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Everything posted by dayman

  1. This women is a bit much imo right here. I do not see how this prolonged presser is necessary or a good idea.
  2. Damn Zimmerman must feel great right now.
  3. I honestly don't even know exactly what the evidence is...something about texts. All I'm saying is, of course they fire this guy. Of course. I don't have the info as to if there was a Brady issue or something similar or if it was just jackassery in discovery that isn't on that level...so I have no opinion. But the firing...standard stuff.
  4. You are responsible for turning over certain information. Not all information. What information needs to go out is a legal call.
  5. If your IT guys are leaking or going on about the existence of info your attorney's have decided doesn't have to be disclosed then you s-can him. In the alternative, you agree and discipline or s-can the attorney. But you don't just do nothing. And they sure as hell weren't going to basically admit the prosecution was hiding evidence.
  6. They're less important than people give them credit for in all honesty.
  7. my God in heaven this thread has devolved.
  8. LOL! Oh my God, O'Mara laying into Bernie on CNN right now
  9. This is a case. If you can't see it, then you have been sucked into the counter hype to the original hype. It's not a great case, it is a real case. He's out there prosecuting, b/c he's a prosecutor.
  10. First of all you do not know that, at all. Secondly, his job is to try this case. If you don't think Zimmerman is guilty that's fine, he's out there prosecuting the case. And regardless of everyone's opinion in this thread, the case is an actual case. Not a strong one, but not the complete unbelievable joke that everyone makes it out to be.
  11. Prosecution has victims to zealously advocate justice for. And say what you want about how he approached the case, but he's doing what he thinks will impact the jury the most to win the case. Get off his back personally and stop acting like he's supposed to make the call in this case and somehow not have the heart to prosecute it b/c he's responsible for Zimmermans freedom. He's not.
  12. I like how personal some people in this thread are getting with the prosecution. It is as if you cannot understand people have jobs.
  13. Just got home. Did they behead Zimmerman today?
  14. what is the argument this is admissible anyway?
  15. What is the texting issue? Someone sum it up in at work. ...also jboys how did you go 10 years without seeing the bills?
  16. ....also...almost every space movie has a slew of "scientists"
  17. I have quite a few friends who found work with just the S. Most of them are going to get more education but not necessarily medical school. I had a roommate/friend and another plain friend in undergrad who were math majors...idk what my old roommate is doing now but the other friend I think is a bar tender lol
  18. They were never winning that motion. They're good, if they lose they'll have everything preserved that can be attacked later.
  19. Those articles are not different. A lot of hot blooded conservatives on this board have railed against a general false equivalence, or a lack of society judging or at least calling a spade a spade, and the like...you consistently post complete hot garbage articles. Period. It isn't that I don't agree, it isn't political, it is that it is utter garbage.
  20. So anyway...George really let himself go eh?
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