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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I like how the Judge never knew apparently...
  2. Jboys I don't even know what this topic is ... I mean yes it is unfortunate people are rude or bully other people certainly when they are young but ... this topic ...
  3. Actually no it is not that simple but I would be for kicking them all out anyway just for ***** and giggles.
  4. If there is data supporting something, then data showing that supporting data is no good, and you cherry pick the supporting data and leave out the other data that show the supporting data is crap....is that fabrication or confirmation bias?
  5. My sympathy is with people like this guy...but I can't help but side with Tasker here...I mean I rarely do but lets face it we're all thinking exactly what is said above when we here stuff like this about the military...
  6. That looks like Obama if he was electrocuted by his own force lightening bouncing off Samuel L Jackson.
  7. lol this guy...don't pay anything you owe the government...ok..see where that gets you
  8. Been saying it for a few years now...biggest problem is attitude. Most people not auto-pilot GOP voters find the CPAC "attitude" to be ridiculous ... a few of the meaningless policy points regarding social issues and whatnot are just not winners and neither is immigration that is true...and IMO large cuts right now would be the wrong move but I doubt that it couldn't be sold by a talented politician (although lesser cuts than some on the right want) so honestly as contentious as the budget battle is to politicos....it really is just simple...don't appear to be an obnoxious rednecks mixed w/ fat-cat puppeteers...optics of that are bad. Politics is the furthest thing from policy. Somehow the GOP hasn't figured that out yet. Policy arguments are great to me and most of us (even though I disagree with many of you) however...anyone with a brain knows that the entire thing is a popularity contest as far the WH is concerned and you have to be attractive. The truth is, at the instant moment anyway, the Dems are more willing to take a guy that may or may not give them pricks or slight stabs in the back at some point. A good portion of the GOP want a God-like ultra-conservative to come save them and that has and will get them nothing but disappointment...unhappy forever....politicians make deals....officials serve a diverse country not a party...one party is slightly more able to win the WH right now as a result.
  9. CNN has no clue what to be...but they have Zakaria on Saturday so they still have the best man in media.
  10. Uh...how is MSNBC even 85% opinion? Pretty much every show, at least to my knowledge, is opinion/talk. That's all it is, and they don't hide it. And also, O'Reilly constantly hides behind this whole "we have news during the day" defense when people talk about the quality of their personalities. It means nothing though. To pretend that what they classify as "hard news" (which is questionable anyway if you ever care to watch a bit) airing in the middle of the day is somehow a defense against those who point at prime time talk (Hannity in particular) and say "wtf is that?"...makes no sense. Hell, I actually feel worse about people getting hard news from Fox than I do a whacko eating up Hannity's BS.
  11. there is really nothing "elite" about some of most cited problem issues though...that's the thing...it's really not elite to want to reform immigration nor is it elite to think gay people can get hitched or really even that reasonable abortion scenarios should not be illegal
  12. What is "big media" to you? And what is "the Internet" and why in God's name does "the Internet" heighten people's attention span and overall intelligence? I'm just curious btw not trying to defend any particular media group but I find it hard to believe what I think you are saying is as likely as you seem to think it is...
  13. What you saw was his team win. So now you think that our team will win with Tebow b/c he's magic? No. No he is not. He's a bad QB. He doesn't read defenses or throw a good ball. What is so hard to understand about the FACT that he doesn't read well or throw well. That's a huge problem.
  14. Dude you are out of your mind. Tebow is terrible. Plain and simple. Watch him. Just turn on the tv...and watch him play. Do you want that? No. No you do not.
  15. A frequent accusation of the right is that those lefties think with their hearts and not their heads. This issue, is merely an emotional one for the right.
  16. States administer most federal programs and have wiggle room to operate in most of them, and if they want to go above and beyond, they certainly can choose to do so. In any event, this is...the state being the state. Most people here seem to like that... And as for the drug testing...the bottom line is if you don't like welfare you don't like welfare but there really hasn't been any evidence put forth that establishes this is somehow a great policy aside from just political reasons...obviously there are plenty of examples anyone could dig up...but as a whole in the scheme of the policy Florida was unable to make the argument that this is a legitimate problem: As the district court found, the State failed to offer any factual support or to present any empirical evidence of a “concrete danger” of illegal drug use within Florida's TANF population. See (cite). The evidence in this record does not suggest that the population of TANF recipients engages in illegal drug use or that they misappropriate government funds for drugs at the expense of their own and their children's basic subsistence. The State has presented no evidence that simply because an applicant for TANF benefits is having financial problems, he is also drug addicted or prone to fraudulent and neglectful behavior. -Lebron v. Sec. Florida DCF, 24 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. C 32
  17. uh...he will ride any political whim...as will a number of other politicians but yes...in fact..that is very true of Rubio in fact to the extent anyone perceives his "camp" as separate from Jeb's...that is evidence
  18. you can view it negative if you want...but Rubio is a political child of Jeb in reality
  19. don't fool yourself the rubio/jeb camp are the same...even though Rubio will ride any political whim he is still Jeb's little child
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