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Everything posted by dayman

  1. That reminds me of some short story where a little girl sneaks on a one man trip her dad was taking to mars...only enough food and oxygen for 1 and she can't land the spacecraft...so he ejects her. Must see reality TV.
  2. According to the article there seems to be just about every possible due process violation imaginable happening with the enforcement of this policy by her son's school....
  3. Flawless logic. Good point. Checkmate gun reform.
  4. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/roger-wicker-letter-ricin-90171.html?hp=t3_3 Used ricin. Watching too much breaking bad.
  5. I don't know or care if he's learned his lesson. Just saying bloombergs comments, which i read as simply expressing frustration that the penis text overshadows other issues, is fair.
  6. In fairness to Weiner he may well have had the judgment and reasoning to have identified that as something not to do and just been completely out of control anyway...hehe
  7. I read that as him saying they are irrelevant to the problems facing the city. As to the penis text he says there are more important things to talk about...like the problems facing the city. I would pretty much agree w/ that...
  8. “I think the fact that that's the question of the day ... there's got to be more important things than who runs or his history. We have major problems facing this city. Maybe that's what you should be focusing on,” Bloomberg said, per the Post. He called Weiner’s past “irrelevant” to the race and insisted reporters should be questioning him on policy issues that are crucial to the future of the city. "I haven't seen one article talking about Anthony Weiner's views on mass transit, like you talked about earlier, or anything else," Bloomberg said. "They're all talking about something that is totally irrelevant to the problems of the city." Seems about right to me...to be honest...
  9. Nobody knows. Nothing about Geno suggests he could not be really good.
  10. The bottom line is there is no negative effect of having Tebow if you get him for dirt cheap and everybody knows he will almost never play except for a few spots as a gimmick player. He is getting closer and closer to the point where someone can have him on those terms. But he is not there yet.
  11. Seems fair to me. Perhaps they should get a bonus instead of reduction though. But the idea all non-repubs are opposed to ideas like this...or drug testing for UI benefits...not true
  12. If Marrone drafts him in the first he'll be fired in 3 years unless the kid does something nobody but Marrone thinks he can do. Also, Marrone probably knows this. So...it's unlikely and if he does we know he believes in him.
  13. Yup. And once you start getting sacked too much, as a qb, you become damaged mentally. He's the qb equivalent of a traumatized child.
  14. Gibberish gon' gib. Blah blah blah I posted critically of all polls and analysts who said Obama had a strong lead and despite being dead wrong I was right. Gib gib gib
  15. "Try to prove I am insane and spew gibberish all over the place, you cannot" - OC
  16. More psychobabble gibberish to justify retardation incoming?
  17. lol are we bringing up 2012 again? OC...just admit you were pumping propaganda without realizing it the whole time and move on...
  18. Trendy new cut. If it's on sale, buy it, see about it, get back to us.
  19. Except them race hourses. Natural breeding with paperwork irrc
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