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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Damn. That is a lot of people. More than I would have guessed but I suppose it makes sense.
  2. "The recent increase in violence has claimed the lives of more than 550 people this month" - PBS News on Iraq moments ago I would be interested to know credible estimates for the same time period in Syria. Not saying Iraq is as bad as Syria, as we know they're at about 100,000 dead now total...but I would be interested to know how it compares to Iraq just over the last month.
  3. George the hero. That's what George is.
  4. lol ... "I like Fox News and hate all other channels" "welcome! Love to have you!"
  5. lol Ya, Gilmore may suffer as the Steelers air it out to play catch up. Solid prediction at this point.
  6. I saw O'Reilly rant last night. Nothing outlandish, nothing new, nothing smart. All in all, I agree (generally).
  7. I consider this to be affirmative proof that I am right when I have been saying all along Spitzer's thing is more forgivable...despite all the obvious arguments that say otherwise.
  8. A losing horse that shamed America on the national stage.
  9. The report I heard on the radio on the way home made is sound like it was a much bigger blood bath and that many of the escaped convicts are dead.
  10. Barkley speaks out: http://www.ijreview.com/2013/07/66730-charles-barkley-the-voice-of-reason-on-the-zimmerman-case/
  11. tsk tsk another incidence of 3rd Binging it on
  12. Wow, the Satan people are entertaining trolls.
  13. lol you are off the deep end and will fit right in here. The "speech" was all in all fine. Only way to have a huge problem with these comments is to not be able to listen to anything Obama says neutrally.
  14. I just watched his speech on youtube. In all honesty what exactly was it that he said that you found ridiculous?
  15. L O L That is a hilarious photo. Most Obama jokes/comments are terrible...that is gold.
  16. The article smells as though it is likely misrepresenting the bill. However, I am too lazy to care right now. Also, Tasker, you may want to cut that post off after the first paragraph or 2....and then leave the link.
  17. Then allow me to revise my statement: I still have a problem with people giving a bunch of attention to killers and terrorists.
  18. People can choose not to buy. But I still have a problem with glamorizing murders and terrorists.
  19. If every time inter-racial violence happens then it is necessarily racial then its racial. If not, then it really just isn't a racial incident. There may be societal issues deal with race that can be tacked onto this fact patter in some way...but the fact pattern itself is not racial at all...other than the two men having different races.
  20. Florida brings the south down? FL brings AL TN, GA, NC, SC, VA down? lol...Florida is a superior state to all of those. Florida is one of the best states in teh entire nation. Not sure what causes you to say this. Zombies? Election **** ups? Trayvon? These are small things the scheme of things. Florida has it all.
  21. It sticks Hernandez is in mass with no cameras in court
  22. pretty psychopath-type comment right there
  23. The State is melting down imo...is this appropriate at this point? After the verdict?
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