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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Well down south the Air shows are still all American for what it is worth...
  2. Yup. It's not about if GB thinks he's necessary or not...we literally have 1 passing threat. We need to get more production from receivers
  3. Pacing aside tonight was great
  4. A lot of people bring this up...the counter is that foreign aid as a whole is very small and it's worth the money...who knows...
  5. Only one insurer pays anywhere close to cost
  6. Why are all you anti-government folk not talking about the article?
  7. this is a retarded comment...that isn't to say direct advertising is not something but this comment...wow
  8. Saw this guy on some talk show talking about this article. Haven't read but meant to. Will read later this weekend. Good post thanks for reminding me.
  9. Some truth in that. But many people care about when and how as much if not more.
  10. There is little reasoning, IMO, going into any opinion that uses this trial as a way to wage war on media bias.
  11. It isn't Woodward or Obama's fault you sent emails around the office talking openly about your Department violating it's own regulations. Pick up phone once in a while you anti-social faceless bureaucrat. Don't be so bitter.
  12. I can imagine it not going to trial. And I can imagine stand your ground in the Fla Supreme Court.
  13. Lets just agree it was close enough for government work and call it day. You of all people should agree
  14. Are you saying that in a friendly advice way or in a threatening way?
  15. lmfao "die thread"...isn't the hearing tomorrow? Or has it already happened? And if ends there this thread and America will go nuts...and if it goes to a jury this thread and America will go nuts...
  16. Pretty clear btw...that Woodward led people to believe in that interview it was something it wasn't. Once I read the emails...this is a fairly meaningless story...
  17. Hey now, in defense of the WH...nobody has to tell Rahm to do stuff like that...
  18. I'm not sure what his opinion was...even though he said that's his opinion many times...
  19. Obama will take blame if it carries on for a long time and the effects end up being obvious. And that truth is conventional wisdom. I don't know where you get the impression he can sail through this if bad things start happening. GOP will also take heavy heat. Obviously the House has an election in 2 years, Obama will never have one again...that's the real advantage from a political perspective. Dems basically put it all on a Obama...he eats the sin from his 2nd term immunity...GOP have to fight to stay.
  20. Agree with Tasker. Got to look at the old balance sheet. But in general if you can say **** you to anybody you work with or for and just walk away from whatever you are doing b/c you don't need the money...then you are rich...although even if you don't have **** you money you may be rich based on the old balance sheet
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