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Everything posted by dayman

  1. What is your point? They can get on a plane at any point they want and fly back in. "Oh...we're not in session...if we were we would weigh in on this really important issue that may or may not bring the nation into a war but sorry we're on vacation."
  2. culture war! smushmortion! life! death! woo! Who, at this point, is not sick of abortion debate? This story is about some crazy women who had a baby in a bathroom and put it in the toilet tank.
  3. Congress won't debate this b/c they are cowards. It is fiction that--as a body--they want to be responsible for this type of decision. Obama is also a coward b/c he won't just come out and say it isn't our problem Bottom line, if we had any brains or leadership (in any body of government) we would just say "no UN action? then that is it." Partisan hacks will drum up this whole "we need to flex to show power" angle..which means nothing more than "we need to be stupid b/c that's our usual policy."
  4. I have been told--never done this myself--that once you take a big breath of water in you are almost instantly unconscious. So...IDK I think struggling for air is bad but the actual act of drowning once you start is apparently really quick. Big breath, blackness, then your brain dies.
  5. If he lights it up why shouldn't we? A veteran, high pick in the draft, lights it up ... or Jeff Tuel? Would this be a hard choice? We're talking week 1.
  6. It is known that Byrd will not play here after this year. Trade him for something right now. Stop getting nothing. We should have done this when before the deadline last season when we were dead already.
  7. Man, I remember back when self-declared Libertarian wise-men used to be the party of no needless regulation on life. Now their just the party of needless regulation citing opinion poles and not evidence. Voter impersonation is not real. Regardless of what you want to say about the law, that will not change the fact that it is needless.
  8. As far as I know Kolb has enough money. If he has concussion problems (as is evident) he should retire. There is no point. He's young and wealthy. Move on from football. He's already "won" in the sense of the making the money. As for the love of the game, it is just a game. His brain is more important.
  9. Of course it isn't a big deal. The point is that voting should be more accessible not less, over time. Military =/= Voting btw. Things people in the service have to do is in no way analogous to what average joe should have to do to exercise his right to vote. The only reason voting should take any sort of registration or identification at all is to make it secure. There is no evidence elections have been compromised in any meaningful way by voter impersonation anywhere. I don't know why you guys can't just think logically about this one. Brainwash city. This isn't that hard of a thing to wrap your mind around. Your literally arguing for additional, unnecessary regulations. How is this conservative?
  10. I just didn't realize that Americans voting and thus playing some small role in governing themselves was a premise that I needed to back with a mountain of support.
  11. Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter 3m Matt Leinart is signing with the Bills.
  12. Now now, McKelvin is useful to have. There's good and bad with him, but we might as well have kept him.
  13. LOL. Well you don't know me Rob. Sorry your are such a pessimist.
  14. Please define the problem for me then.
  15. It is preseason .... sky is falling .... no-fun crowd is no fun .... shut up ... why are you here ... blah blah .... why watch the Bills if that is your attitude ... you are wrong these guys will play better ... coaches put players in difficult spots on purpose in preseason .... etc etc ... (there--we got that out of the way). The bottom line that any rational Bills fan should understand (and I do believe Bills FANS should be able to be rational on this board) is that nobody in their right mind should believe this defense will be good until they see it at this point. Defensive line doesn't play the way it looks on paper consistently. LB crew is terrible. And DBs are barely a notch better than LBs. Additionally, we have no QB at this point other than the hope that EJ will get it done. There is a strong likelihood that between the offensive line, QB situation, and WR corp....that offense will be inconsistent at best, if healthy, and terrible if even a few injuries happen. IF....EJ ends up being awesome....we may be able to do something. IF that happens...we probably win 9 games (looking at the schedule now) and end up missing the playoffs. That would be an amazing season and I would love it if that became reality. But the best case scenario never becomes reality. So what is the point of this topic? No point. Other than to just say that all signs point to another 5-7 win season ... which is fine b/c nobody on this board is here b/c we are front runners. But all in all ... it is time to get our heads straight since the season is about to start. No sky is falling threads once the season actually starts b/c we all know what is coming deep down. Unless EJ lifts us to the heavens (which will almost definitely not happen based on his college career) ... it is the sameoldbills. Go Bills. Lets enjoy the season, and be happy to root for this average at best team yet again. PS: Preseason means nothing ... but the players you know you have do.
  16. Tuel is a legit backup QB. He's great. I love him. Weak arm is the only reason he can't be a starter. Love him as #2. Done w/ Kolb.
  17. lol step out of your bubble, that's a political loser
  18. Why is this? It should be even easier to vote, we should be doing this crap online in some way. Register to vote, and vote. It is that simple. There is no voter impersonation problem, plain and simple. It is not some huge problem that just so happens to have no evidence of it at all. The incentives to do it are simply not there. It is complete and utter idiocy, and everybody knows it including everyone on this board. If this were in some way flipped, "conservatives" (if that is what we are calling the "voter fraud" crackdown heroes) would be yelling about freedom and how voting is a fundamental right and core to our country and the goal should be to help get every single eligible citizen to vote in each election....Palin would be leading "don't tread on me" marches....but since it isn't flipped the attitude is that stupid/lazy/poor eligible voters should not be able to vote unless they go get an ID they otherwise would not get/don't have? Unbillievable. TLDR: Encouraging all eligible voters to participate and making it as easy to do so as possible is a good thing. Making it harder or more of a pain in the ass for anyone is a bad thing (especially when it provides no benefit...for instance when it is to fix a problem that isn't a problem). Once upon a time this would have been common sense in this country to all people.
  19. The voting rights act has disparate impact language in it...not your standard Title VII (Civil Rights Act) language but still language that makes impact significant. We (USA) aren't always just interested in making intentional discrimination illegal. Sometimes, we want to make sure laws we pass are sensitive to the reality of different classes of people. We don't merely make it illegal to deny people in wheelchairs access to buildings....we make it illegal to set up the building so that no wheelchair people can easily get inside. Similarly, we don't just make it illegal to pass clear (intentionally) discriminatory voting laws...but we also make it illegal to pass laws that result in discriminating against certain classes of people unless there is a damn good reason for the law. With that said, you can still pass laws that have a disparate impact...but you need to show a good reason (e.g. a real problem). TLDR: It isn't just the lawsuits...it's the law.
  20. Looks like a decent team. Certainly not stellar but ok. You're going to basically have to go week to week on QB. You may be best off starting guys off the street several times this season, so don't cling to the QB you have just b/c you drafted them.
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