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Everything posted by dayman

  1. http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/06/06/18807056-chinese-hacked-obama-mccain-campaigns-took-internal-documents-officials-say?lite Aparently they hacked his campaign
  2. That particular issue isn't even about that....there are plenty of services for people who speak other languages...that one is just about some psycho running external enforcement for CRC in DOL.
  3. Add this to the pile: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/05/florida-unemployment-civil-rights_n_3391800.html
  4. I think the bottom line is ... they're going to have to show us the bacon on this one. 7 years? Show us some bacon...classified or not they need to declassify it and tell us specifically how this has been successful. They can do that or explain specifically what it is they get.... If it is deidentified markers matched up to numbers, mined to fine some patter, then identified for those that pass the pattern, then analyzed and possibly get a warrant for it...I think (contrary to what a lot of us like to say) most Americans would be ok with this PROVIDED that they could certify those numbers that become identified (after passing a pattern) are very low AND that there are a number of terrorist activities that have been thwarted... But the bottom line is we can't continue indefinitely condoning this without declassified information that allows us to consider it intelligently...
  5. How is that a difficult question when they waived the hearing?
  6. I could insert some long post here...detail the complexities of the region and our complicated and delicate involvement...the effects this could have on our allies if it goes a certain way...and then appeal to fear about possible weapons and emotion for cultural and religious point...or I could just say "you are right."
  7. Obviously there are probably good people in Syria we could help if we put an end to the open warfare...and I'm sure some rebels aren't monsters and would hope to win and have a solid non-radical Syria...but for the most part (especially in terms of what would likely happen in reality)...I would agree with you. And to top it off...it's some countries civil war...this isn't even an international war (officially)...it is only b/c it some refugees are fleeing and terrorist going on and then alliances and strategy...the alliance/strategy/involvement crap...not worth it in this case. Monitor for insane weapons being sold/supplied and other than that keep out.
  8. In my personal experience, I do find that men tend to negotiate for higher wages and more responsibilities. Not in some drastic way, but that is what I've seen in my professional experience.Not that it means anything what I have seen relative to what is actually going on throughout the economy...
  9. Just seems like some sort of emotional appeal designed to get readers to want to take action about something that, whatever you think about it, we shouldn't take action on...
  10. Is Ralph Peters implying that it is our governments responsibility, or that that the majority of Americans think it is, to preserve Christian and Jewish culture on the opposite side of the world?
  11. Actually quite the silver lining if we stay out of the dispute and let radicals freak on each other.
  12. If you think he's better off in prison than out...you are just wrong.
  13. Just watched that heart eat video. !@#$ing freak show over there right now.
  14. The injuries are consistent with a fight. Of which clearly George took damage. All I'm saying is if you want to talk fact sand direct conclusions from them...there are few...and some are bad for George..and it isn't as if George has a ton of them that directly support anything positive for him. The location is clearly the best of what he has though. Much better than the injuries imo. Now, don't confuse my little discussion of this as to say that he won't walk. He'll clearly walk. I'm just pointing out that most of everybody's outrage, IMO, is traceable to the media and not the situation. It is not outlandish at all that this went to a jury. However, he'll likely win unless they have some stuff we are not aware of...
  15. So it all comes back to character assassination and a general propensity argument. The wounds are evidence of a struggle....but not the important parts of GZ's story. The location of the struggle is perhaps the only actual evidence that supports anything GZ claims...and even that can be argued either way given the holes in what happened.
  16. it is confusing the issue to point out that George described Trayvin running away on the phone as it happened?
  17. in other words there are no facts supporting it? as you claim? simply asking....
  18. What facts support the blanks in the story filled in by his George's story? There is evidence on the 911 call that supports a bad narrative (from his point of view) ... what stones at this point can be put on the other side of the scale? Granted all stones aren't on the table but you said there are credible facts that lead you to believe the George's story (the only story...given now when on trial for murder). Basically I'm just asking...what are they? I mean I get George's story...but that is all it is and it involves Trayvon running away and then coming back with full intent to deal a "fear for your life" type beating. And apologies you never said he was never following him you just skipped it and talked about looking for an address instead (address was mentioned on the call...but no talk of him looking for one or giving one). I thought after the chastising I was receiving for my "loaded" representation of things that seem apparent on the 911 call that your response would not be so loaded. It was effectively loaded...left me with the false impression you were denying that he was following him in first place... In any event..I still fail to see how this is completely damning for George. And I also fail to see how this is good in anyway going into trial for George. Which was my first comment in this little excursion back into this thread.
  19. Which basically shows that the three basic things I said above are shown on this call. Nothing else is...everything else comes from George's story.
  20. I read the 911 call and that exchange happened after he replied "yes" when asked if he was following him. 3rd at one point said .... he got out of the car to find an address to tell the police and was never following him...I do not see how the fact swork w/ this at all Exactly so the three basic pillars of what we know happen was that George was more or less hounding him including pursuing him on foot, was making comments live on the phone while doing so projecting anger of break ins at Trayvon, and Trayvon wasn't doing anything criminal and was temporarily living there...then there holes in these facts are filled in with the story of a man on trial for murder who says Trayvon ran away, then came back and started attacking him...then he shoots a minor who was doing nothing but then appeared suddenly and attacked after having run
  21. I have not read through this entire beastly thread but what evidence backs up that he didn't get out of the car to pursue Trayvon and what evidence supports that Trayvon came out of nowhere and started violently attacking George who at that point was not trying to engage Trayvon? I understand George's story...but you are saying the evidence supports it...these are two of the more important points imo.....the 911 call he says he was following him and -while I could be missing something- I have heard of nothing other than Zimmerman's own words that suggest Trayvon ran, then came back and started fighting...
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