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Everything posted by dayman

  1. What sort of "training" do these guys get? Is it that complicated when the goal is to 1) blow up, or 2) create chaos with guns until a drone kills you. Not seeing a whole lot of need for extensive training.
  2. Then you are unfit to be my neighbor. Go till the outskirts with the rest of the surfs.
  3. I would not sign that petition but if it really is an entire community of brick houses a wood house would kind of ruin that
  4. Once they drain the swamp what do they do? All of the sudden start attracting more people? The same people they just drained? Or the ones too liberal to have been w/ the GOP before that? This is actually a great post. Several layers of irony.
  5. If you think Cruz is going to come away somehow politically strengthened by this then you think competing in GOP primaries is the end game.
  6. Brewer and Scott are two governors whose entire political identity is anti-Obama...yet...KY has strong GOP presence in state government and controls the senate...yet... Sure the majority of the GOP is going to oppose Obamacare...but at least some on the state level have realized the best thing for their state at this point is improve their state to the extent they can in line with this law...curiously nobody on the federal level (even those representing states that want to move forward) share this view...all politics is local? Or all politics is party?
  7. EJ needs to put in Tebow type effort. Hopefully it will produce non-Tebow-like results lol
  8. I like how you slam the first article as rank partisanship, when it speaks of the actual actions KY has taken to implement it and why they expect it to specifically address an actual problem the people of KY have. Then you post Rand's article citing opinion polls and making general claims with no specifics, and not talking about his state (ignore his state).Many governors, including very conservative governors like Jan Brewer and Rick Scott (who held out until Romney lost, but then had to admit it), see that Obamacare (at least parts of the law) will help the healthcare situation in their state... Point is, it is a broken record and has reached the point of absurdity. Time for everyone to help implement the thing and modify it when inevitable problems occur. That is the only realistic approach to actually governing. Everything else is nonsense to get people worked up solely for political purposes. It is time that GOP members of Congress do work and stop posturing...
  9. What I'm saying is they represent the state. That very same state, elected a governor and legislature that passed legislation and funded agencies and made it a priority to roll this thing out...and expect it to help with what seems to be a big problem for that state. The two senators representing that state are proponents of making all this for nothing. No need to get defensive about this observation.
  10. all I'm saying is the state government of KY has put a lot of effort into it, decided to get behind it, and expect it will be successful...but the 2 federal senators are all for destroying it
  11. A democrat governor. But also the Governor for the state of KY. The senators from KY, couldn't disagree more. Apparently, from the article, the KY legislature was on the ball with the state stuff as well. So it is interesting that the state government is is full steam ahead while the senators are trying to undo everything they are doing.
  12. http://www.nytimes.c...e-now.html?_r=0 FRANKFORT, Ky. — SUNDAY morning news programs identify Kentucky as the red state with two high-profile Republican senators who claim their rhetoric represents an electorate that gave President Obama only about a third of its presidential vote in 2012. The law is starting to take effect. Were the dire predictios correct, or is it lowering costs and expanding access? So why then is Kentucky — more quickly than almost any other state — moving to implement the Affordable Care Act? Because there’s a huge disconnect between the rank partisanship of national politics and the outlook of governors whose job it is to help beleaguered families, strengthen work forces, attract companies and create a balanced budget. It’s no coincidence that numerous governors — not just Democrats like me but also Republicans like Jan Brewer of Arizona, John Kasich of Ohio and Rick Snyder of Michigan — see the Affordable Care Act not as a referendum on President Obama but as a tool for historic change.
  13. You can't seriously ask Bills fans to be patient for this kid can you? Let me explain how the NFL works, rookie QBs ball hard year 1 frequently. He gets no time.
  14. Anyone hate the Jets more than any other team? I feel like everytime we think we may be close to competitive the Jets destroy us. They seem to make it a point to just bully the Bills hard each time and physically dominate us. All I really know is they're supposed to be a clown show but they always find a way put us in our place. I hate playing the Jets.
  15. Mario 2+ sacks Pats destroy terrible Tampa
  16. They're good. Allows me to do more things before drinking and becoming useless. 1pm football destroys my Sunday.
  17. (PPP on culture war grounds...I suppose...anyway this is where I like to post b/c I'm sick) http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/09/19/former-nfl-star-brian-holloway%E2%80%99s-new-york-home-trashed-over-200-partying-teenagers A mob of an estimated 300 teenagers broke into the Stephentown, New York home of former pro football player Brian Holloway and trashed it, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. At the time, Holloway was in Florida but learned of the party as it was happening because many of the kids there sent out tweets about it! At first Holloway thought the whole thing was a joke, until he saw photos of the damage on the internet. ..... Holloway said, “If these kids and parents don’t step up, I promise you there is going to be an experience called shock and awe coming down, and it will be a real loud message sent to every student and every parent.”
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