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Everything posted by dayman

  1. The law abrogates longstanding common law duties. IMO....it was the legislatures intent to make people more protected in situations where they may be subject to random violence. As written, and as applied in some cases, the effects of this law have not been confined to such circumstances. IMO, when the two people are acquaintances, and when other evidence goes to factors like initial aggressor and the like...the law needs to do more than remain silent...and as such should be amended. There was a body of case law that addressed this type of issue...this provision change that...and it is unclear how this should be applied in certain circumstances ... many people (including law makers in Florida) do not agree that the person seeking immunity under this statute should be unquestionably protected by irrefutable presumptions in all circumstances...most notably when evidence can prove up who was the initial aggressor...but also when it is a factual question for the jury or when other circumstances such as relationship and the like are present.
  2. It needs tweaking. Comments by Florida lawmakers suggested as such...although inaction in the latest session did not.
  3. The emboldened portion is interesting, given that your entire post is geared towards Snowden and the worthless nature of his oaths. If you are really so concerned about the substance of the reveal, articulate it more fully so I can know where you are coming from. Conclusory statements of unconstitutionality don't do it.
  4. That was clumsy and a stupid risk but all in all I liked what I saw from his opening (they did not show the knock-knock joke lol). Obviously if he wanted to make the point that after all that jury selection business they just wanted a fair jury that doesn't think they know Zimmerman from the media....he could have done it better. But all in all...to me his style is the perfect counter to what the prosecution will bring.
  5. A quick wiki shows that if you don't fill it out they are more likely to do in person follow ups...and that nobody has ever been charged with a crime or fined. Wiki...but backs up BPA's story. Fill it out 3rd...or become victim of government jehovah witnessing
  6. Just heard a clip of Carney being very strong on China regarding letting him leave.
  7. Saw some clips of opening arguments on the news just now. George's lawyer has a good approach/demeanor. Looked good for him imo...based on what very little I just saw.
  8. Ok we still need to bring unemployment down more. Go. Lets hear what we should be doing that has any realistic shot at passing. Oh wait, nothing about that in the article? Oh that's right...it's another mindless whiny "opinion article" from B-man...of course it isn't in there.
  9. Be honest in your responses 3rd. Don't let shame keep from disclosing your lack of flush toilet.
  10. It's called reality. They've covered America's priorities...and can't agree to do anything about it. What ideas does this author expect they take up at this point? Was he asleep for the last 4 years? As for the secure the border debate...I would say most Americans agree it should be done...I think the problem comes from certain people wanting to basically put a standing army and invest a fortune in it when statistic show that at the moment net immigration is not a problem...it's not an issue of "secure or not" it's an issue of "what is secure?" More security is something both sides agree on. How much more is something they don't. And when it comes to this issue money and size of government is not so important anymore for some reason...
  11. Ya I saw it on 60 minutes...that story implied that the Russians had a hard time coming up with the appropriate charges and the sentence was way out of line with teh charges they eventually did bring (can't remember but I think it was basically a disturbing the peace mixed w/ religious intolerance for having been at a church).
  12. Set them free. Who cares about what they did it was nothing.
  13. Why would a state give a break for leaving?
  14. Saw Superman recently. I think a good amount of people will like it. I didn't like it at all. In fact, it was terrible.
  15. Some significant bacon attempting to be shown today at hearings.
  16. Florida was hit real hard so naturally it is coming back strong. In any event, Florida really is a great place to live so it is only natural.
  17. Well that is different than the wage issue I was quoting...but I still doubt anything can be done.
  18. There is no way to do this and it wouldn't do anything to wealth gaps anyway ...
  19. "provided/required/authorized by law" means "court order" among other things. Period.
  20. So in other words, on an anonymous Internet message board where you are screaming about civil liberty violations, you simply decline to comment with any specificity on why you are so worked up?
  21. The unreasonable part. And I'm not attacking what I'm saying is you have said over and over that you care about the substance of the program. So instead of raging like that idiot in the video you posted...lay out why the specifics of this program go to far. And I'm not asking for a detailed legal argument with supporting precedent (although that would be nice and I would read it)....just for you to flesh out what has you so upset in way that is a bit more articulate and technical...
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