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Everything posted by dayman

  1. That would be Obama policy there. Avoiding bombing is random luck.
  2. The only logical solution is everyone having a gun. That is impractical but less impractical than any more gun control at all. Guns cannot be stopped. Price of freedom. Bad choices: Obama, Romney Because of freedom, we have to live w/ the Obamas, Romneys, and gun massacres of the world. *insert Sarah Palin DC comment about Liberty and public sector workers* something about fire and gasoline and containment Excellent post.
  3. lol take the win get pumped about the team and look to next week...let that one go
  4. Point being complaining about how we handle something is better than complaining about how we create a disaster out of something.
  5. IDK. At the very least it was achieved by the act of not bombing. Not bombing is an affirmative act for us in situations like this. Oh and by the way I'll take the results anyway. Funny enough Obama actually comments on this, and imo he's probably right when he says if he had been more affirmative and just made the decision to bomb and then bombed people would have "graded" it better.
  6. Basic summary I get from it is: 1) Syria is not a proxy for a US/Russian conflict (IMO this is true, despite how entertaining it is to act like there is an actual real international conflict that means anything between US and Russia) 2) Assad is backed by Putin here, I don't back Putin, however, we deal with Russia on other issues including important military issues regarding a war we are currently fighting and other terrorism operations. (seems reasonable) 3) Then reinforces that, in light of these facts, Syria is not cold-war between US/Russia. (Once again, a true statement) 4) In the end he wants to do something about chemical weapons but do something that requires little to no US mission. (probably smart if you ask me) 5) If weapons in Syria are taken and they sign the weapons pack, that to me would be a good job. (I can't argue with that...pushed for enforcement of international norm...got some results...no war). I know this is just me defending Obama again...but just so happens it is also just me calling it as I see it as well.
  7. What is great is we are in a position where we can take a TE and and OL real early and feel good about it. We're getting close assuming EJ gets better (still not sold).
  8. Mario had an amazing game. By far his best game as a Bill. Perhaps one of his best ever. Big showing. Had pressure when it counted too, 3rds and whatnot. Amazing. Loved it.
  9. Wood developing into a second WR (opposite Stevie) who is a real part of the offense is huge. While we had a million problems that was as big a problem as ever and to fix it with one draft pick will be big. Hopefully he continues to get better and we have 2 good WRs.
  10. Haven't you heard? This country is worse than 1944 Europe and 1973 USA. We are living in literal hell.
  11. True. We wouldn't have put him on the bench for a few years to pretend like he has a relationship with some vain washed-up penis-texter who hates him and would never teach anything even if it actually worked that way.
  12. Actually I don't. But It makes me cringe. I was never on board w/ Losman. However, I am basically an insane draft fan as I hate on all of our pick and almost all of everyone else's picks...lol...them college boys suck.
  13. LOL. This may be one your best posts. However, you need to stop ogling Rogers.
  14. Only Obama could turn PPP into Putin supporters hehe
  15. Well your privacy interest as to the fact you called, the general area where you were when you called, and how long the call was is diminished (not to say there isn't a privacy expectation, it just isn't as strong). You share this with the phone company. I have not read any cases or anything, but I assume some similar argument is made with respect to emails and servers they may pass through. The exact content of calls and emails depends on what supporting info they have..."apparently" with emails they gather it all live as it passes through and have "warrants" to do so. For calls "apparently" they store them in some sketchy building and promise not to look unless they get a "warrant" and then after some number of years they destroy it. The whole thing is pretty insane. But I will say this....in my mind we have officially found the limit that the public is willing to accept. 1 inch more than that and an actual real movement in Congress would happen.
  16. Whatever "American exceptionalism" once meant, as far as I can tell now that phrase only means that America is the world's sucker who will pay to clean up messes for anyone.
  17. Everything is overblown, But is that really more overblown than anything else? Not so sure. I would say it is pretty important, even if it was most influential in how he ended up feeling/seeing things in the 90s (and how that shapes his current outlook) as opposed to directly influencing how he thinks now.
  18. Haha, no. But if thought I was a productive op-ed, despite the buried line claiming the rebels did the gas attack. Not saying I support the entire document, but I thought the point about strong international law being the best deterrent for nuclear proliferation was decent. Also, I don't get the impression he really thinks Assad didn't gas those people, I get a thinly veiled message that he basically hates terrorists more than gas and thinks the opposition is a majority terrorist movement.
  19. http://www.nytimes.c...a-on-syria.html A Plea for Caution From Russia By VLADIMIR V. PUTIN Published: September 11, 2013 MOSCOW — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, you're telling me you aren't going to read on?
  20. I at least think we have some starters who should be starting in the NFL now. In past years I questioned most positions. A fair amount of them are fine now, at least by that standard (legit NFL talent standard). That is all that is keeping me from saying wrong direction. Hope I'm wrong
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