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Everything posted by dayman

  1. He's to old for anything other than Lynch type payment
  2. I'm all for thinking about playoffs. Makes the season fun. Might as well get into while we can. Next loss and it is over.
  3. Just franchise the man forever. We need him. It's the NFL.
  4. I'm really excited about Goodwin. Also encouraged about Robert Woods. Hell, even TJ makes plays occasionally despite still appearing lost most of the time. We still need to upgrade Chandler when the opportunity presents itself and we also need to keep an eye out for a new #1.
  5. I think EJ sucks, therefore I am a hater, however Marrone is somewhat "learning" how to coach this team. In any event, the team is vastly improved from what it was last year and IMO this is due to Marrone. He's papered over some holes very well, and sometimes when he coaches around the paper in the game it is frustrating to watch. Provided we continue to upgrade in key spots (particularly on offense) I believe Marrone will work out and be the best coach we've had in some time.
  6. He openly admitted he wanted to draft a QB high before he left.
  7. They can only slip out of this if they make a point not to tie themselves to it anyway. If EJ continue to be terrible and we do nothing in the offseason and trot him out again next season....it's their disaster imo.
  8. I don't trust NYG at all for the rest of this year so you know where I stand.
  9. I think he'll have at least 1 huge play and probably a TD against his old team. IMO go w/ Harvin. Huge risk though.
  10. *All leagues are standard scoring (no PPR)* The following are decisions I must not miss out on this week across my 2 "big money" leagues: Stevan Ridely @Car - or - Lamar Miller v.SD James Jones @NYG - or - Hakeem Nicks v.GB - or - DeAndre Hopkins v.Oak (pick 2 of these 3) Cam Newton v.NE - or - Philip Rivers @MIA Percy Harvin v.MIN - or - Roddy White @TB CJ Spiller v.NYJ - or - Fred Jackson v.NYJ - or - Deangelo Williams v.NE - or Shane Vareen @CAr (pick 2 of 4, bye week hurting me here)
  11. We need to continue to draft WRs this summer. At least 1 top 4 round pick on someone who does not bust. And we need to cut TJ's sorry ass to make room for him.
  12. EJ is who you thought it was TC. Basically what you described, exactly what he showed in college. Hopefully he gets better, I don't think he will.
  13. I would be shocked if this wasn't effective if used much more often, very significant percentage, so long as it is practiced more (obviously...taken seriously etc you don't merely do this).
  14. Go for 2, onside, never punt...always? No. But way more often? Yes. At the very least less talented teams should be self-aware in the offseason and devote serious work to building this into their identity and working to be good at it. Good teams should also consider it...for example...Peyton Manning never punting would be uniquely effective this year IMO. Going for 2 if you are Carolina could be a great idea if you devoted a lot of time to mastering the art.
  15. LOL this board is so obsessed with our analytics guy.
  16. Mike Evans would be great. I think so but either way him and Johnny are gone.
  17. If you don't focus on QB, there can be no doom and gloom. Mild frustration at times in spots. Also some good moments, more than is usual for sure. But not doom and gloom. If you focus on QB...well...
  18. Can't argue with any of those points.
  19. That is true. But he has shown he has the talent. His busting (the extent he is busting) is a shared responsibility. Probably more heavily leaning on the Bills.
  20. Maybe so but if the Bills pass on him (certainly if they pass on him in the 2nd) they better hope they don't miss w/ whoever they pick. Better to miss w/ Johnny than someone else.
  21. Lets hope we have a healthy QB better than EJ. Please God.
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