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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Do you have a link. It is all over twitter but I haven't seen a major news outlet say that yet.
  2. Usually what happens in family court. Think of how much D. Wade had to go through just to get his kids and their mom is/was supposedly a crack head.
  3. http://www.foxnews.c...-after-alleged/ Twitter now claims the child is dead. Adrian Peterson's 2 year old son may have just been beaten to death by a man the mother was dating. Unbelievably tragic. I joke frequently. That is not a joke though.
  4. So anyway, EJ was a big miss and the Bills aught to take a QB first round next year. If EJ improves and beats that guy out great, but after a decade of bottom feeding the Bills should not sit around waiting and hoping EJ does it for 3 years before bringing in additional talent. EJ smells a lot like Tebow, and throws like him too. Time to nab a QB in a supposedly great QB class.
  5. If an election cycle happened where somehow nobody voted for a Republican or Democrat that would change Washington forever and probably for the better. Don't just not vote incumbents...refuse to vote for either major party. Crazyness would ensue...but it would be worth it and it wouldn't be as crazy as we currently are.
  6. Ok enough whining about mods....lets hear the argument from the EJ defenders. Time to hash this out PPP style.
  7. CJ can't spot a hole like Fred, but not many can. "They" are using him wrong. No screens. No tosses. No slot action. No nothing to get him going. Just hand him the ball and run him up the middle. Unless he bounces it himself...they are treating him like Fred. He is not Fred. He is fast as hell and hard to tackle (contrary to what you have said). I stand by CJ. EJ sucks though, throw him to the wolves. In fact, EJ is so subpar that I would argue that we could actually be better. We really weren't getting quality QB play out of him, there is every bit the chance we get something similar or even better within a few weeks of other guys playing in there. Then our defense gets healthy. We could be better in 2 or 3 weeks w/ out EJ. Optimism.
  8. Geno is by no means great. I'm still saying I would trade EJ for him. EJ has not looked fine to me. Watch him play. Guy can't hit the broadside of a barn. Geno has been improving and throws a great ball. Don't give me "he pretty much beat the pats." What he did was lose to the Pats. And miss a bunch of big throws throughout the first part of the season. He could easily have been worse, in fact he never bottomed out as Geno had done. But you can tell Geno has a live arm and reads the field with aggression. EJ...EJ looks lame back there. Low ceiling. Guy isn't going dominate defenses in this league.
  9. That buy out would not influence me one bit unless I was already considering retiring in the next 2 years.
  10. From everything I've seen so far we absolutely should have taken Geno. EJ is not good, plain and simple. Geno zips the ball around pretty well. I would take a Geno for EJ trade right now. Then again, this is not a new thought of mine. I always thought EJ sucked in college and was appalled when we took him. EJ Manuel sucks. Plain and simple. He's potentially a decent back up in the this league nothing more.
  11. It's all a game. Partisans on both sides have been brainwashed to think it isn't. Nothing can be done about that.
  12. majority of the majority is hogwash and everyone knows it
  13. Enraged by low wages, fuel prices, regulations, the government shutdown, the debt ceiling, President Obama and "the corruption that is destroying America," Well that is a sufficiently specific set of grievances....
  14. Seriously though I think that is a good idea. You should defend the game in your first match. I would read that topic.
  15. lmfao just started looking into what this is...wow... 4mer's first argument topic should be to defend this game against whoever he is against. Talk about lame.
  16. Not true. Almost every team in the league has a better backup than we did last week.
  17. I want us to draft another 1st round QB. Even if EJ beats the new guy out...it will still be worth it. We should continue to be aggressive in acquiring possible franchise guys until we know we have one. It isn't turning your back on EJ by getting him some competition.
  18. Just a mini-review to let everyone know...the movie "Gravity" delivers as advertised. It must be seen in Imax 3d...not just imax...not just 3d...and once it is released on the small screen it won't be the same so you have to see it in theaters. Anyway....it promises amazing visuals and the coolest space experience ever as a viewer. It delivers. Highly recommended. Go see it.
  19. In all honestly Leftwich is probably the best lol. However, he would likely break his body by the second snap. JP would be like some strange dream....and Freeman probably will look to a franchise where he thinks he could earn the start long-term. So idk...we're kind of out of luck. Is there some obscure Canadian QB we can call down for a few weeks?
  20. I pretty much know it is the same old bills. You can see it by watching them. However, I hope I am wrong. Also, even if it is the same old bills...it is still good enough to luck into 9 win season one of these years and possibly get a wild card. But until we actually win division games...same old bills.
  21. Whoo...may be time to hit the waiver wire unless that is a deep league. With those options why not...start woods lol.
  22. Do the trade but propose a counter sending him Cameron but not taking on a TE. If you have Graham and it is a 1 TE league then get a WR or RB tacked on forget about a back up TE
  23. DonteHitner Verified account ‏@DonteWhitner It's official...The W is being removed from my last name from Whitner to Hitner...GM
  24. I would veto this even w/ out a pattern of collusion. Only way I wouldn't veto is if the guy giving up charles was doing well in the league...and that is out of sole selfishness. I veto trades that are too lopsided even w/ out a reason to suspect collusion. This one easily fits the bill. Charles is a guy you are happy to start each week. He is #2 and looks to stay in that neighboorhood all season. Bowe is a guy who can be used only to rotate in at WR3 and for byes and Moreno is not worthy of a start. That is just me...and that is assuming standard format.
  25. Several non-smoking activists also complain of being placed in cells with chain-smokers. lol what?
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