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Everything posted by dayman

  1. EJ is frustrating to watch at this point. I doubt he will get any better.
  2. Stevie, at this point, will not be a leading contributor to any deep playoff team.
  3. We should dump everything into this draft. Trade the future for as many early picks as you can get this year...grab Evans and a QB and a TE and a OG and some depth on the OL. All offense...all the time...but we MUST have a new QB and WR to start next year.
  4. There are other scenarios that would also be great. However, I agree that we should basically be all offense this draft.
  5. I could not agree more. I now go to only 2 or 3 games a year (college and pro combined) and just make sure to pay what it takes to have awesome seats/experience when I go. I mean when I'm at home I've got the food ready, the cold beer, the giant tv w/ NFL ticket, a second TV for the redzone to track fantasy, my computer is up for NFL chat/boards and fantasy, and there are great seats everywhere. Going to games doesn't compete with that unless you have amazing seats.
  6. http://blogs.wsj.com...thaek/?mod=e2tw –Mr. Jang “committed such hideous crime as attempting to overthrow the state by all sorts of intrigues and despicable methods with a wild ambition to grab the supreme power of our party and state.” –“…despicable human scum Jang, who was worse than a dog, perpetrated thrice-cursed acts of treachery in betrayal of such profound trust and warmest paternal love shown by the party and the leader for him.” –When Kim Jong Un was elected vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea… “he [Jang] behaved so arrogantly and insolently as unwillingly standing up from his seat and half-heartedly clapping, touching off towering resentment of our service personnel and people.” –“Jang did serious harm to the youth movement in our country, being part of the group of renegades and traitors in the field of youth work bribed by enemies. Even after they were disclosed and purged by the resolute measure of the party, he patronized those cat’s paws and let them hold important posts of the party and state.” –“He [Jang] worked hard to put all affairs of the country under his control, massively increasing the staff of his department and organs under it, and stretch his tentacles to ministries and national institutions.” My God how the hell does this joke country go unbothered by the rest of the world?
  7. I generally have no problem cutting ties the moment I no longer believe someone is a part of "what makes the Bills good." This includes Kelsay and guy like Fred (in the event he reaches that point). But I do get why guys like Kelsay and Fred are latched onto...I get it...but Stevie is not one of those guys. No reason to latch onto Stevie.
  8. If the problem with our QB position was coaching maybe this would be worth reading...
  9. I say yes. Obviously not the prudent thing to do but I'm just sick of watching him...he's not that good and certainly not a game-changing #1 and frankly I'm sick of him being our flagship WR
  10. I will be extremely disappointed if ej isn't beat out by someone before week1
  11. I'm usually numb at this point in the season
  12. We around thanksgiving it was over $100 not it is just under $700...time to buy? lol
  13. EJ would be lucky to be like Shaub. In any event, your general point is correct. You need a guy who is going to go out there and sling the thing all over the place and you hope he puts some seasons together where he doesn't turn it over. That guy is not EJ.
  14. I would not draft Hughes, Glenn, or McKelvin round 1 for their play this year. Although, they have not played bad.
  15. I will watch. I won't care if we win or not. Certainly wouldn't mind losing out although I will not root for that.
  16. I give the Bills a 40% chance of winning tomorrow.
  17. Perhaps Pontius Pilate killed iidealistic communism? *runs*
  18. Honestly, political affiliation aside....if I ran the NFL (being the all powerful, appeal to everyone machine it is) I would outlaw this commercial too. Along with every other conservative, liberal, religious, etc commercial. Keep it to beer, movies, online dating sites, etc....SB is a party no need to bum anyone out and drag a loaded conversation in. Just my opinion.
  19. The guy lived an incredible life and achieved one of most significant world victories in modern times. He was also apart of a somewhat unstable revolutionary group before prison where some violence or the planning violence can be linked to him. Pretty interesting guy to me. Not surprising many world leaders admire him.
  20. Yeah but wait until the jets bail in geno and we have ej for 4 years
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