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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I pretty much agree with what you have said except that he's clearly better than EJ.
  2. Absolutely. It would be a complete CRIME not to do so. And btw...Johnny Football has a whole host of problems himself...but absolutely he would be the best QB on this team week 1 and forever even if he never got any better.
  3. How about as long as he's dominating and on occasion single handedly making the difference in a W you will root for him? Show some respect. This man is extremely important to this team. Probably the most valuable single piece we have.
  4. We love ya Marv, enjoy retirement you've earned it. Say whatever, it's all good.
  5. The Redskins will hang on to Shanny forever. They're wrong for doing so. Guy sucks.
  6. I see the reality that we have been in all these games. I also see the schedule soften up big time down the stretch. Bottom line is EJ would have to play like a great 1st round pick for us to do that. If that happens...I'll be happy. But I doubt that happens.
  7. Securing a legal argument for payment of contract money and setting up possible basis for lawsuit to obtain even more. He's probably done in the league and wasn't that great anyway...making sure he sets himself up.
  8. I'm actually pretty satisfied with Marrone at the moment. And I'm a natural hater, as well as a guy who hated Marrone at first. There are some things that have sucked ... but we don't look terrible and the QB situation gives him a valid excuse imo for losing some of the close games (all games we are in being close).
  9. agreed, hence my last line also putting blame on the GM
  10. Basically the same comments most everybody has given on the issue. Heard Polian on Cowherd today ... basically said the same thing. The interesting part imo was Fletcher and Polian both really emphasize how the veterans are expected to control this. Don't get me wrong, it does make sense that the HC is not the babysitter of grown men. However, the HC is the boss. Every boss I've worked for controls the interaction that happens in the office ... not to a micro-level but they set a tone and people know how tight or lose it is based on the boss. So ... I guess what I'm saying is I understand it's a team sport and HC is not a babysitter however ... he is a boss and there is clearly, in my mind, a duty and responsibility to set a tone. Sounds like Miami's coach set absolutely no tone at all and just let the inamtes run the assylum. When I hear Polian talk about Dungy and Marv relying on veterans a lot to handle this...it sounds like they rely on them handling this knowing they have bought in and are down with the overal tone they set. Here...Miami appears to just have let them handle it w/ absolutely no expectations or guidelines set in the first place. And this is not just to throw the coach under the bus ... it's also the GM. He let all the veteran leadership go and brought in Incognito to replace them lol
  11. Was it s*** or was it a more disgusting three letter word?
  12. Agreed. Obviously that is an inapropriate word, but to focus on that here misses the entire point. The point is Incognito is a maniac and there are other idiots in the locker room who are now defending this. Time these kids, and they are kids, in the NFL learn a bit about the real world and how to act in society. To an extent I understand that it will never be like a normal work enviroment there...but these guys needs to be given a lesson is real world adult behavior. This is shameful, and it isn't about the N-word.
  13. lol check this link out: http://deadspin.com/psa-features-richie-incognito-encouraging-fans-to-be-ci-1458188409?autoplay=1
  14. Primary backup = 1st or 2nd round pick in next years draft. Or EJ, if that guy is better.
  15. Anyone who knows anything about administrative law knows that article is for fools. They will give it the good fight though, obviously. The rule is there though, therefore I'm 100% right.
  16. Spiller is hurt. Jeff Tuel may play QB for us (lol). And Stevie is always limping around with his forever-pulled hamstring. KC is undefeated late into the season. However, we have beat the hell out of them 2 years in a row. Traded home and away games over the last two seasons and won both by a combined margin of vitory of 53 points. Yes, both teams have new QB under center, new coaches, and a few new players. But ultimately the bulk of the teams are substantially the same. KC scares nobody. They've squeeked by two 3rd strings in their last two victories and their luck could run out against a team that has absolutely destoryed them 2 straight years. We may have their number. We could easliy be "the upset of the week." PS: At least one ESPN head picked us...SVP on his radio show today.
  17. Well the black box is only necessary if you are using the roads. hehe I mean, toll roads have cameras anyway...
  18. Not saying you're wrong, but I'm 99% sure I'm correct.
  19. The black box keeping track of your highway use and then taxing your proportionally. I think it was on O'Rielly... IDK though I'm not here trying to say this is a libertarian-sanctioned thing I'm just saying I once saw Stossel talk about it. I was somewhat surprised at his take but after the fact it doesn't seem so surprising. Don't get me wrong, count me as one of the people who love my free roads and will throw a fit if I can no longer mooch off the government when I drive around.
  20. Been months since I've thought about it...but if I recall correctly...no. The subsidies come directly from the feds through the IRS and you get them if you sign up through the exchange (federal or state) and purchase an individual policy and qualify financially. Medicaid is a "state program" that the feds pay for and partially control but it is ultimately a state program (or "state administered program" if you like). Therefore, unless States agree to accept the additional Medcaid money it doesn't get to the people b/c it must pass through the "state program" to get there.
  21. I've actually heard Stossel go on about how this idea is not inconsistent with his philosophy and he's not necessarily opposed to this.
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