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Everything posted by dayman

  1. In theory it clarifies exactly what you get and for how much regarding the plans that are available to you. Promoting transparency and enhancing competition. In reality, you don't get a subsidy unless you use the exchange. Democrats killed the public option.
  2. They won't fire Shanny yet but anyone can see it is 1 or 2 year away max and this little push won't end with even 1 playoff victory this year or next.
  3. I'm a Gator fan, have countless FSU fans as friends, and watch SEC/ACC football closely. Jameis is in fact miles better than EJ. It is just a fact guys. Don't worry about it though, because Jameis is also probably the best QB to play in the state of Florida in a LOOONG time. Jameis is better, but that is because Jameis is great. Also, sadly (I know this is not popular to say) EJ has always kind of sucked and still does. Just more facts. FSU fans would be the first to tell you this too, btw. Great guy, average QB (at best).
  4. You guys see this yet? You can buy stock in the future football related earnings of Arian Foster. 20% at stake for 10M offering. LOL what the hell do you think about this? http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/10/17/arian-foster-startup-nfl-football-player/3004681/
  5. Well obviously it depends on how much you make and where you live. But this is why you need to live in a southern state where income tax is prohibited by the constitution and funding schools is an afterthought. Plus the weather is warm and the water nice.
  6. Or maybe I'm just pointing out that Walmart has a very public record of how to deal with theft in their circumstance, and it's to deal with it the same way they did here. The same way they always do. So calm down there peppy. Or we can all enjoy being outraged about this story, b/c it is so surprising, and we all must get worked up over every news story we see b/c it is very important stuff.
  7. Of course. I was mainly responding to Azalin there.
  8. Walmart never presses charges. And they're doing just fine if you hadn't noticed.
  9. Did you watch the game? They were manhandled. Out physical'd at home. Pushed around. Etc.
  10. Defense let us down today. We were dominated. Congrats to the Bills for keeping it close somehow.
  11. We need primary primaries. Each party has a loon primary and a more centrist primary...then the loon runs against the centrist....then the the two winners of that go against each other lol
  12. I would say hovering right around middle of the pack. Perhaps a bit lower but not much.
  13. Once again, never said tank it every year. I'm saying...very clearly...just take another QB high next year. That doesn't mean tank or give up on EJ. We haven't had a qb in forever, we took EJ, we still don't have a QB. Maybe we will one day, but we do not today. Take QBs. TAke a lot of them.
  14. Yes if you only coach people they thrown balls like world class qbs. But you have to coach them. There had better not be anyone competing with them either. lol
  15. So by develop you mean coddle and devote eras of wasted Bills football? EJ has several games left this season when he comes back, all offseason, all preseason, and a huge heads up on the league and play book on any rookie we bring in. If looking over his shoulder at some new pick we bring in tanks him and the new pick plays better...then the new pick is the QB of the Bills and we are the better for it. What you are describing is ancient thinking and one of the prime reasons the Bills and other bad teams stay bad.
  16. I am in no way saying give up. In fact, I'm arguing the opposite. Don't give up. Don't assume EJ will magically become the guy. If he becomes the guy, great. Keep drafting until he does. Also, just so happens, if you watch him play you can see he is bad.
  17. Johnny was to show that guy that could slip to late first and even 2nd imo can easily beat out EJ. Not saying he would, but yes..I absolutely think Johnny could ball harder than EJ in camp next year, preseason, and start week 1.
  18. If that is the case then so be it. However, chatter indicates several quality QBs this year. Chatter indicated none last year. And personally I would take Johnny Football and make EJ compete with him.
  19. Believe me I've known about EJ for years. Many of my good friends are die hard FSU fans and FSU is obviously the GAtors' (who I am a fan of) in-state rival. He's exactly what he always was and always will be. Sub-par. This won't change imo. I knew he sucked as a Gator fan. My FSU friends all acknowledge he was pretty average. I root for it to change but it just isn't there. I see no way EJ simply learns to throw on a level he clearly cannot throw. Throws bad balls. Also, this man will choke on you too...even though the Panthers blew coverage earlier in the year. Great kid, but kind of a Tebow in that way...you want him to succeed but he isn't going to cut it.
  20. Replace what? We still don't have a good solid qb. Maybe EJ can be one in a few years, probably not IMO he looks bad. But we aren't replacing anything...we don't have anything there.
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