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Everything posted by dayman

  1. For the purposes of this discussion...hardly see how this is dispositive....or even relevant to debate over whether or not current realities are realities.
  2. if you would like I will modify my statement from the "religion" to the "muslim culture" in may areas of the world
  3. splitting hairs...I have never once opened their book nor will I ever. I could care less if they're getting it right.
  4. Personally I like Maher's show. It's a comedy show, light on policy and sometimes the panel is absolutely atrocious...but in any event say what you want about him but he is terribly unlikely to pander to the right under any circumstances. And he is also right for the most part in what he says. While there are some fringe Christian groups in Africa that go nuts...they're fairly self contained on a continent nobody cares about. I'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find other examples. But the bottom line is Islam is the least tolerant of the major religions. That's all he's really saying imo, and that's the truth in 2013. That isn't to say that adding the caveat that there are a TON of muslims world wide who are not terrorists isn't important, particularly for public officials. Not just for political reasons...but b/c the muslim fringe is nuts...and it's better to speak softly and carry a big stick given the way in which they wage war.
  5. Unknown radio host says crazy thing.... People talk about it... He is now know
  6. This pretty much sums it up. If there are some actual facts that could reasonably lead the administration to set an actual policy that says no gun tee shirts...that's fine. But absent that you can't just have teachers going rouge and dispensing justice as they see fit. If the shirt were depicting gun violence, or something blatantly illegal...it would probably be a different story and not need a policy...although...I must admit despite my opinion there is a good chance the teacher did not violate the first amendment in demanding the kid take the shirt off or turn it inside out or whatever she did...
  7. I would say more exceptions but I do generally agree w/ your statement...for the most part you go top 15...the position is that crucial and teams drafting there are that bad
  8. disagree...take 2 qbs in teh draft and let them compete w/ Kolb...in 2 years 1 of those 3 will be the best qb we've had in a long time even if they aren't top 5 in the league....long term says take 2 qbs including 1 at 8...if you think we're assured a franchise player at another position at 8 you aren't watching the same draft I am
  9. For the love of God, EJ Manuel was a liability at Florida State when he needed to toss the rock.
  10. EJ is absolute trash. Maybe the worst of all QBs in the draft people talk about. Evidence? Watch him play.
  11. I will go on record and say I wouldn't be on suicide watch if we took Barkley at 8 and just said that is gona be that....same can be said for a number of other qbs though...I'm at the point where I'm ok w/ a failure so long as we take one...no more of this nonsense where we have no qb and don't take a qb...
  12. When you have the guy in your sights...you keep him there. I mean, I'm all for caution in terms of not getting police killed by being stupid...but they had him. They saw him. And then...he actually just runs away from a huge firefight with police and now they can't find him? This isn't a video game..usually that is the kind of thing that doesn't happen. Certainly not when he's the most wanted man in America.
  13. How the hell did they have both guys on the chase, and were shooting to kill (getting one), and then locked down the city....and yet...one of them is still at large? Is this last remaining bomber basically some sort of super villain from the tv show 24?
  14. But not to master it good enough to put the heavier weights inside the lighter weights...apparently.
  15. Is OC's constant, lengthy, gibberish finally creating a mass awareness of his utter insanity? I mean this is independent of politics. Guy needs help. And perhaps if fellow right wingers staged and intervention ... idk maybe he would consider taking his medication.
  16. That's good and well if you have the results to show for it. But I have to hand it to Interesting Man here...if you aren't in shape you aught not tell people you go to the gym all the time just to maintain your flabby status.
  17. Thought it was self explanatory since we see history and know nothing came of it. Given some on this boards love for Reagan you would think this would not be a big deal to mention as it is admitted by inner circle staff there came a time they were all concerned....
  18. It is true and it's a great anecdote. They concluded in the end he was fit etc... no need to be all nasty now B-man
  19. Ya know his staff was nervous he was losing his mind?
  20. 2013 and conservatives as well as liberals still going on about Ole Ron.
  21. Say what you want but the argument that it is so incredibly confusing is stupid.
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