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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Nice. Could be more precise by not lumping positions together but good.
  2. He claims he isn't interested in going to the school board, yet he just made an insanely effective school board campaign video. Run for office or stop complaining pal.
  3. This team is awesome. Weak RB2 but everything else looks really good.
  4. There is nothing to report. Japan cannot handle it, nobody can, and scientists are working on it but the situation is insane. That's the story.
  5. I wouldn't pick up a Bills WR other than Stevie in a competitive league. But if you insist on a Bill, Woods. By far the most upside.
  6. Not going to knock the 2 TEs since they're both so late. Like the other guy I have no experience in 2 qb leagues...or in 6pt passing TD leagues...so this is way out of the ordinary for me. However, this looks like a stellar draft to me. Assuming there is no flex player your RB depth is great. If there is a flex it could be a bit better but is fine. I like Thompkins but you only have 4 WRs total....but that is probably all you need if healthy w/ those guys. Will never understand taking a defense like that but some people do it ... I prefer to mess w/ waivers but it isn't for everyone. Solid draft imo. I don't know the format or how many players are playing so it is hard to give it a grade.
  7. CJ, Trent, and Megatron is insane to have on one roster. However, I personally don't like Richardson...but everyone else does. Hope I'm wrong b/c your back rbs are a problem once again. It is a problem worth having with those starters and Calvin. Cruz is Cruz nothing to complain about that at WR2. Fair enough QBs you got to hope Stafford goes off b/c he can. WR3 is a committee job and you will likely start guys off waivers a few weeks if TAvon Austin doesn't take the job exclusively in the first few weeks. Not sure what other people are doing in your league but to me 2 kickers and 2 defenses is nuts...but looking at your bench...maybe it isn't so nuts. Doesn't look like there is much talent left out there in this league...so hope to stay healthy. If you are healthy you'll have a competitive set up each week and probably make playoffs. CJ or Trent go down, or God forbid Megatron got hurt...you would out of luck. But that is fantasy. I'll give it an A-.
  8. So at some point next week the UN announces that they confirmed the "question of use." Then they debate who did it? When they debate who did it, the UN may cease all illusion of meaning.
  9. I know. I doubt they would be the factor they are in this situation with a Republican president...but I'll take it. On this issue, I am thankful for the teaparty nuts hehe....GO TEAPARTY!
  10. Hope they do say no. This is a rare situation where Congress being hell bent on jabbing Obama will work in the US interest (assuming the urge to vote against Obama is stronger than the urge to make war).
  11. B+. Stafford+Megatron bonus means boom or bust.
  12. Classic gambling. This will pay off big or crash and burn. Hope to god the WRs you took high produce as advertised and luck out on RBs and you are looking at a top team. If those starting WRs don't get in the endzone this could be brutal. And while the stealing other people's handcuffs may pay off...those are roster spots that may be wasted and if your starters get hurt at RB you are dead.
  13. Like I said 10 team standard scoring. One of the yahoo paid leagues. 10 team. No ppr. QB - Cam WR 1 - Megatron WR2 - Hakeem Nicks WR3 - James Jones (bleh) RB1 - Stevan Ridley RB2 - Reggie Beast TE - Zack Sudfeld (shwing) 1. (4) Calvin Johnson WR 2. (17) Stevan Ridley RB 3. (24) Reggie Bush RB 4. (37) Cam Newton QB 5. (44) Hakeem Nicks WR 6. (57) Lamar Miller RB 7. (64) James Jones WR 8. (77) Daryl Richardson RB 9. (84) Stevie Johnson WR 10. (97) Zach Sudfeld TE 11. (104) Sidney Rice WR 12. (117) Michael Floyd WR 13. (124) Jared Cook TE 14. (137) St. Louis DEF 15. (144) Adam Vinatieri K
  14. the standing Buffalo can't be beat...it is our true logo
  15. Just curious. Obviously the poll options are simple, so feel free to elaborate or otherwise qualify your vote w/ a post.
  16. I wouldn't say we'll be alright. But I wouldn't say we're worse off than we have been in the last decade.
  17. If Obama were a man he would stand up to his advisers, political and military, and just tell everyone he's not going to give the go on this one unless the rest of the world does as well. Tell Kerry he can lead the charge to rally the world as hard as he wants, and that he will help as well...but do not do any war activities at all in conflicts like this unless everyone else muddies their hands as well. World leadership is for suckers. It's about time our President acted as if he realized that. ...now...that is what part of me things...but the other part thinks.... How is this all that different from drones? I don't have a huge problem with drones...if there are these crazy terrorist organizations and we spy well enough to basically know where they are why don't we just blow them up like a video game? Well...this...if we do in fact have an interest in this no chemical-weapons policy and we can fire a few missiles to hurt Assad for using them then why not? ...first paragraph wins out...but it is a closer debate than I would like to admit...and really the only kicker is I don't trust us to execute well I would expect problems and blowback...
  18. Just do nothing. Announce that we don't care. Let Assad gas his people all he wants. Nobody in this country cares enough to get involved in this nonsense anymore. That area of the world is literally hell on Earth. Let them have their hellish life.
  19. This seasons is going to be an utter disaster. Just get rid of Byrd I'm sick of that ass being on this team. Seriously...if you are a whiny baby then just leave. He's overrated anyway.
  20. Have 16 regular season games (that is plenty) and just eliminate the preseason. Teams should scrimmage in crazy places like local highschools or something to test their rookies .... IMO there is absolutely 0 point for veterans to play a single live snap of this game that doesn't count. Of course...preseason makes the NFL free money so it won't happen.
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