's just that seed time/life is shorter than drugs....and I think the drug companies got that expiration pushed back recently....not sure tho
  19. Can you not engineer a seed to produce no seeds? I know next to nothing about this and I'm sure there are some complications for certain seeds/crops...but I know my seedless oranges are good...for engineered IP that self replicates is there not always the ability to some extent to engineer the IP so that it does not self replicate? It would protect the patent...and a neighbors field from cross pollination and potential law suits as well as just generally wanting his own seed uninfringe by engineered design not found in nature...
  20. TPS is not a friend of Israel...our closest ally in the area and our blood brother...you are satan
  21. Focused on the the case to go to war with Iraq. It's on now. Somewhat interesting, not a whole lot knew but detailed and has some good interviews with people involved. I know apparently there was a well-liked user that used to post here who would talk about this in detail so I figured perhaps some might find it interesting even those who ordinarily do not like MSNBC
  22. From time to time stop taking yourself so seriously. And anyway...mostly in retarded topics. Legitimate topics...rarely
  23. Hey, here you have it...the basic gist is there was no personal responsibility...not even an attempt to produce a public record through trial.....even years later...and the are such as "oh she's grandstanding" (when a clip like this could play w/ no party affiliation and poll higher than beer) and "oh it's a Liz Warren quote" so it must be a leftist agenda when all it's really saying is rich corporations settle and pay fines out of massive profitsand executives never stand trial while DAs across the country clamp down on drug offenses and the like... Whether you would have voted for her or not she'll be a quality addition to the committee and on this issue she speaks for more than just the far left regardless of what anyone has been conditioned to believe
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