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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Will they let you crawl back into your bureaucratic hole after Holder subpoena's your IP after that post?
  2. Bachman was basically the worst of the worst. I will miss her (serious). The people need whackos in power. Otherwise .... we would have no whackos in power!
  3. Look at that dumbass who thinks there is a future in meat between bread. Loser.
  4. In here facts = Zimerman's account. That is all there is to say.
  5. How can any reasoned analysis of the most credible evidence available, the 911 tape, lead you to cross out the section that says he was associating past break ins, about which he was angry, with Trayvon?
  6. Maybe he wasn't "out on watch" but he certainly went into his dutiful watch-mode. Other than that, those things happened. If you would like to ignore those facts and adopt the Zimmerman's account -the account of a man on trial for murder- as entirely fact...then be my guest.
  7. Apparently George made all the right decisions and was labeled a racist and accused of murder for it. As detailed in the Trayvon thread by some.
  8. He goes out on meaningless/powerless "neighborhood watch" packing heat, gets fixated on some kid who is staying there who was doing nothing, he was apparently projecting his anger over past break ins at him based on his phone call, and then gets out of the car at some point to pursue him with his gun. THere are others possible, some which may well have occurred, soem that did not... but we will never know for sure. But that right there is several negatives that happened.
  9. Serious and sarcastic at the same time I suppose. What part of that doesn't sound like government. They'll then tax benefit payments, which they will reimburse state trust funds for dollar for dollar. Don't read the Trayvon thread frequently and unlikely to sift through and find out what you are talking about. Give page number I'll respond.
  10. I would say you are a little heavy on the angry hippy tone at the moment.
  11. You clearly have no close experience with State bureaucracy and the monkey army that does the work....
  12. State legislators average $140K? If true wow, that is nuts.
  13. Byrd is one notch above average as a total package safety.
  14. Personally I would not vote for him. But it wouldn't be b/c he denied Breitbart....
  15. Thing is most people don't see Sanford's story as run of the mill. It was pretty over the top stuff and the penis text is pretty trivial. With that said....the penis text is obviously creepy and Weiner looks like a creep and his name is Weiner...
  16. I agree for the most part. But I would add, that probably in this specific instance, with the bizarre unfolding of Sanford's story ... they're pretty close. I think it comes down to basically how these guys look. Sanford looks like someone who was probably acting out of character at least on some level during his weird disappearance while cheating. Weiner looks like someone who could easily text his penis at any moment.
  17. Meh...I think in the end the Soviets probably could have done it on their own.
  18. Obama please do something about this engagement ring thing... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130518/CITYANDREGION/130519081/two-bills-drive-1004
  19. I like how people on either side act like this is either total murder cut and dry or in the alternative completely justified. it was clearly a nasty and tragic event where George made a number of retarded moves that ended up producing a dead kid...whether ot not and to what extent hr should be resoonsible is now at trial. passionate defenders of george and passionate lynchers are both retarded
  20. Thread die after all this as trial is gearing up? Unlikely good sport...
  21. If by significant you mean the motion is routine and expected...and bad attorney work if not made...then yes...this is indeed a story you have on your hands here.
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