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Everything posted by dayman

  1. And this was no Brady...everyone KNEW he was great value there. Nobody knew how good...but at 3/4...everyone knew he was great value. And there we are...passing on available great value at QB... I hate this team. This season really is a breaking point for me. I'll be back on the wagon for the draft and week1 but I'm going to sulk for some time. Extremely disgusted.
  2. I think he is in an absolutely amazing situation that suits him right now. As a result he is overrated (although he is good). Still stings that we gave him away for nothing.
  3. It is far from clear at this point that EJ is definitely better than Geno. Although, he likely is. That said, being better than trash makes you slightly less disgusting trash. Who cares who the best QB was this year...they are all terrible...and in all likelihood it's that dweeb in Tampa anyway.
  4. We need to tank. Cut Stevie now regardless of cap implications (he's always hurt and chokes like nobody I have ever seen and he's obviously not even close to being a real #1)...also cut Chandler (bleh he's useless)...let young guys step up and fill those roles (probably poorly and hence the tanking)...then hopefully EJ will look bad enough to justify another QB and Woods and other WRs will get some experience...then you go nuts on offense this draft...we need a new LG, QB, WR, and TE. Defense will just have to wait until next year unless we can do stuff in FA. Franchise Byrd again...screw him he has to stay we need him.
  5. Why the hell would you continue to choose to root for THIS franchise even if they moved. Then it is simply a question of who do you like ... trust me you don't like this team absent the town. Nobody does.
  6. It really isn't rocket surgery. That's the truth. This team is just run by a bunch of losers. Terrible GMs through the years. Terrible management. Mostly terrible coaches. Absentee owner. Etc... All it takes is for someone to somehow be right about a QB at some point btw ... that is how bad we are ... not even close to hitting on a QB in ages. .
  7. Easily the best game of the season. Will go down as one of the greatest games in Iron Bowl history if not...honestly...the greatest game.
  8. great game hope it goes to overtime
  9. Have you heard of Bitcoin? What do you think about it? I would be interested to hear what some here think of it, given that PPP has a decent mix of libertarian tendencies. I've known the term for a while but only recently looked it up as it has been becoming more and more mainstream lately. After watching a few videos explaining it I have to admit I am intrigued. While it is clearly complicated, it has the potential to be much more legitimate than I thought before I learned more. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin ^^wikipedia article^^ https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/money-and-banking/bitcoin/v/bitcoin-what-is-it ^^series of videos that explain it (highly recommended if you are interested)^^
  10. Some sort of great prospect on the DL or at OLB would be great. I don't want another DB high, even though they're always attractive. If there is a great TE in RD 1 that would be exciting, same if there is a great WR (I would take MIke Evans in RD 1 in a heart beat).
  11. Obviously. It would be nice if some posters would just about they will blast anything we do so long as Obama is president.
  12. Well you just "reinstate full and/or enhanced sanctions." That is easily done, at least as it applies to only the U.S. In any event I think this brings more attention to their reactors than anything...there will be a microscope on everything that is going on there now if anything I think that is a win for those against it.
  13. I mean we're giving them $7B of their own money back to them. That is our concession? I'd say that getting any sort of slow down in exchange for that at this point is fine.
  14. So the article said the relief is valued at $7B? And that the restriction on enrichment are minimal. Sounds like a token deal that really has no indication on what the final deal will be, but has some indication that a final deal is possible.
  15. Jets fans should obviously admit that they don't want Geno for long and want to look at anyone who may be better. As should the Bills.
  16. It would likely ruin my life. I already spend way too much time thinking about the NFL. If we got to the point where we were winning playoff games, I would become useless for several months a year.
  17. Will make an appearance at no less than 1 of these. I wear all yellow every time I go out in public regardless of the circumstances...so look for me.
  18. Well put. Just b/c ATL has been terrible doesn't mean my Bills are going to show up and handle that roster unless we play well. Same can be said (if not more) for every other team except Jacksonville. God help us if we lose to Jacksonville (despite their recent wins)...we are clearly better than the Jags. We have to play well for 6 straight weeks just to have a chance. We haven't done that in a long time. I'm not putting in for time off for playoffs anytime soon.
  19. They are purposefully tool-bags...it's a day-time/cheap drama model. In any event, Skip was dead on with what he said about EJ.
  20. http://espn.go.com/n...layoffs/machine Just messed around with it and quickly picked each game as I thought it would be and purposefully made the Bills go undefeated. We (predictably) made the playoffs. If I take away any one of the wins, we obviously do not. EDIT: Just messed with it more it is possible to make it at 8-8.
  21. Benghazi is still top of PPP? My God...
  22. Geno was terrible and our D was good, but it did show Nelson to be nothing worth crying over. Honestly--and I can't believe I will say this--we're better off with TJ Graham than Nelson.
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