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Everything posted by dayman

  1. This is turning into an episode of House of Cards.
  2. Of course this amendment must be read in light of other amendments after it, including those ratified after it...particularly that big one after the civil war and the legal interpretation that followed
  3. No argument can be made. Nobody honestly cares.
  4. It can be done. Easily. These guys are talented. And they can take liberty with the book story to suit the screen.
  5. ...well this is pretty obviously unconstitutuional...if SCOTUS were 9 Scalia's maybe...but seriously...what is with this provocative legislation on the state level?
  6. I have heard some of you talk about your careers at times and many seem to pride themselves on solid process management. Anyone have a link of wisdom to impart on the subject? Perhaps a scholarly article of manageable size although anything would do...but not a book we're talking something to read tonight.
  7. One thing about Tyrion is it seems a bit forced...his personality/wit...of course it is b/c you can get in his head w/ POV chapters and his wit comes out naturally in longer dialog.that is not possible in the show...but then again Tyrion does well on screen anyway and it is a big shoe to fill in terms of book-tyrion
  8. Newton was a great pick and is not a flash in the pan and in time you haters will see that. Newton is not Geno Smith. If we ended up taking Geno SMith in the 1st everyone here would be excited and nobody can say with certainty ahead of time it wouldn't be teh best QB we took a shot on in a long time. And last I checked...yes...we are in that mode...grasp mode from now until we get a QB
  9. Well I'm not so in love with Kolb I'm not convinced his being fairly terrible in Arizona is somehow fixed by joining...of all teams...us...however I am more interested in watching 16 games of this to at least see than I am Fitz again...so good move...and now we can hopefully pounce in the draft if ti comes but if it doesn't we can try Kolb...
  10. I actually thought episode 1 was great. I read them all so I'm not so much watching to see what happens but watching to watch...and there were some great scenes. Tyrion/Tywin, Cersei/Tyrion, the brief bit Bolton had, and even Danny's story has more legs than it had in the book (for me anyway)...also Stannis is interesting I loved that story line reading and it's portrayed differently than I read it but still good imo... ...in any even book 3 was the best of the series imo..and I think the next two seasons of GoT will be the best of the show...although the last of the books has not come out yet so we will see
  11. The only reason we are talking about this is the last sentence of the article. And in the case of Zuckerburg, he was lucky. There are a bunch of reasons he made that much money so young but yes, as per the last sentence, luck was one and a big one. And stop thinking I'm somehow railing against work and saying everything is luck..I'm saying to cash in at a certain level and at a certain age then that takes luck...that fortune is enormous.
  12. Please continue to talk about the virtues of work and putting your nose to the task PPP. I can almost see the hard-ons you all have in my computer screen... And Donte...of course this isn't any different...but here on this board we are not allowed to mention the obvious truth everyone in the real world, and certainly every uber successful person in te real world, knows...which is ya need luck. Plain an simple. Somehow this age old truth doesn't register with the old grumps on here looking for excuses to spout off on the value of work and how 'liberals' don't know about it...you make billions you had luck. Period. You almost certainly had a bunch of other stuff going for you, but luck was on your side too.
  13. Only on PPP does retarded "we built that" political sentiment extend so deep down in the bones that it becomes an issue, or requires explanation, to state that Zuckerburg was lucky.
  14. Boy I tell ya some people who post here...lol...just classic
  15. When i was in high school our valedictorian had, literally, an impossibly high gpa. He came from another school that had a program our school does not have and thus his gpa was actually higher than was even possible for anyone who spent all 4 years at our school. Is that fair? No. Does anyone cry for someone who is near the top of class but doesn't get a meaningless honor? No
  16. also..once again he didn't create this. He packaged it well at a good time. And in any event, not taking anything away from it...just saying...of all people he was lucky...talented and all that yes obviously worked hard...but lucky as hell
  17. Generally if facebook was the invention of that...you would be more persuasive. Nothing against facebook...just saying in terms of many of the top Cali Internet/tech companies...that one there is as lucky as it gets...separate yourself from the tax part of the topic of which I don't mean to connect the luck part but yes he was extremely lucky
  18. Oh I thought there was such thing as luck that didn't involve a literal loto win.
  19. Stevie is a full notch below top level...w/ Megtron level being a separate level from top...
  20. pretty hard to put worchestire on anything and make it less Buffalo
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