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Everything posted by dayman

  1. bottom line it depends on what state you are in...perhaps all states are too "liberal" but for the most part some states are fine...my state for one...not too bad...although yes we are the medicare fraud capital but that's south florida there's nothing you can do about that..
  2. Ssi? Ssdi? Maybe tanf it does last a while...all i'm saying is not all money people get from government is tanf
  3. For the record you guys know you can't actaully get welfare forever right? And there are various training and work requirements...and of those requirements you B word at your state for the most part if you want them changed...
  4. All I know is Perry is awesome. I would not vote for him...but the guy is hilarious in a good way.
  5. Almost no way that would make it out of the house.
  6. His point has to do with the expectations of how to negotiate more so though...
  7. A budget that proposes keeping aca taxes and getting rid of all aca benefits is not a startin point for either party
  8. This "challenge him on the numbers" stuff is way overblown. Ryan's budget(s) are of no practical use to anyone in the nation. It's that simple. They are political documents that do not ground any real debate/negotiation in government.
  9. What are we talking about then? Romney needed help all along it was obvious what kind of help he needed but he took Ryan anyway (who didn't help at all) and then he got crushed. Ryan was a drag on the ticket. It's a drag when one part of the team does nothing, even if they are supposed to fill only a lesser role.
  10. Well I'm fairly sure Palin was a bigger mistake but the argument could be made (not persuasively enough for me) that Ryan was in fact a bigger political mistake if you argue that someone else like a Rubio could have cut into the latino deficit significantly (if you believe that)...in any event you don't pick someone that has no net positive impact on purpose...and if you are Romney you probably don't want Ryan...
  11. In terms of the political effect on the ticket, what voters did Paul Ryan ad? What soft Obama vote did he steal with his policy? What minority group or gender group did he appeal to on a superficial level? Romney lost Wisconsin so he didn't gift a state to the ticket. From a political perspective, Ryan was a complete drag on the ticket. Hell they basically had to hid him from the media on the back end b/c of his public position on abortion exceptions.
  12. What is funny about this issue is that everybody seems to ignore the obvious fact that WH tours not being held for a period of time is...literally...nothing. About the furthest thing from mattering anything could be
  13. Courageous and serious for THESE unrealistic and vague budgets? Hardly true. Certainly the image they're going for though.
  14. Spacey's character would fight anyone for a leg up the power structure in this series. He's awesome. While it is obvious that any scheming in real life quickly falls apart and politicians just start reacting (badly) it is nice to watch this and pretend that, having a system where politics is everything, someone could be good at it.
  15. Why the hell has nobody just taken the top few guys over there out? This entire issue of little insignificant hermit regime playing with nukes to make themselves feel inportant is nuts
  16. Lets not get ahead of ourselves the opposite ways now.
  17. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2138012-1,00.html Article on why logical reasoning says we aught to just build it.
  18. silly Magox....savings is for Asian countries
  19. You need a link to believe te effective rate is far less?
  20. They get a lot of that from the team and if they do have personal people they aren't that much. I'm fairly certain it is even in the cba that agents can't charge more than 6% or something close...or if not in cba than generally accepted practice...i mean if u r vince young maybe those things can balloon to 30% but only if you are completely retarded
  21. ex-generals on payrolls and powerful lobbying put them in one of the few categories of industry that can perpetuate their own artificial demand?
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