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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Did you just concede PastaJoe and Hillary are smart people? Or was it just for the sake of making your point?
  2. Old Georgia lady. Famous cook. Has many shows, books, restaurants, probably cooking equipment, etc. Turns out she said the n-word. On at least one occasion made a remark about wanting to have a wedding with slave servants, or something similar to that idk the exact quote. All of this in private. Now we must destroy her.
  3. B-man do you even read posts or do you just start shooting out **** like a dog with diarrhea? Has one person in this thread said that Paula is receiving an appropriate level of public scolding?
  4. It wasn't too long ago I was in school and while social media is a contributing factor, the actual reason is that teachers have bailed. Unless you are in writing class, or perhaps an English class, teachers have stopped caring. It is too much trouble to try and incorporate any evaluation of writing into the grade. Walk into any classroom in America and if it is one of the few where you even have to write, it is graded for "content only." There is some decent reasoning behind it since the test is evaluating the subject the course teaches and not writing, and since there are time pressures in taking tests...but still...this is the reason. Kids write stuff all the time that is **** and get good grades if they said the correct thing in a retarded way. That is the real reason. You simply don't have to learn to be a good writer to succeed in school.
  5. It is humiliating and cringe worthy that she's 19, damn near illiterate, has no manners, can hardly speak English, and seems to have no education or understanding of society outside of her idiot friends. It's all cringe worthy and humiliating.
  6. You know who she is. The grandma from Georgia who *spoiler alert* said the n-word in private and at times made off color remarks about plantation era life. Get you act together you idiot, pretend to be surprised and act like this matters. Join the mob and reign down judgment and condemnation.
  7. Yes, it does. Thing is it doesn't really matter in school...students get out of school and most of them don't realize they cannot write until then. Also certain professions...law, journalism, pr/advertising...still have huge demand for good writers and still ask for samples from each job applicant. It probably is true though, that in certain areas...you can get by these days with pretty low ability.
  8. Martin would have been in a better spot than George if he killed because there is nothing showing he was in pursuit and he was not armed
  9. Prosecution just wants to make sure a judgment of acquittal doesn't take them down, give a strong closing, and let the jury decide potentially coming down on manslaughter assuming that's a lesser included...
  10. How dare you point out the obvious! You must be a liberal douche defending Baldwin personally! Either that or just a normal person who knows society lets train wrecks be train wrecks in most cases.
  11. Supposedly US ports need to get deeper for the next century of shipping...those that do this will gain an advantage holding newer bigger ships that come through deeper channels that will exist in the future...idk...start digging?
  12. I would argue Gonk and Hernandez have both already justified their draft picks. Obviously you don't want to sell a maniac who murders people in the regular course of his business...but from a football perspective the Gronk/Hernandez draft was a success already.
  13. Baldwin is a known scumbag. So nobody cares. Some people are known scumbags and people don't care. He is one of them. Liberal or conservative...doesn't really matter...usually just means you are likable or entertaining or talented or randomly lucky...nothing more.
  14. yes...yes...eat each other...yes...yes
  15. There is only so much anybody can do regarding an idiot witness. At some point you have to go with what you have got.
  16. Honestly this is as big if not bigger for the NFL b/c this is an active player, in his prime, on a high profile team, who scores a lot and has a big contract, name recognition, etc....OJ was a huge deal but he had some space between himself and the NFL....Hernandez is in thick of it.
  17. Perry ordered a special session for Monday to vote again.
  18. The 5th applies to the Feds...14th to the states...that's why the 5th...and as I said above there is an implicit equal protection right under the fifth that is roughly equivalent to the 14ths...it has quite a bit of case law and history on it so if you wanted to know how to analyze those questions all you have to do is read up
  19. Do some wiki on the 5th amendment and the 14 amendment and the interplay if you are actually curious. The short of it is that life, liberty, and property w/ out due process of law carries with it an implicit equal protection guarantee.
  20. This was an enormous day for legal standing. DOMA went off on standing (honstly I think a lot of people on this board, based on what I've seen, would love Scalia's dissent on Standing...starts quoting Madison and give lots of grandiose rhetoric on separation of powers) and prop 8 case had none! haha
  21. Oh I guess this video should go in here...check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPpiU2_Y6YY
  22. Check out this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPpiU2_Y6YY
  23. I also know nothing about this. ... but if I had to give an answer I would point to the number and routine nature of us Senate filibusters as the difference.
  24. I agree that I don't think it will happen. But trials are trials and crazy things have happened than this...
  25. Well just think about it, defendant bears the burden (preponderance of the evidence) at a pretrial evidentiary hearing. Elements: 1) no unlawful activity 2) in a place you have a right to be 3) reasonably believe necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to self or another or to prevent commission of forcible felony. Prove that up and no jury, no trial, you are immune. That's it. And there are open questions, unresolved between courts of different jurisdiction about how this applies to various situations...
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