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Everything posted by dayman

  1. So, this begins as an internally consistent statement (ie. "I'm in the upper 99th percentile, and am well beyond qualified for Mensa membership, so I'd venture a "yes"."), and then progresses towards inconsistency (ie. the content of your posting)? Really? That's the ball you're running with?
  2. lol debating "iq"...in any event the answer to this question is obvious but the question itself does not matter
  3. IMO, Walt got the stuff for Hank. Look at his house in the first scene...Walt is dying and just wanted to hang on a little longer. B/c of Hank, Walt had to live to see this happen, and know for sure that his family is destroyed (at the hands of Hank no less). All sense of this being his own fault...is gone...it isn't the mob or cartel or other thugs...it is Hank...and Hank is doing this after Walt had basically succeed and gotten away with it all (at great cost). Walt is going to try to kill Hank before he dies imo.
  4. You could see him signal as soon as the drive started. imo they intentionally cut his headset of
  5. I thought this show was dead! Anyway...watched the season premier. The show seems...different...it kind of came off like a character of itself this 3rd season premier.
  6. True I don't know the past but it doesn't really matter. You've clearly been holding onto lybob hate for a while lol ... It's ppp
  7. Imo a bish Rubio richey it where it is at ... a lot of people will push Jeb including Romney and he can flaunt his Hispanic wife and kids and pick Rubio as VP and campaign as the moderate Repub and be seen as a bit of a here to the center on the primary. Imo a Bush and Rubio is where it is at ... a lot of people will push Jeb including Romney and he can flaunt his Hispanic wife and kids and pick Rubio as VP and campaign as the moderate Repub and be seen as a bit of a hero to the center on the primary.
  8. Cannot wait. Didn't see anyone talking about it apologies if I missed the topic. I truly expect this show to have an explosive ending. I will be disappointed if they don't take risks here in these last 8.
  9. lol. Anyway I'm just saying, unless it is in a historical or philosophical framework, discussion of religious beliefs is faux-intellectualism. A lot of people all over the world believe in a bunch of different--inconsistent--nonsense. A lot of people don't. A lot of people could care less. Each "group" has people who are vocal and who are not. That's about all there is to it.
  10. Not sure how it is any more strange to see someone actively speaking that religion is is false, when people all over the world actively speak that particular religions are truth (the only truth in many cases). As for the motivation it obviously depends on the person. But for the most part, I think many of "these people" just think religion is transparently bogus and say what is on their mind. A lot of people on this board speak out against the "PC" culture. Particularly with race...there is the idea that whether or not you choose to see it there IS oppression and bigotry everywhere and as a result we all need to be super sensitive to racial issues, b/c racial equality and the struggle to finally get to some mythical promise land where we achieve it is basically sacred. So you dare not say something that may offend someone. A lot of people believe that there is a big problem currently with race. A lot of people don't see that at all. MOst people just ignore or don't speak on it. Some do. Blah Blah. When it comes to religion these discussions often can turn into "I have faith but respect those who don't" and "I don't have faith but respect those who do." A giant circle jerk...b/c it's just fluff and leaves out the fact that a large portion of people (if speaking their mind) will say "it's pretty bogus and frankly I don't personally have 'respect' for people's belief in ancient stories about things that I absolute think are false." I'm not, and nobody I know is, saying that anyone should abolish religion. But I certainly don't have to go around just acting like it is somehow entitled to my personal respect. I respect people, and I respect people's rights, but I don't see how it's somehow taboo to admit that if I'm honest I truly don't have any respect of belief in religion. It isn't nasty, it isn't targeted, and honestly it doesn't really affect my opinion of people since so many people are (or claim to religious). But religion itself, it isn't sacred to me. It's silly. I don't "respect" the actual belief of this stuff. I don't feel the need to walk on egg shells. And it is that simple. So the answer to the motivation question is simple...it is how I feel. PS: That is almost unreadable but I can't be bothered to edit it. You catch my meaning, I'm sure.
  11. Well it may or may not be true that the guy is angry. And there is no doubt the melting pot concept is a two way street (and the two-way nature is what makes it so valuable). But let us not confuse the two way street with thinking that it isn't more important for immigrants to assimilate into our culture than for our culture to change for them. As you have said, we've been at this for a while. Generally speaking, we're pretty diverse and open as is. If immigrants come here, it is reasonable to expect them to get with the program.
  12. I think that is a fair statement. IMO, it is true, that America has always done assimilation better than any other country. Where I disagree with that guy is that we still do (for the most part).
  13. What you have basically asked is "wtf is wrong with these people" ... "these people" being those who "openly do something that would be regarded by millions as heresy." The answer is "nothing."
  14. "Take it there?" Take it where? What is your question? How does anyone who talks about religion being silly not think "what if I'm wrong." How do people who think religion is silly not avoid "purposefully saying something defiant?" Have you read what you are typing? I'm not trolling or flaming or working you up for a fight at all here...totally calm just talking...what I'm doing is saying...are you listening to yourself?
  15. Just for fun you aught not hesitate. What religion is reasonable? In what instance is it reasonable to take the scribblings of 1600, 2000, or 3000+ year old nomadic desert dwellers and say: "You know what, that's the answer to life, that is the word of God." "I take it on faith." Few people are anti-freedom in the sense of caring what people choose to do with their lives/mind, but a lot of people--even those who go to Church--know this stuff is just the stories of ancient people who went around doing ancient things that really should have a very limited bearing on our modern society. Useful perhaps as ancient philosophy and history--but if used as more and taken to seriously then it's a joke in my mind. If TC's point is that he can't imagine someone actually saying this, then how can he imagine a believer public praising God (which they a lot)? I have no idea what this topic is about at this point. Seems to be a stealth: "anyone who openly speaks about the absurdity of religion is a jackass topic."
  16. If you think religion is completely silly and taken way to seriously by people--as I do--you are still going to like holidays. Not sure how this hard to understand.
  17. Those are the things this plan would need to be workable as well
  18. I only read the summary but the reason this seems so different is because it leaves out those things I referencedd
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